similar to: Logrotate Issue

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Logrotate Issue"

2010 Nov 26
simple website hit counter
Googling for this finds me a ton of stuff that doesn't actually do what I'm looking for. I want a simple hit counter cgi script of some kind that will increment a counter on every page load but I want to access the counter from a different page. In other words, I don't want to have a visible hit counter on the webpage itself. I want to have a different webpage that will show me the
2003 Aug 13
automating smbclient tasks
Ladies and Gents, My project requires me to share IIS log files with my Linux box. The outcome of this solution is using Webalizer instead of horrid Webtrends. I have testing most of this procedure, Webalizer does great with the combined log files (using mergelog). In any case, I need to script the download of the files from one server to another. I use something of the following to connect
2006 Jul 27
Monitor traffic/bandwidth by mountpoint
Found this: Traffic monitoring by mountpoint like this ought to be built into icecast server. Thanks, Shannon -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Thomas B. Ruecker Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2006 6:19 PM To: Subject: Re: [Icecast] Monitor
2011 May 24
CentOS 5.6 PHP 5.3 and SquirrelMail
OK, so I did an upgrade to PHP 5.3 on one of my servers. I noticed the uninstall of php also removed SquirrelMail and it won't install under PHP 5.3. Has anybody worked this out with a good RPM or repo solution? -- John Hinton 877-777-1407 ext 502 Comprehensive Online Solutions
2007 Sep 26
Intrusion Detection Systems
Situation: We are providing hosting services. I've grown tired of the various kiddie scripts/dictionary attacks on various services. The latest has been against vsftpd, on systems that I can't easily control vs. putting strict limits on ssh. We simply have too many users entering from too many networks many with dynamic IP addresses. Enter.... thinking about LIDS or Log Based
2016 Jul 28
ElasticSearch Logrotate not working
Hey guys, I have this log rotation script setup in my /etc/logrotate.d folder /var/log/elasticsearch/*.log { daily rotate 100 size 50M copytruncate compress delaycompress missingok notifempty create 644 elasticsearch elasticsearch } And I notice that log files are still being generated that are upwards of 7 or 8 GBs. Can anyone point out to me where the
2008 Aug 29
Webalizer displays wrong year
I just run webalizer manually on an Apache log, like I have done many times before. Some new statistics were created, but for "August 2006" instead of "August 2008". I cannot figure why! Because of my mistake, the webalizer statistics for this site have not been updated since February. Now I tried to update them for the first time - with the results I described above. The
2011 Apr 10
Webalizer and GeoIP?
I have a small problem with webalizer. I use it to analyze logs of a small web server hosting a single site, and the only thing I am interested in from webalizer is the piechart diagram it produces about the geographic distribution of people visiting the site. However, the piechart it produces gives me a very crude information, with 50% or so of visitors belonging to "unresolved",
2011 Dec 17
Random Proliant Crashes CentOS 6.1
I've been seeing some random Proliant DL380 G4 64bit crashes. Each time, on the console are messages relating tojbd2/cciss and something about a waitfor 120 seconds. Is anybody else seeing anything like this? Oddly, I can't seem to find this in the logs. I guess it can't write when this happens. -- John Hinton 877-777-1407 ext 502 Comprehensive Online
2005 Feb 07
Bind Issues
I'm running bind in a chroot environment. It seems that since the Redhat snafu which wrecked bind (yes, I had caching nameserver running as well but not anymore) I have been having problem with my slave nameservers retrieving updates from the master. Looking at the zone records, some are owned by root, some are owned by named. I'm now confused as to what the ownership should be and
2004 Aug 06
Webalizer for streams
Hello, last night, I worked to make a new version of webalizer for streams. I put some info and example here: If you are interested... It's not finished (yearly stats are not ready), but monthly and daily stats are fine. I'll try to have it integrated to regular webalizer version. Chris --- >8 ---- List archives:
2008 Jul 19
Bind Firewall Rules
OK, so does anybody have a good firewall rule solution for what we're supposed to be doing with bind these days? Obviously port 53 is no longer enough. TIA John Hinton
2004 Aug 06
parsing icecast 1 and icecast2 logs in GUI web format
I know this was mentioned some time back, but I am curious if anyone has had any further success with this. My radio station is looking for a nice clean comprehensive overview of all connections to our icecast 1 and 2 servers. Someone had tweaked the webalizer program to render all the stats in a nice GUI format. However, there were still a couple items missing. Just wondering what everyone else
2012 Jul 09
Does anybody have a working version of tcptrack running on Centos 6 x64? The rpmforge rpm installs and runs on the -t eth# command, but if you add a port to it, it bombs with a pcap compile error. It runs fine for me on Centos 5 x64, but seems to have what looks like an old bug reintroduced in 6. -- John Hinton 877-777-1407 ext 502 Comprehensive Online Solutions
2011 Oct 06
CentOS 6 and Pyzor
Had anybody been successful in getting Pyzor to run on CentOS 6 64bit? I have it running fine on CentOS 6 32 bit, and I 'think' I did identical installs. But, from the command line I keep getting Oct 6 13:36:00.659 [16065] dbg: pyzor: network tests on, attempting Pyzor Oct 6 13:36:06.205 [16065] dbg: pyzor: pyzor is available: /usr/bin/pyzor Oct 6 13:36:06.206 [16065] dbg: pyzor:
2011 Sep 27
Expunge Old Email
For those of you running mailservers on CentOS 6, what are the suggestions for programs to expunge old email? For instance, deleting email from a Spam folder that is 2 weeks old or older. I see that Dovecot does have a solution, but was wondering about what others have landed on. My systems are basically Postfix, Dovecot using Maildir. Thanks, John Hinton
2010 Jul 06
Logwatch with Postfix and Amavisd-new
I'm trying to get usable reports out of logwatch on this new system. Looks like the reports are running in an 'unformatted' mode under Postfix/Amavisd. I found a couple of programs, postfix-logwatch and amavisd-logwatch. These sound promising. I am running Amavisd as the frontend to Postfix. Is anybody running either of these as a logwatch filter? If so, is it repetitive to run
2006 May 13
Changing Console Display Settings
Hmm.. after all these years I actually have a monitor on my desk beside me going through a couple of KVMs to our racks. So, I hope to make more use of direct console connections instead of shelling in. But, now.... the text has always been huge and the interface clunky. And after a bit of googling around, and file searching on the system, I can't seem to find where or if there is a way to
2006 Apr 09
First SSH now VSFTP
Seems the script kiddies are now hitting vsftp with dictionary attacks. I had three boxes showing around 12000 attempts from one IP yesterday. My thoughts are that there should be an upstream solution for this which is then supported by the upstream vendor. Yes, I know there are several 'other' solutions, but I'd really like to stay mainstream and use a supported method for
2012 Mar 07
Cloud on CentOS Server
I'm looking into adding a cloud to one of my servers. Criteria: security accessible via Windoze, Android Mobile Devices, iPhones, iPads, Macs Preferably something living under one of the better repos, such as epel An active project doing updates and adding features. I don't suppose any of you have ideas for this? ;) -- John Hinton 877-777-1407 ext 502 Comprehensive