Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "Subsetting data leads to funky plots"
2007 May 18
Goodness-of-fit test for gamma distribution?
Hi all,
I am wondering if anyone has written (or knows of) a function that
will conduct a goodness-of-fit test for a gamma distribution. I am
especially interested in test statistics have some asymptotic
parametric distribution that is independent of sample size or values
of fitted parameters (e.g., a chi-squared distribution with some
fixed df), because I want to fit gamma distributions to
2011 Feb 21
Species accumulation curves with differential sampling effort
Hello! I'm a PhD student working with coral reef fish diversity in Mexico.
I want to do species accumulation curves but I have differential sampling
effort for each "sample".
Do you know or have developed an R script that consider the differential
effort of each sample?
PRIMER and other programs use each pack of species as a replica without the
possibility of telling the program that
2009 Mar 27
print table (data.frame) to pdf
How can I print a data.frame to a PDF with pdf()...dev.off()
Paulo E. Cardoso
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Mar 19
one/multi-dimensional scaling with incomplete dissimilarity matrix
Dear David,
you asked this question a while ago on the R mailing list and got no
answer. I have the same problem and was wondering if you had found a solution
Loic Thibaut, PhD candidate,
ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies,
School of Marine Biology, James Cook University,
Qld, 4811, Australia.
Tel + 61 747 815 735, Fax: + 61 747 251 570, email:
2008 Nov 12
.Random.seed is double
I am experiencing a problem with the random number generator. When I call
any function that involve RNG such as "runif" or "sample" I get this error:
.Random.seed is not an integer vector but of type 'double'
I can't coerce the random seed and it's recommended not to alter it anyway.
Can anybody help me?
Thanks and kind regards,
Piero Visconti, PhD
2006 Nov 24
low-variance warning in lmer
For block effects with small variance, lmer will sometimes
estimate the variance as being very close to zero and issue
a warning. I don't have a problem with this -- I've explored
things a bit with some simulations (see below) and conclude that
this is probably inevitable when trying to incorporate
random effects with not very much data (the means and medians
of estimates are plausibly
2012 Apr 14
R Error/Warning Messages with library(MASS) using glm.
Hi there,
I have been having trouble running negative binomial regression (glm.nb)
using library MASS in R v2.15.0 on Mac OSX.
I am running multiple models on the variables influencing the group size of
damselfish in coral reefs (count data). For total group size and two of my
species, glm.nb is working great to deal with overdispersion in my count
data. For two of my species, I am getting a
2011 Sep 13
mvpart analyses with covariables
Hi all,
I am fairly new to R and I am trying to run mvpart and create a MRT using
explanatory variables and covariables. I've been following the procedures in
Numerical Ecoogy with R.
The command (no covariables) which works fine -
ABUNDTMRT <- mvpart(abundance ~
where abundance is 4th root
2012 Aug 22
(Slight) calculation discrepancy in escalc (metafor package)
I recently started using the metafor package (version 1.6-0) in R (2.15.1,
64-bit Windows 7) and noticed that I was getting slightly different values
when I manually calculated the standardized mean difference versus what
escalc was giving me. Here''s a very simple example:
escalc(measure="SMD", m1i=5,m2i=10,n1i=5,n2i=5,sd1i=1,sd2i=2,vtype="LS")
The result
2011 Feb 06
Multiplying elements of vectors
Hi guys:
Sorry if this question is very basic. I?m learning basic matrix and
vectors multiplication to develop a population matrix model for
plants. I?m trying to multiply the elements of two vectors (each of
the ?x? values by each of the ?y? values) to obtain a square matrix of
xy values.
stages<-c(?Sdl?, ?Juv?, ?Ad1?, ?Ad2?)
If I just multiply xy as
2013 May 03
R does not subset
Hi everyone,
I know there have been several requests regarding subsetting before, but
none of them really helps with my problem:
I'm trying to subset only infected individuals from the REC2 data.frame:
> str(REC2)
'data.frame': 362 obs. of 7 variables:
$ RINGNO : Factor w/ 370 levels "BL17546","BL17577",..: 78 81 67 41 58
66 17
$ year : Factor w/ 8
2018 Feb 15
RV: Problem_graphic
Hi everyone,
I am beginner using R but I try to learn more.
I need this graphic or similar but instead of tropical and temperate are three ontogenetic states
Larva Met Juv
This is my scrip:
Ex = subset(Expr, Outlayer=="N")
Ex2 = subset (Ex, S0 == 1)
2011 Dec 22
Axis manipulation in Stackpoly (Plotrix)
Have made a stacked area plot, but now want to manipulate the x axis: make in even increments (50) in order to suppress the tick marks (forming solid bar under plot). However, the plot functions do not seem to work, and I cannot find documentation for use of xat in stackpoly.
This is a time series of data covering 579 years, and has been successfully converted from zoo to matrix. Data plotting
2007 Mar 27
Jackknife estimates of predict.lda success rate
Dear all
I have used the lda and predict functions to classify a set of objects
of unknown origin. I would like to use a jackknife reclassification to
assess the degree to which the outcomes deviate from that expected by
chance. However, I can't find any function that allows me to do this.
Any suggestions of how to generate the jackknife reclassification to
assess classification accuracy?
2004 Nov 28
Song Updates and buffer every 2-3min
> > just so you know, --enable-vorbis-updates is only a compile flag for the KH
> > branch, not the mainline trunk. And I think it would be great to have this
> > code be factored out of KH and integrated into the mainline trunk...This
> > also seems like an odd thing to have as a compile flag, what was the
> > motivation for that ?
> That switch
2015 Sep 05
Support for high DPI 4K screens
I was recently testing R and RStudio on a high dpi 4K monitor under Windows and noticed that the plot window cannot be scaled or zoomed without affecting the relative sizing of all plot elements (line widths, font sizes, legend spacing etc). RStudio seems to try to overcome this by enabling dpi scaling for the plot window on high dpi screens, but this results in really fuzzy text and graphics
2009 Jun 29
Naive knn question
Dear list,
I have two dissimilarity matrices, one for a training data set which I then
clustered using PAM. The second is a diss matrix for a validation data set
(an independent field sample). I have been trying to use knn to distinguish
distances between the validation data set and the 6 mediods of the training
data defined by using PAM.
I continue to get error messages in regards to either the
2003 Jun 20
Question: nonlinear covariate terms in spatial regression
Hi all,
I am trying to model (continuous) spatial variation in a response variable
as a function of one or more of several explanatory variables. I am
principally interested in obtaining some measure of the relative
"importance" of the explanatory variables. I have found several R
libraries that are tailored to this sort of problem (geoR, geoRglm, gstat,
etc.); however, as near
2007 May 18
Fwd: Re: Goodness-of-fit test for gamma distribution?
Thanks Petr. Comments below:
At 03:40 PM 18/05/2007, Petr Klasterecky wrote:
>Sean Connolly napsal(a):
>>Hi all,
>>I am wondering if anyone has written (or knows of) a function that
>>will conduct a goodness-of-fit test for a gamma distribution. I am
>>especially interested in test statistics have some asymptotic
>>parametric distribution that is independent
2007 Mar 30
problem using mcmcsamp() with glmer models containing interaction terms in fixed effects
Dear All,
I've been using mcmcsamp() successfully with a few different mixed models
but I can't get it to work with the following. Is there an obvious reason
why it shouldn't work with a model of this structure ?
*brief summary of objective:
I want to test the effect of no-fishing marine reserves on the abundance of
a target species.
I have samples at coral reef sites inside and