similar to: cs & gfs

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "cs & gfs"

2008 Nov 06
Sync of csgfs and current centos 4 updates
Hi list, I've been trying to update my csgfs stuff to 4.7 this week but I notice that current csgfs is built against kernel-2.6.9-78.0.1 and is required as a dependence, right now current kernel is 2.6.9-78.0.5 it would be great if csgfs can be rebuilt or updated to this, so dependences works ok??? Best regards
2006 Jan 18
Kernel update and csgfs
My apologies if this is a stupid question, but I'm not familiar with how kernel updates and kernel modules interact. I see that there are some kernel updates available via yum: ============================================================================ = Package Arch Version Repository Size
2006 Feb 03
Update csgfs without breaking things
Now that the csgfs repo has been updated to support the new kernel, I'm looking at doing updates again. I just want to do it without breaking things (if possible). I can handle doing a bit of trial and error, but I figure that if you guys can point out any obvious pitfalls, that can save me quite a bit of time. I'm looking at doing the following install/update:
2005 Sep 14
CentOS + GFS + EtherDrive
I am considering building a pair of storage servers that will be using CentOS and GFS to share the storage from a Coraid (SATA+Raid) EtherDrive shelf. Has anyone else tried such a setup? Is GFS stable enough to use in a production environment? There is a build of GFS 6.1 at Has anyone used this? Is it stable? Will I run into any problems if I use CentOS 3.5
2006 Jan 27
gfs performance
Hi all, Since I've got no reply on redhat cluster list, I'm trying here ... I'm testing a rhcs4 cluster with gfs. I noticed some poor performance while tarring data from a gfs volume to a local disk from both nodes at the same time, so I deceided to have a closer look. Here are the bonnie++ results: I don't know what to think of these ... but I doubt
2005 Dec 15
Modules installed in the wrong directory
I did a yum install of modules from the CentOS-csgfs repository (GFS-kernel, cman-kernel, etc). Modprobe does not find the modules. Upon investigation, I found that modprobe is looking in: /lib/modules/2.6.9-22.0.1.ELsmp/ while the package files were installed to: /lib/modules/2.6.9-22.0.1.EL/ Can I tell modprobe to use those modules somehow? Are modules for the smp kernel available? Or do I
2006 Apr 26
Where is clustat
I thought I've installed the clustering tools, but when I attempt to run clustat, it says it doesn't exist. When I installed the suite, I ran: yum install -y GFS GFS-kernel-smp magma-plugins fence dlm dlm-kernel-smp gulm cman cman-kernel-smp CCSD is running and when I "cat /proc/cluster/nodes", I see my three nodes. Does anyone see the package that I missed for
2005 Sep 22
GFS / CS / DS Questions about install and examples.
Hello I read about the technology and i found all amazing and great challenger, i like to test and install soon---, for this reason i have some question about this. GFS / CS I see the gfs and cs download into and What are the diference in both packages? Anyone has using this technologies? and example of
2010 Mar 24
mounting gfs partition hangs
Hi, I have configured two machines for testing gfs filesystems. They are attached to a iscsi device and centos versions are: CentOS release 5.4 (Final) Linux 2.6.18-164.el5 #1 SMP Thu Sep 3 03:33:56 EDT 2009 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux The problem is if I try to mount a gfs partition it hangs. [root at node2 ~]# cman_tool status Version: 6.2.0 Config Version: 29 Cluster Name:
2006 May 23
Load Balancing
Hi, We are starting a new project, and are trying to decide the best way to proceed. We want to setup a LAMP configuration using Centos, something we have been doing in the past with great success. The question is load balancing. We antisipate the potential for the system to receive 500,000 requests/ day with in the next year. We want to plan for that extra load now as we start the
2002 Jun 27
shared storage: rw on one node and ro on second node
Hi list, I recently came up with the need for the storage, shared between two nodes; one would do all the r/w to it and the other would mount it r/o and serve it to the client boxen. I want to use ext3 in this setup, since i trust it the most. My question is: is this possible? How would the r/o node handle the metadata updates that the r/w node would be doing? If there is some fundamental
2007 Aug 24
csgfs update for 4.5
Anybody here know when there is going to be an update for the cluster packages for the 2.6.9-55.0.2 kernel that was released in June? The packages available from the repo are compiled against 2.6.8-55. I want to update my GFS cluster to CentOS 4.5, but I don't want to do such a major upgrade and leave out the kernel packages. -- Bowie
2010 Jul 19
GFS performance issue
Two web servers, both virtualized with CentOS Xen servers as host (residing on two different physical servers). GFS used to store home directories containing web document roots. Shared block device used by GFS is an ISCSI target with the ISCSI initiator residing on the Dom-0, and presented to Dom-U webservers as drives. Also, providing a second shared block device for quorum disk. If I hit the
2008 Jun 09
Clustersuite package installation failed in Itanium server
Dear All, I am new in Itanium server Installation and I have installed all the CentOS4.4 ia64 CDs and I have try to install clustersuite packages and i am getting the following error messages like error: %post(package name here) scriptlet failed, exit status 255 and error: %pre(package name here) scriptlet failed, exit status 255 problem Cluster Suite RPMS are ccs-1.0.7-0.i686.rpm
2008 Nov 20
Sync csgfs in centos 4 with current kernel updates
Hi list, any timeframe for the sync of csgfs in centos 4 with current kernel updates???. Best regards
2002 Feb 05
memory leak?
Hi list, I'm configuring microsoft doc|ppt|xls viewers to run under KDE. After a bit of hassle even printig works ok :) Great work, guys. I noticed while running xlview.exe that wine proccess grows about 3mb in size each 5 seconds. Running with --debugmsg warn+all shows lots of 'warn:heap:HEAP_Is_Real_Arena Heap 0x40ef0000: block 0x300476d2 is not inside heap' messages. With
2001 Dec 25
hm ...
About two weeks ago i was whining about an inode that got lost, now i'm going to whine more about strange things happening here. A matroxfb just oopsed on me (thats not strange), the machine got unusuable, so i logged in from another and got the idea to touch /forcefsck. Upon reboot, fsck said that some inodes are in use but have dtime set and that some files are illegal sockets. Now this
2008 Aug 21
ext2online with 1k blocks not working
Hello, As a Virtuozzo users we have majority of our diskspace formatted with -i 1024 -b 1024. Lately I discovered that on CentOS 4.6 ext2online barfs when I try to grow such filesystem. Running it with -v -d, it prints lots of lines like: ext2online v1.1.18 - 2001/03/18 for EXT2FS 0.5b ext2online: 873646830 is a bad size for an ext2 fs! rounding down to 873644033 ... group NNN inode table has
2005 Aug 01
Announcing CentOS 3 i386 Cluster Suite (CS) and Global File System (GFS)
Announcing CentOS 3 i386 Cluster Suite (CS) and Global File System (GFS) CentOS csgfs is now available for CentOS-3 i386. This is a built from source found here:
2006 Apr 12
bootup error - undefined symbol: lvm_snprintf after yum update
This is an x86_64 system that I just updated from 4.2 to 4.3 (including the csgfs stuff). When I watch the bootup on the console, I see an error: lvm.static: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib64/ undefined symbol: lvm_snprintf This error comes immediately after the "Activating VGs" line, so it appears to be triggered by the vgchange command in the clvmd startup