similar to: Problems with proxy connections

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Problems with proxy connections"

2005 Jun 17
New Set of High Performance Networking Patches Available Mike Stevens and I just released a new set of high performance networking patches for OpenSSH 3.9p1, 4.0p1, and 4.1p1. These patches will provide the same set of functionality across all 3 revisions. New functionality includes 1) HPN performance even without both sides of the connection being HPN enabled. As long as the bulk data flow is in the
2005 Sep 08
HPN Patch for OpenSSH 4.2p1 Available
Howdy, As a note, we now have HPN patch for OpenSSH 4.2 at Its still part of the last set of patches (HPN11) so there aren't any additional changes in the code. It patches, configures, compiles, and passes make tests without a problem. I've not done extensive testing for this version of openssh but I don't foresee any problems. I
2006 May 19
New HPN Patch Released
The HPN12 patch available from addresses performance issues with bulk data transfer over high bandwidth delay paths. By adjusting internal flow control buffers to better fit the outstanding data capacity of the path significant improvements in bulk data throughput performance are achieved. In other words, transfers over the internet are a lot
2006 Mar 25
High Performance SSH/SCP - HPN-SSH when?
Hi, Clearly, the HPN patches significantly boost throughput performance. This enhancement is entirely from tuning the SSH buffer sizes. Alex Tavcar
2006 Apr 26
Prelim results: hpnssh v ssh in local area networks
The results, for anyone interested, can be found here Long story short, there doesn't seem to be any notable difference between the two anymore. I still have a few more test combinations to run (<.5ms rtts and against cygwin) so the conclusions might change but, at this point, I'm no longer seeing any sort of performance
2007 Nov 09
Hello, I know that this has been asked before, just wanted to mention that I, too, would like to see the HPN SSH functionality incorporated in the standard OpenSSH. Would there be technical disadvantages integrating the changes? I know we are all pretty busy, but I would certainly spend time to help, e.g. with testing, documentation, etc. Cheers --pwo -- Peter W. Osel - - pwo
2005 Mar 25
New HPN patch released for 3.9
We've released a new HPN (High Performance Network) patch for OpenSSH 3.9p1. We've made two major changes - first off we backed out of all the modifications we made to buffer.c. Turns out that it just wasn't necessary once we fixed a nagging bug in channels.c. I also made a minor change to the buffer sizes in the source and sink functions in scp.c Increasing the size of both
2007 May 07
Hello, I know this has come up before; but is the HPN patch (or elements thereof) currently being considered for integration in to the OpenSSH code base? Are there pending issues (buffer management, none cipher, etc) which still need to be addressed? We have been using HPN-SSH for over a year now, and like others, have observed significant performance improvement over standard OpenSSH. I can
2019 Dec 12
Controlling SO_RCVBUF
I have a customer who is complaining about slow SFTP transfers over a long haul connection. The current transfer rate is limited by the TCP window size and the RTT. I looked at HPN-SSH, but that won't work because we don't control what software the peer is using. I was thinking about coding a much more modest enhancement that just does SO_RCVBUF for specific subsystems. In the interest
2005 Feb 24
Question performnace of SSH v1 vs SSH v2
Hello I have ported OpenSSH 3.8p1 to a LynxOS platform. Recently I heard a report from the field that v2 is perceived to be significantly slower than v1. Is this a known issue? Are there any configuration parameters that can be modified to make v2 faster? Thanks in advance for your response Amba
2006 May 04
request: add TCP buffer options to rsync CLI?
We see absolutely dismal performance from Canberra to Perth via Aarnet or Grangenet (gig connections across the country). With standard rsync on a tuned tcp stack, we see about 700k/s. I started playing with the --sockopts and have increased the performance to 1.4M/s which is better, but still way off the pace. There are similar patches for ssh at
2004 Jul 07
DynamicWindow Patch
We have developed a patch that enables changing the SSH window size using the tcp window size as the source. This allows SSH to obtain maximum use of the bandwidth on high BDP links. We also have a page that describes the changes and performance. The patch against CVS is included here. Common subdirectories: src/usr.bin/ssh/CVS and ssh/CVS diff -u
2011 Feb 06
OpenSSH could be faster...then why don't they path it?? "SCP and the underlying SSH2 protocol implementation in OpenSSH is network performance limited by statically defined internal flow control buffers. These buffers often end up acting as a bottleneck for network throughput of SCP, especially on long and high bandwith network links. Modifying the ssh code to allow the buffers
2015 Aug 11
rsync stuck at +- 50 MB/s, cp and scp are +- 200 MB/s
Hi, I tried different encryptions like arc four, but always with the same result. BTW: googling shows some similar questions and they are stuck on set same speed +-. But non of that solutions helped me. /G?tz > Am 11.08.2015 um 12:14 schrieb Eero Volotinen <eero.volotinen at>: > > Usually problem in encryption. > > try cipher arcfour or apply hpn patches to
2013 Dec 11
Why ssh client breaks connection in expecting SSH2_MSG_NEWKEYS state?
I have a client host that I don't have access to now, which attempts to establish ssh connection back to my BSD server using the private key. Client runs this command: /usr/bin/ssh -i ~/.ssh/my_key_rsa -o "ExitOnForwardFailure yes" -p $HPORT $HUSER@$HOST -R $LPORT:localhost:$LPORT -N On the server debug log looks like this: Connection from NNN.NNN.NNN.NNN port 43567 debug1: HPN
2009 Feb 17
Support for merging LPK and hpn-ssh into mainline openssh?
Hello Are there plans to merge the hpn-ssh ( and the LPK ( into the mainline openssh. Adding lpk has been logged as a bug in bugzilla as They are two patches that I always apply as the performance boost from hpn-ssh is substantial to say the least, and centralisation of the authorized_keys into a LDAP server
2018 Apr 02
Much improved speeds of rsync via SSH - something to consider
Dear rsync devs, I recently concluded a bug hunt to trace why my rsync-ing to an SBC was much slower than the corresponding iperf3-reported speeds. To give a concise summary of the situation, in slow wifi links using SSH with ProxyCommand tremendously speeds up things: $ dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1M count=50 50+0 records in 50+0 records out 52428800 bytes (52 MB, 50
2005 Jul 28
People using the HPN patch...
If anyone is using the HPN patch on a high performance link I was wondering if you could take a moment to answer a quick question Are you seeing vastly different performance between scp throughput and sftp throughput? On my test network (pittsburgh to chicago) I'm getting 26MB/s with scp (arcfour) and only 6.4MB/s with sftp (arcfour). We just started looking into this but it woudl be nice
2013 Jan 02
ssh / scp slow on 10GBE
Hello list, right now SSH Tunnel / scp is reaches just around 76Mb/s on my E5 Xeon using AES-NI but openssl reaches around 600-700Mb/s using 128aes-cbc cipher. As far as i understand this is due to very small buffers in ssh / scp. Is there any work on this? Like autotuning the buffer size? Are there plans to integrate the hpn patches? Greets, Stefan
2008 Jan 16
Optional 'test' or benchmark cipher
I hope this is the right list, as I'm desiring a feature addition in openssh. I would like the option to have a 'null' cipher (after the initial authorization, similar to 'delayed' for compression). It would have to be enabled on both client and server and server would never use it unless it was both enabled and asked for by the client. I'd strongly prefer it be able to