similar to: Some GSSAPI/Kerberos Questions

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Some GSSAPI/Kerberos Questions"

2003 May 16
OpenSSH and KerbV
Is something special required for KerbV auth to work? I've enabled: KerberosAuthentication yes on some test boxes and it doesn't work. I do a kinit, and then ssh and it asks for a password. If you don't provide one, you don't get in.
2003 Jun 07
openssh reading only SOME ssh1 hostkeys from ssh
Hey folks, I've asked this on the security focus mailing list, but no one seems to know... I'm in the process of moving my company from old crufty ssh1 to openssh. On most of our hosts, we've created rsa and dsa keys but managed to KEEP the old rsa1 key... However, on a few hosts, openssh has been unable to read the old rsa1 key and has claimed: debug1: Unsupported
2003 May 06
logging command line execs
Hey folks, As part of a local change, we like to authlog the commands executed via command line, i.e.: ssh user at host "somecommand" And I was able to modify session.c like so: -------------------------------------- case SSH_CMSG_EXEC_CMD: if (type == SSH_CMSG_EXEC_CMD) { command = packet_get_string(&dlen);
2020 Feb 19
[Bug 3123] New: PermitOpen does not allow wildcards for hosts despite what docs say Bug ID: 3123 Summary: PermitOpen does not allow wildcards for hosts despite what docs say Product: Portable OpenSSH Version: 7.2p2 Hardware: Other OS: Linux Status: NEW Severity: normal Priority: P5 Component: sshd
2003 May 07
New Mirror
This isn't really a dev question, but its also not a 'user' question either... At USC, we've setup a large mirror. One of the many things we are mirroring is openssh. I tried to contact miod at which I believe I got from the website, but I got no response. Anyway, the mirror is available through HTTP, FTP, and RSYNC:
2003 May 10
Small Patch
This is a fairly inconsequential patch, but it comes in handy in a few instances. The patch simply splits install-files into "install-files" and "install-sysconf" - taking all of the sysconfdir stuff and putting in its own target which I then added to 'install' and 'install-nokeys'. I then added an install-nosysconf to NOT do that stuff. This helped us
2004 Feb 07
TGT Passing in 3.7
I noticed that it appears KerbV tgt passing seems to have disappeared in the 3.7 release. Was this dropped, or is it planned to come back? Was there a reason it disappeared? I looked through the archives but couldn't find much. Thanks, -- Phil Dibowitz phil at Freeware and Technical Pages Insanity Palace of Metallica
2003 Jan 31
[Semi-OT]: Mirroring
I figure this probably isn't the most appropriate place for this question, buuuuut, I can't seem to find the information I need on the [http|ftp] site. I'm responsible for a new Mirror site here at USC, and one of the many things we would like to mirror is the OpenSSH software. However, I can't seem to find the following information: - What is the prefered place to mirror
2005 Aug 23
openssh-unix-dev Digest, Vol 28, Issue 10
On Tue, Aug 23, 2005 at 03:10:45PM +1000, openssh-unix-dev-request at wrote: > Date: Fri, 19 Aug 2005 17:56:19 +1000 > From: Darren Tucker <dtucker at> > Subject: Re: OpenSSH sget/sput suggestion > To: CRX Driver <crxssi at> > Cc: openssh-unix-dev at > Message-ID: <430590A3.1090506 at> > Content-Type:
2005 Jul 07
openssh and kerb 1.4.1 not so happy together
Folks, I seem to have a problem when I upgraded our kerberos from 1.3.1 to 1.4.1 (MIT krb 5), all of a sudden I can't ssh as another user. i.e. ssh host works but ssh joe at host doesn't work. Same with scp's. I've tried recompiling ssh (even though the so-name of kerb libs didn't change), but it didn't work, and still no go... I'm using openssh 3.9p1 on Solaris
2004 Jul 22
Potential Patch
Hey folks, Here at USC we have a few changes we make to the source code for various reasons -- and we have to make them for each new version. I always shrugged off sending a patch in because the changes felt very internal, but the more I think about it, the more I think perhaps they would be good for the main tree. Additionally, the more of this that gets into the main tree the easier upgrades
2015 Nov 05
3.7.1 Release Update - Stable patches deadeline extended to November 9 - testers needed
Hi, I know a lot of people were busy with the dev-meeting last week, so I've decided to continue to accept stable patches until November 9. I would still like to keep the original schedule of an -rc1 release on November 10, so if there are any newly submitted patches that take more than a few days to get approved, they will probably end up going into llvm 3.7.2. I am currently working
2004 Dec 06
[Patch], new install-nosysconf target
For various reasons, it makes our life easier at USC to have a 'install-nosysconf' target much like the install-nokeys target that was added a while back. I mentioned this a few months back on this list and people seemed to think it wouldn't be a problem to get it into the mainline tree. I've attached the patch -- it should keep 100% backwards compatibility. Thanks. -- Phil
2004 Dec 13
Status of Sun BSM/Auditd Support ?
Hey folks, About a year ago it was pointed out to me there was BSM support in CVS that would hopefully make it into a release soon. I had a look over it and it looks like it covers everything (it certainly covers more than the 3 or 4 things we do here at USC). So I'm wondering what the status of that is? Is it planned for a release soon? Are there issues with it? This is a really big feature
2016 Mar 14
LLVM-3.8.0 libcxx in-tree build fails with cmath error ::signbit has not been declared
Greetings! I have been building llvm-3.6.x, 3.7.1 and 3.7.2 with (glibc-2.12.1, binutils-2.24, gcc-4.9.2) almost same set if CMake flags. However while building LLVM-3.8.0 using same CMake flags I am observing projects/libcxx/include/cmath errors... ...'::signbit' has not been declared ...'::fpclassify' has not been declared ...'::isfinite' has not been declared ...
2005 Feb 25
[Bug 125] add BSM audit support ------- Additional Comments From phil at 2005-02-25 13:09 ------- So we've done some internal testing with the latest snapshot over the last two days, and things look good. It's not a thorough test, but the logging is as we would expect, and everything else looks as expected. A huge thanks to all the people who helped with
2008 Jul 21
Bug#481105: adjust patch to pygrub and hvmloader
On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 9:07 PM, Marco Sinhoreli <msinhore at> wrote: > In virtinst package, we are pointing the pygrub and hvmloader to > /etc/xen-default/bin directory files. To us, this is sufficient to fix > our package issue. I suggest to use alternatives to point these to > /usr/bin and so, standardize with another distros. Well, I think this > is the easy way
2013 Jan 13
Xen and nvidia
Hi all, I''ve got a couple of questions regarding the current status of nvidia with Xen, since it is well known that nvidia doesn''t work as smooth at the moment with Xen (comparing to ati). My current goal is to use one nvidia gtx460 card and the onboard intel hd4000 on dom0, and then do passthrough for another nvidia gtx460 to a Windows domU. I know there are patches
2016 Mar 14
LLVM-3.8.0 libcxx in-tree build fails with cmath error ::signbit has not been declared
cmake -E cmake_progress_report llvm-3.8.0.src_bld_x86_64-rhel6.4-linux-gnu/CMakeFiles In file included from llvm-3.8.0.src/projects/libcxx/include/__hash_table:19:0, from llvm-3.8.0.src/projects/libcxx/src/hash.cpp:10: llvm-3.8.0.src/projects/libcxx/include/cmath:310:9: error: '::signbit' has not been declared using ::signbit; ^
2007 Apr 04
Hello all, How are you using the sshkey type? Are you using it to list hosts and keys in a class that nodes include in order to manage /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts or something else? How does any of this relate to the sshrsakey and sshdsakey facts on the host? I read some stuff about this on the Virtual Resources page but it''s too vague for my simple mind and I''d be reluctant to use