similar to: ibutton

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "ibutton"

2006 Mar 25
Suggest patch for princomp.formula and prcomp.formula
Dear all, perhaps I am using princomp.formula and prcomp.formula in a way that is not documented to work, but then the documentation just says: formula: a formula with no response variable. Thus, to avoid a lot of typing, it would be nice if one could use '.' and '-' in the formula, e.g. > library(DAAG) > res <- prcomp(~ . - case - site - Pop - sex, possum)
2010 Apr 15
classes and functions for qqnorm and stem
Referring to "Using R for Data Analysis and Graphics" by J H Maindonald, and available from the R site, I found the example on p.30 non-working: > stem(qqnorm(possum$hdlngth)) Error in stem(qqnorm(possum$hdlngth)) : 'x' must be numeric Since qqnorm(possum$hdlngth) plots, and > class(possum$hdlngth) [1] "numeric" , the problem must be here: >
2002 Apr 10
I need to be able to turn off host checking entirely
I have a small LAN. The entire system is within my view - all the hosts, the switch and the wire. If someone is in a a position to do a "man in the middle" attack, there's no need - they already have me. Over the other side of the room, and beside my desk, I have test systems. I use disk caddies (see for examples) and can switch operating systems in about the
2003 Jul 19
I don't find "fuzzy matching"
hello. I'm a student that work on R.(version 1.7.0) I need to some data frames such as "possum","Beams"'"kiwishade","dolphins",... . I typed"possum") and so on,but the response was "No help files found with alias or title matching 'possum' using fuzzy matching.". I dont know what is "fuzzy matching"
2007 Sep 11
passphrase & keymgr load/unload
Author: Anthony Scarpino <Anthony.Scarpino at Sun.COM> Repository: /hg/zfs-crypto/zfs-crypto-gate Latest revision: 9a17248d7cc3087d39ca752bff184ae5a7831cf6 Total changesets: 1 Log message: passphrase & keymgr load/unload Files: update: usr/src/cmd/zfs/zfs_main.c update: usr/src/cmd/zpool/zpool_main.c update: usr/src/common/zfs/zfs_prop.c update:
2002 Jul 01
functions of dataframes
Hello experts I have a thing which I can't vectorize. Can any gurus out there help? This is my truncated dataset; it is a dataframe of five possums and which tree they slept in on three days. R> dataset p14 p88 p82 p90 p98 1 6 7 5 1 3 2 8 9 10 1 11 3 8 7 12 13 14 I can manipulate it with simple functions fine: R> f function(n){n+1000} R> f(dataset)
2002 Jun 13
fisher.test FEXACT memory bug "should not occur" (PR#1662)
This is a bad bug as reported by Robin Hankin, it is still in "R-patched" ... ##- From: Robin Hankin <> ##- To: ##- Subject: [R] possum sleeping: thanks and fisher.test() FEXACT error ##- Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2002 16:46:26 +1200 ## ..... ## Example slighlty modified (MM) d4 <- matrix(c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
2004 May 22
Asterisk firewall config
The asterisk wiki states that it needs SIP, IAX2, IAX and RTP open to the world to work. Is this necessarily true, or does it only need some of these outgoing? I'm concerned as anyone that could guess an extension number&password could use my server to make outgoing calls. It would help if the extensions had a netmask/allowable IP setting like the iax.conf file uses, but there
2004 May 18
Configure asterisk for outgoing.. need authuser parameter?
Hi, I have access to two providers. On one of them the authuser is the same as the username, so outgoing works. On the other one I can only get incoming - what ever combination I try for outgoing I get an error. The register command has the ability to specify both usernames (which is why incoming works) but outgoing doesn't seem to, and without that I'm stuck. They are defined as:
2002 Jun 12
table problems
dear helplist, my student has fifty trees, numbered one to fifty, and a vector recording which tree a certain possum slept in on 12 nights. R> c [1] 3 14 17 22 26 26 17 40 43 25 46 46 R> Thus it slept in tree #3 on Monday, then tree #14 on Tues, and so on. I wish to test the null hypothesis that the animal chooses trees randomly; try R> table(c) c 3 14 17 22 25 26 40 43 46 1 1
2002 Jun 13
possum sleeping: thanks and fisher.test() FEXACT error
Dear helplist Many many thanks to everyone who helped me. The trick was to use tabulate() or, better, tab <- rep(0,50) names(tab) <- 1:50 tab[names(table(sleeps))] <- table(c) My original dataset was a list of 50 trees and a length 12 vector recording which tree a certain possum slept in on 12 nights. As Professor Ripley points out, a Monte-Carlo simulation is easy to set up, and it
2004 May 22
So I just saw this VoIP-centric article at slashdot ( which mentions It's a "non-profit public DNS root designed to map phone numbers to Internet protocols." Is anyone on this list actually using this? They have asterisk config instructions: I wonder if someone can help me understand
2011 May 19
Mapping drive
We have a server running linux with a samba shared directory. We have sever windows xp machines that map the samba shared directory using the same user name and password. All has gone well for a couple of years. Now, on some of the machines, it won't allow the mapping of the samba share reporting "Access denied" I have made sure that the proper user name and password is used.
2004 May 26
ztdummy with kernel 2.6
ztdummy successfully compiles under kernel 2.6, but when I load it I get ztdummy: Unknown symbol fill_td ztdummy: Unknown symbol insert_td_horizontal ztdummy: Unknown symbol uhci_devices ztdummy: Unknown symbol uhci_interrupt ztdummy: Unknown symbol alloc_td ztdummy: Unknown symbol unlink_td ztdummy: Unknown symbol delete_desc I had a quick look at the source, and it looks like these function
2007 Jan 11
2 website
I have tried to access the website from multiple internet connections for the past couple of days with no luck. Anything going on?
2004 May 23
ztdummy - how to test?
I've modified ztdummy to work under 2.6 (basically ditched all the uhci stuff and added a kernel timer instead). How do I test my changes are doing anything useful? zttest gives: --- Results after 14 passes --- Best: 99.975586 -- Worst: 99.975586 Is that good/bad/terrible...? Tony -- Te audire no possum. Musa sapientum fixa est in aure. Tony Hoyle <> Key ID:
2003 Jun 06
Samba Locks Location
I am trying to move the lock directory to another location. In my smb.conf I have the below line. lock directory = /usr/local/samba/machine_name/var/locks However when I try to start samba I get the following error. [2003/06/06 16:03:13, 2] lib/interface.c:add_interface(81) added interface ip= bcast= nmask= [2003/06/06 16:03:13, 0]
2006 Feb 14
Inverse cumulative probability
Hello all, (First of all, I'd like to thank all who replied to my previous question. I have never encountered such a helpful community before. Thanks for making a R so welcoming.) To calculate a quantile for normal distributions, one simply uses qnorm(1-a). But if I would want to do the same for a t-test function, how would I go about doing that? Is there a simple way to do it? (Yes, I
2001 Nov 25
(no subject)
Hello all, Here is my situation: I have an existing linux box with 100+ users. This box run various services. Users do not have shell access. I have added samba to this box so users can share files and access their files from Windows. Samba installation and configuration went smoothly. Now, the problem is, I need to create entries in smbpasswd for these 100+ users. How would I go about creating
2017 May 10
How to detect fake CallerID? (8xx?)
I have a 'time and attendance' application. Think janitorial or security kind of thing where an employee goes from location to location. They're supposed to 'clock in' when they get to a site using a phone at that site to prove they're there. Some employees have discovered 'fake caller ID' services can be used to say they're on site when they are not. How