similar to: pointer warnings

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1100 matches similar to: "pointer warnings"

2003 Feb 21
Perl question
I'm working on the installer code, but I don't know Perl well enough. What is a good Perl equivalent of the R statement if ( s %in% c('string1', 'string2', 'string3') ) ... I can do it with if (s == "string1" || s == "string2" || s == "string3") ... but I've got a feeling there's a better way to do it using associative
2004 Dec 02
combine two strings
Hello, I would like to combine two strings while using R. For instance, string1 <- "abcde" string2 <- "WXYZ" I'd like to combine string1 and string2 into Sting3; and string3 should be "abcdeWXZY". Would you please tell me how to do it? Thank you very much Ben-Yang [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2005 Jul 04
Colors in mtext
I want to assign different colors to different strings using mtext(...). However, when I use something like mtext(text=c("string1","string2","string3"), col=c("black","blue","red"), side=3, line=0) string2 and string3 are printed over string1. When I use paste("string1","string2","string3"), the series
2011 May 08
%in% operator - NOT IN
Hello everyone, I am attempting to use the %in% operator with the ! to produce a NOT IN type of operation. Why does this not work? Suggestions? > data2[data1$char1 %in% c("string1","string2"),1]<-min(data1$x1) > data2[data1$char1 ! %in% c("string1","string2"),1]<-max(data1$x1)+1000 Error: unexpected '!' in "data2[data1$char1
2006 Apr 04
Indexing a vector by a list of vectors
Hello R-help - I have vec <- c("string1", "string2", "string3") ind <- list(c(1,2),c(1,2,3)) I want "vec" indexed by each vector in the list "ind". The first element of the list I want would be vec[c(1,2)], the second element would be vec[c(1,2,3)], like the following. [[1]] [1] "string1" "string2" [[2]] [1]
2010 Mar 27
string width calculation
Colleagues, I am trying to create a PDF document in which I use margin text with two different fonts. The resulting text might be: XXXXXyZZZ where X and Z are one font and Y is the other. My plan was to do this in the following manner: mtext("XXXXX ZZZ", cex=2, adj=0.5, family=SOMEFONT) mtext("Y", cex=2, adj=??, family=DIFFERENTFONT) My question regards how to calculate
2011 Jun 18
how to subtract one string from another in R
Dear R Group Here is what i am trying to do.. but couldnt figure out how.. string<-"ABC DEFG HIJKLM NOPQ RSTUV WXY" string1<-substr(string,1,4) I want to create an R object string 2 ( following the logic shown).. R does not allow string subtraction.. any suggestions how to achieve this? string2<-string-string1 (it should now hold "DEFG HIJKLM NOPQ RSTUV WXY" I
2006 Jun 19
fuzzy search
This may be offtopic to Rails, but what are people doing to find records based on fuzzy string matches? For example, if you wanted to find a Person with name "David Heinemeier Hansson" but searched using the string "Dave Hansson". Currently I am find_by_sql that calls the PostgreSQL function "levenshtein(string1, string2)" which returns results with a score
2012 Apr 19
Compare String Similarity
Dear All, I need to estimate the level of similarity of two strings. For example: string1 <- c("depending","audience","research", "school"); string2 <- c("audience","push","drama","button","depending"); The words in string may occur in different order though. What function would you recommend to use
2003 Feb 23
unsubscribe on 02/22/2003 12:00 PM CET Sent by: Please respond to To: cc: (bcc: Asheka Rahman/arahma1/LSU) Subject: R-devel digest, Vol 1 #101 - 10 msgs Send R-devel mailing list submissions to To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web,
2009 Jan 22
text vector clustering
Hi, I am a new user of R using R 2.8.1 in windows 2003. I have a csv file with single column which contain the 30,000 students names. There were typo errors while entering this student names. The actual list of names is < 1000. However we dont have that list for keyword search. I am interested in grouping/cluster these names as those which are similar letter to letter. Are there any
2010 Jul 07
use sliding window to count substrings found in large string
Hello together, I'm looking for advice on how to do some tests on strings. What I want to do is the following: (just an example, real strings/sequence are about 200-400 characters long) given set of Strings: String1 abcdefgh String2 bcdefgop use a sliding window of size x to create an vector of all subsequences of size x found in the set (order matters! ). Now create, for every string
2017 Oct 10
Cannot install igraph package
On Mon, Oct 9, 2017 at 4:42 PM, Tom Callaway <tcallawa at> wrote: > > On 10/09/2017 11:16 AM, Paul Smith wrote: >> >> I am trying to install >> >> igraph package >> >> but getting the following error: >> >> ------------------ >> make: *** [/usr/lib64/R/etc/Makeconf:159: foreign-graphml.o] Error 1 >> ERROR:
2011 Apr 19
Simple question
I am trying to convert a string to a vector, and I'm stuck! Suppose you have a string of numbers (string) that you want to convert to a vector (vec). I am able to split the string turning it into a list by using strsplit, but this makes a list, which I can't seem to access the way that I'd like to (it becomes a character list of only one(?!?) element.)
2003 Apr 28
Red Hat 9 regex symbol conflict
Hello, I've been struggling with a problem for the past several weeks, trying to get PL/R (R procedural language handler for PostgreSQL, to work on Red Hat 9. In brief, R dumps core during the embedded library initialization, while in Rf_regcomp(), working on on Rprofile. Below I've included the important parts of a backtrace: Program received signal
2004 May 03
Error building asterisk-0.9.0
I am trying to build asterisk-0.9.0 on 533MHz 160MB Redhat Linux 9.0 machine. I have followed the instructions to build asterisk. Building zaptel and libpri seemed to go well (lots of messages but nothing that indicated an error) However, when I do the make clean ; make install for asterisk-0.9.0 after running for sometime I get the following: gcc -shared -Xlinker -x -o
2009 Jan 10
Hi all- I am stumped. The code in A. returns errors at lines 14 and 15 and fails to load series1 and series2. However, in B., if temp1 and temp2 are called again (which returns a "Table exists" error; see lines 14-17 in B.) series1 and series2 load correctly. Any ideas? Also-I am open to any suggestions to improve the code as I am a horrific programmer. Thanks A. 1 >
2006 Apr 04
Database usage technique -- user-specified fields
Hello folks- In one particular app, it would be useful for the customers to be able to specify the significance (and presence) of fields. For example, consider a CONTACTs database. User 1 wants to have phone1, phone2, phone3, and User 2 wants to have 4 address fields. Generically, this could be done by having a CONTACT with, say, 10 strings, 10 integers, etc. The user''s account
2011 Nov 17
how to read a freetext line ?
hi everyone . Here I have a text where there are some integer and string variables.But I can not read them by readLines and scan the text is : weight ;30;130 food:2;1;12 color:white;black the first column is the names of the variables and others are the value of them. the column in different line are different. Can anyone help me ? -- TANG Jie Email: Tel: 0086-2154896104
2002 Feb 12
Problem with ssh-keyscan: no hostkey alg
Hi, I am using ssh-keyscan with a list of hosts, such as: ssh-keyscan -t rsa -f hosts_for_keyscan Some of the hosts in the list have dsa, but no rsa keys. For such hosts, the command displays: no hostkey alg When this is the case for 2 hosts, this message appears twice AND SSH-KEYSCAN STOPS QUERYING, which means that no keys at all are returned for the following hosts. Here is the part of the