similar to: [Fwd: Re: X-windows security in Gnome]

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2002 May 17
[Fwd: Re: X-windows security in Gnome]
The "integration" of SSH with apps is already there. Read the OpenSSH [or other SSH implementation's] man pages and the SSHv2 specs. RTFM! Essentially SSH supports tunneling of X11 traffic. The SSH daemon is responsible for creating a local X11 display endpoint and setting the DISPLAY environment variable appropriately, then the apps you run in SSH sessions with X11 forwarding do
2002 May 17
[Fwd: Re: X-windows security in Gnome]
What else can possibly be done to integrate SSH and apps? I mean, it works, doesn't it? Jim's message was unclear - I was left with the impression that Jim was not aware of the existing X11 forwarding in SSH. Cheers, Nico -- > -----Original Message----- > From: Gregory Leblanc [mailto:gleblanc at] > Sent: Friday, May 17, 2002 5:33 PM > To: OpenSSH Devel
2002 May 17
OpenSSH 3.2.2 released : chroot
You must mean your most wanted feature. Mine is the integration of Simon's GSS patches. Nico -- > -----Original Message----- > From: Jean-Michel POURE [mailto:jm.poure at] > Sent: Friday, May 17, 2002 7:35 AM > To: Markus Friedl; openssh-unix-dev at > Subject: OpenSSH 3.2.2 released : chroot > > > Le Vendredi 17 Mai 2002 00:36, Markus
2002 Jul 12
[Bug 273] sshd hangs on shell exit if user spawned child with/bin/nohup
Perhaps the man page should be fixed then, because neither rsh nor rlogin provide any kind of port forwarding, or X11 forwarding, etc... Also, the comparison between ssh and rsh is more appropriate if you're talking about SSHv1 and much less so if you're talking about SSHv2. Nico -- > -----Original Message----- > From: Eric Garff [mailto:egarff at] > Sent:
2002 Jul 12
OpenSSH & MinGW?
I'm interested in building just the OpenSSH clients with MinGW. I figure that the OpenSSL libraries and just the ssh client should be relatively easy to build as they wouldn't require fork()/exec() and the like (well, ssh_askpass() uses fork()/exec(), but that's minor). The other clients, scp and sftp, will require #ifdef hacks so that they use the Windows spawn()/CreateProcess()
2001 Jul 31
Unavailability of
Dear Recipient, It has been noticed that you have been receiving internal e-mails addressed to you at the internet address. On 31st August 2001, this internet address will no longer be applicable to the bank, and you will therefore not receive the e-mail. Please ensure that any people or applications sending e-mails to you using the address, change to using the
2002 Jan 15
Channels API and ~& question
When processing ~& with SSHv2 OpenSSH sends \004 (EOT) and does not bother sending SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_EOF. Why is that? Why is there no direct way to get SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_EOF or SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE sent? Or is there and I'm just missing it? Thanks, Nico -- -DISCLAIMER: an automatically appended disclaimer may follow. By posting- -to a public e-mail mailing list I hereby grant
2001 Oct 31
OpenStep (NeXT) and TTY modes
OpenStep, apparently, does not initialize new pty/tty modes to a sane default. I'm thinking this code snippet, added to tty_parse_modes() before the for(;;) loop should suffice: #ifdef HAVE_NEXT tio.c_oflag |= ONLCR; tio.c_lflag |= ECHO; #endif /* HAVE_NEXT */ Also, I've noticed that "ssh -t next_host stty" gives different output than an interactive session to the same
2001 Oct 26
SSHv2 sshd exit criteria
When should sshd disconnect an SSHv2 connection? Markus Friedl says "for protocol v2 the client decides when to close the connection." In principle, I agree, because SSHv2 supports multiple sessions over the same connection, with the client able to launch new sessions anytime then it should be upto the client. But this would be a major cultural change for most users, and would break
2002 Jun 07
SIGCHLD may be inherited blocked
So, we just found some ugly behaviour of OpenSSH on Solaris. Sometimes, it seems, sshd gets started with SIGCHLD blocked, this, apparently, being the setting of sshd's parent (a shell no doubt); signal blocking is inherited across exec*(). I don't know exactly which shell, or what really is at fault, but it happens. The problem is that the code in collect_children() first blocks SIGCHLD
2002 Aug 07
Unrelated (was RE: so-called-hang-on-exit)
Add -n to the ssh command line - see if that fixes it. Nico -- > -----Original Message----- > From: Eric Garff [mailto:egarff at] > Sent: Wednesday, August 07, 2002 11:15 AM > To: openssh-unix-dev at > Subject: Re: so-called-hang-on-exit > > > That may be, but it only "hangs" when run from cron, if I run it > manually it executes
2003 Jan 06
Re - segments within a lattice graph
Hi, The solution to my problem is to use 'lsegments' instead of 'segments' within lattice commands. (Although I wont forget again, a comment in the segments help file referring to 'lsegments' might help others not to make the same mistake in the future.) My thanks to Renaud Lancelot. Regards, John. John Gavin <john.gavin at>, Quantitative Risk Models
2003 Jan 06
segments within a lattice graph
Hi, I would like to use the segments command within a lattice graph. Is this allowed in R in the same way as in SPlus? If not, what is the alternative? For example, the following produces vertical line segments between points in SPlus but in R the line segments are not shown. (I want to replicate in R what I see in SPlus.) What is my mistake? library(lattice) set.seed(123) dat <-
2002 Nov 04
Sweave - documenting a long function
Hi, I would like to use Sweave to document a long function. Is it possible to split the function's code into chunks such that Sweave will accept each chunk without complaining. I have tried various approaches without sucess but I feel sure that someone has done this already. Here is one attempt ============== % First, define the funciton header <<defFunHdr, eval=FALSE>>= x <-
2002 Nov 05
summary: Sweave - documenting a long function
Hi, Here is a summary of the replies to my question yesterday about documenting a long function with Sweave. My thanks to those who replied. Friedrich Leisch suggested a work around which was copied to the mailing list so I wont repeat it here. This worked well. (I made a minor addition by adding braces around each chunk of code to make the output in the pdf file look a bit prettier. This seems
2002 Mar 26
SSH / PAM / Kerberos / password aging
Ok, so, things are complicated. The PAM standard insists on password aging being done after account authorization, which comes after user authentication. Kerberos can't authenticate users whose passwords are expired. So PAM_KRB5 implementations tend to return PAM_SUCCESS from pam_krb5:pam_sm_authenticate() and arrange for pam_krb5:pam_sm_acct_mgmt() to return PAM_NEW_AUTHTOK_REQD, as
2001 Jul 05
OpenSSH Logging Madness
Feature request: - Please add a new LogLevel corresponding to the LOG_NOTICE syslog level. - Then modify OpenSSH to log to LOG_NOTICE only these events: - login failures - login successes Specifically, please: - add a new element to the LogLevel enum, say, 'SYSLOG_LEVEL_NOTICE', between 'SYSLOG_LEVEL_INFO' and 'SYSLOG_LEVEL_ERROR', in log.h -
2002 Aug 23
3.4p1 ssh-agent auth-retry patch available: was: Re: Updated ssh-agent authentication retry patch available
And lsof the agent too - see what files it has open... Nico -- > -----Original Message----- > From: Kevin Steves [mailto:kevin at] > Sent: Friday, August 23, 2002 4:48 PM > To: openssh-unix-dev at > Cc: stevesk at > Subject: Re: 3.4p1 ssh-agent auth-retry patch available: was: Re: > Updated ssh-agent authentication retry patch available
2002 Oct 10
problem with Sweave on 1.6 on NT4
Hi, I recently compiled 1.6 on NT4 but I am having a problem with Sweave. Using the inbuilt 'Sweave-test-1.Rnw' file as an example: ------- > library(tools) > testfile <- file.path(.path.package("tools"), "Sweave", "Sweave-test-1.Rnw") ## create a LaTeX file Sweave(testfile) testfile <-
2002 Jan 11
X11 forwarding, -f, error handling
I'd like a feature whereby ssh puts itself in the background after the first successful X11 (or other port) forwarding. The reason for this is simple: error handling. If the application fails to open the X display and exits, then the client can still exit with the application's exit code. But if the application opens the X display successfully, then it can just display any errors by