similar to: entropy problems IRIX

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "entropy problems IRIX"

2004 Jun 23
BEWARE when compiling with CUPS support
Dear Folks, I have been pounding my head against a wall trying to solve mulitiple problems trying to get SAMBA to work (Fedora core 2). Authentication was taking several minutes, and CUPS printing was problematic. I finally removed the Fedora distribution SAMBA binary, and installed the source (from the distribution). Recompiling solved the authentication problem (by excluding the PAM
2004 Jun 17
Authentication problems continue
Dear Samba folks, I have heard and seen nothing about this or matters like it since my posting, so I thought I would repost with some updates. My thinking at the moment is to try to recompile SAMBA (I am using a Fedora core 2 binary distribution) without PAM support, but I hate to do that. Here it is again: I very recently replaced our SGI Challenge S file server, which employed samba 2 to
2004 Jun 07
authentication, pam, etc.
Dear Samba folks, I very recently replaced our SGI Challenge S file server, which employed samba 2 to service Windows boxes, with an Intel Linux box running Fedora core 2 Linux with samba 3.0.3. When I connect to the server, it takes a number of *minutes* to get an authentication challenge window. After entering name and password, the connection proceeds, and shares are displayed normally.
2004 Jun 08
authentication, pam, etc. (more)
Dear Samba Folks, Re the message I sent you earlier (reproduced below). The logs are also producing error messages such as this: smbd[12778]: pam_succeed_if: requirement "uid < 100" not met by user "bonomo" smbd[12821]: pam_succeed_if: requirement "uid < 100" not met by user "bonomo" smbd[12840]: pam_succeed_if: requirement "uid <
2001 Oct 02
New feature: remote entropy gatherer port
[NOTE: I'm new to this list and this is my first approach to OpenSSH code.] I've enhanced "--with-prngd-port=PORT" flag to accept an optional hostname as in "myhost:myport", e.g.: % ./configure Although I'm certain that this may cause big trouble if remote gatherer isn't online (ssh will refuse to open any connection) I
2001 Jun 07
Patch to enable multiple possible sources of entropy
I have a need to have the same OpenSSH binaries run on multiple machines which are administered by different people. That means on Solaris, for example, there will be some with /dev/random, some on which I can run prngd because they'll be installing my binaries as root, and some which will have neither because they will be only installed as non-root. Below is a patch to enable choosing all 3
2001 Nov 06
Entropy and DSA key
On Tue, 6 Nov 2001, Dan Astoorian wrote: > Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2001 13:23:58 -0500 > From: Dan Astoorian <djast at> > To: Dave Dykstra <dwd at> > Cc: Ed Phillips <ed at UDel.Edu> > Subject: Re: Entropy and DSA key > > On Tue, 06 Nov 2001 10:54:12 EST, Dave Dykstra writes: > > > On Mon, 5 Nov 2001, Ed Phillips wrote: >
2001 Sep 28
OpenSSH (portable) and entropy gathering
On Thu, 27 Sep 2001 20:41:05 EDT, Damien Miller writes: > On Thu, 27 Sep 2001, Dan Astoorian wrote: > > > > > It would (IMHO) be useful if there were a way to optionally configure > > that code to fall back to the internal entropy gathering routines in the > > event that EGD was not available; as it is, the routines simply fail if > > EGD is unavailable at the
2002 Mar 08
Cannot run OpenSSH 3.1p1 on Solaris 8, Irix 6.5.14, Irix 6.5.4, SunOS 4.1.3_U1 - ssh-rand-helper child produced insufficient data
I have successfully compiled OpenSSH 3.1p1 for the following systems: Solaris 8 Solaris 7 Irix 6.5.14 Irix 6.5.4 SunOS 4.1.3_U1 Unfortunately, the new sshd is not working on any of the above systems with the exception of Solaris 7. (I then put the Solaris 7 executables on Solaris 8, and they worked there too.) This is the error I'm getting: $ /usr/etc/sshd -D -d -d -d debug3: Seeing PRNG
2001 Nov 02
Entropy and DSA keys
I remember a discussion to the effect that using DSA keys in sshd increases the requirement for random bits available on the system... and that this requirement (was it a 128 bit random number per connection?) presents security problems on systems that don't have a decent source of entropy? Am I misinterpreting those discussions? We are having a problem deploying sshd (no prngd) where sshd
2001 Dec 21
Killing the builtin entropy code
Over the holidays, I intend to finally rid portable OpenSSH of the builtin entropy collection code. Here's what I intend to do: When init_rng is called, we'll check OpenSSL's RAND_status(). If this indicates that their PRNG is already seeded, we'll do nothing. This effectively detects platforms which have /dev/urandom (or similar) configured into OpenSSL. If OpenSSL isn't
2002 Jun 18
ssh-keygen hangs with empty prngd.conf - bug ?
Hi, I use openssh-2.9p2 on an i386 LynxOS system. Since LynxOS does not have support for /dev/[u]random, I installed openssh with prngd support. It so happened by accident on installation that prngd.conf got truncated to zero size. With prngd running as such, ssh-keygen just hangs. I notice similar case with sshd, ssh, ... as all these depend on prngd for random number. SMMEstack# /usr/sbin/sshd
2002 Jan 22
Now that ssh-rand-helper has been segregated into a separate program, I'd like to revisit an old question about its entropy gathering. - would it be desirable to make it possible for ssh-rand-helper to fall back to external commands if PRNGD cannot be reached, instead of choosing one or the other at compile time? - When using PRNGD, the program gets 48 bytes of entropy from PRNGD,
2008 Jul 11
openssh / prngd unresolved bug since 2002, need help
Hello, I apologize if this is the wrong list. It was the list I was directed towards. I have reviewed the archives as well as everything I could google before posting. Any help is most appreciated: We're seeing an error during sftp and ssh connections with consistent regularity. It's triggered by a high number of connections coming into sftp/ssh at the same time. It affects
2011 Mar 02
how to delete empty levels from lattice xyplot
Hello All, I try to use the attached code to produce a cross over plot. There are 13 subjects, 7 of them in for/sal group, and 6 of them in sal/for group. But in xyplot, all the subjects are listed in both subgraphs. Could anyone help me figure out how to get rid of the empty levels? Thanks library(lattice) pef1 <- c(310,310,370,410,250,380,330,370,310,380,290,260,90) pef2 <-
2002 Jul 24
OpenSSH 3.4p1 "PRNG is not seeded"
I upgraded from OpenSSH_3.0.2p1 to OpenSSH 3.4p1. Starting SSHD or ssh-keygen I'm getting the "PRNG is not seeded". I have verified that prngd is running and " /var/spool/prngd/pool get" runs just fine reporting 32800 bits of entropy. My platform is Solaris 8 (sparc) and I downloaded binaries from My guess is the build of OpenSSH 3.4.p1 is
2014 Jul 17
Selección eficiente de individuos
Buenas tardes, Tengo un data frame denominado “trabajadores”, que cubre desde el 1 de enero de 1997 hasta el 30 junio de 1999, con 3 columnas: Identificador (ID), la fecha de entrada en la empresa (ENT) y la fecha de salida (SAL). Deseo localizar aquellos trabajadores que, durante dicho periodo, NO han llegado a pasar un 31 de diciembre y un 1 de enero seguidos (cambio de año) como asalariados
2008 Apr 07
Anova function and glm.nb
Hi All, I am using the glm.nb function from the MASS package (current version) to fit and compare GLMs with negative binomial error distributions. My question is: what is the appropriate method to use in the anova function to compare models? If only one fitted object like m<-glm.nb(number<-p+sal+temp,data=data) is specified in the anova function (anova(m)), a fixed theta is used to
2010 Sep 27
Issues with Legend symbols
Hello forum! I am currently having trouble getting R to recognize one of my pch characters. Here's what I have: legend(120, 40, c("SAL-arterial", "SAL-portal", "GLP-1-arterial", "GLP-1-portal"), bty="n", col=c("black"), pch=19:15:21:22,"white", pt.cex=2:2:2:2, lty=1, lwd=2, text.col="black", cex=1.3) Now,
2002 Apr 25
ssh-rand-helper probs
Hi all Am i doing this right? Is this the right list to post to? If not, a quick lesson in ettiquette for me would not hurt. As I am both just starting to use newsgroups and SSH, I am not entirely familiar with the processes. I have a question about ssh-rand-helper. First an outline: I am currently using the SSH packages for Solaris 2.8 available at The environment is