similar to: making openssh work with chroot()'ed accounts?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "making openssh work with chroot()'ed accounts?"

2009 Jun 07
Fw: howto use chroot + sshd
Hi everybody. I got a problem here. I want to use chroot + sshd service. env: RHEL 5.2 tail -1 /etc/pam.d/sshd session required debug tail /etc/security/chroot.conf terry /users ssh terry at faile tail /var/log/secure Jun 7 05:05:40 node1 sshd[5397]: pam_chroot(sshd:session): chroot(/users) succeeded <- chroot /users succeeded Jun
2000 Jun 28
SSH-2.2.0 (for Windows) and OpenSSH-2.1.1p1
I just upgraded my Windows SSH client from the 2.1.x version (whatever it was) to 2.2.0 and am now experiencing difficulties connecting to my OpenSSH-2.1.1p1 Linux servers. I'm not as up-to-speed as I should be on the inner workings of the handshakes that go on, but from the debug logs and from trying different connection methods, it seems to be isolated to using publickeys. This
2004 Jan 13
Has anyone got the pam_chroot module to successfully work in FreeBSD? I have FreeBSD 5.2-RELEASE installed. I copied the appropriate binaries and libraries into my chroot, I can chroot -u test -g test /home/test /usr/local/bin/bash and it works perfectly. So now I am trying to get the pam module to work. I added session required debug into the
2002 Apr 24
hostbased authentication and the root account
We have a problem using hostbased authentication in combination with the root account. We use hostbased authentication to hop from a 'management server' where we use strong authentication to several systems in a cluster. The management server is defined in shosts.equiv and the public key of this server is defined in ssh_known_hosts. This setup works for all users except for the root user
2001 Oct 18
sshd fails to close open file descriptors when forking
I don't like to be the bearer of bad news, but... In light of the big "ssh hangs on logout" thread (wherein the true culprit was identified as being programs that don't close inherited file descriptors), I find it somewhat ironic that one of those "broken daemon" programs that doesn't close its open fds is sshd. :(
2005 Feb 07
treat output of sshrc as environment assignment lines?
Currently, ~/.ssh/environment can set static environment variables, and ~/.ssh/rc can run initialization routines. But there is no way for sshrc to propagate changes to the environment to the user's shell or command. There is, however, a possible way to do this. If the PermitUserEnvironment option is set, sshd could treat the stdout of sshrc as additional assignment lines of the form
2013 May 07
Trouble writing authorized_keys2
I''ve got a situation where a manifest fails when writing one particular key for a user. What I have is a manifest that looks like this: class my::accounts () { Ssh_authorized_key { ensure => present, type => ssh-dss, } Then, after making sure the user, group, and authorized_keys2 file exist: ssh_authorized_key { "key-name-1": key
2009 Mar 08
question on using keys
I've read man ssh and man ssh-keygen and some howtos and still am not getting what I expect. I can do ssh john at and login with a password OK. I want to be able to do that with keys in preparation for running rsync with keys, so I created a key on router1, the machine I want to ssh from. routem at router1:~/.ssh$ lla total 20 drwx------ 2 routem routem 4096 2009-03-08 09:55 .
2008 Jun 07
Chroot'ed SSH
Hi, Is anyone chrooting users that connect through SSH? I looked for it on Google and I basically saw several methods: - OpenSSH 5 supports ChrootDirectory (FC9 apparently has RPMs that probably could be rebuilt under CentOS 5) - There seem to be several patches for OpenSSH 4.x to do the chroot, the most popular seems to be - There appears to be a pam_chroot - There are
2019 Sep 04
Mailcrypt plugin private password
Do I have to replace the "password" part with the actual password or can I just copy it like that? Will dovecot create the keypair automatically or do I have to use doveadm? 4. Sep. 2019, 08:33 von aki.tuomi at > > > > On 4.9.2019 9.21, **** **** via dovecot wrote: > >> Hello there, >> >> is there a way to make the
2003 Jul 09
OpenSSH 3.6.1p2 ON SCO 3.2v4.2 + STRICTMODES -->yes
Greetings, I have compiled OpenSSH-3.6.1p2 on SCO 3.2v4.2 and the following problem occurs: I am unable to login as root using when strictmode is set to yes. output of debug: Failed none for root from port 1199 ssh2 debug1: userauth-request for user root service ssh-connection method publickey debug1: attempt 1 failures 1 debug2: input_userauth_request: try method publickey debug1:
2013 Aug 20
Unable to use 8192bit keypair for Tinc VPN 1.0.22
Dear All, I just tried to use 8192bit keypair for Tinc VPN connection. The connection is unable to build up. After reduce the bit of keypair from 8192bit to 4096bit. Everything is resumed to normal. How large of public/private RSA keypair can support for TINC VPN 1.0.22 on Windows platform? Regards, ERIC P Please consider your environmental responsibility. Before printing this e-mail
2004 Nov 08
[Bug 951] SSH2 protocol breaks pam chroot auth Summary: SSH2 protocol breaks pam chroot auth Product: Portable OpenSSH Version: 3.9p1 Platform: Other URL: --- OS/Version: Linux Status: NEW Severity: major Priority: P2 Component: PAM support AssignedTo: openssh-bugs at
2019 Jul 03
mail_crypt: multiple keypairs
Hello, I am testing mail_crypt plugin with per account encryption and wanted to generate a new keypair for an account but noticed that I now end up with 2 keypairs where one is active and the other inactive as you can see below: $ doveadm mailbox cryptokey list -u email at domain.tld -U Folder Active Public ID yes 7b140b4f3d6d68eed2c59259ac5e6f6a280dc82990292dc415b4100d6c797f67
2009 Oct 31
authorized_keys command=""
Hello, as I have read manual, if I use in file authorized_keys option command="" with some command, no other commands will be permitted. I have tried it, created authorized_keys2 for root and added there command="rdiff-backup --server" and after that tried to login. Thit command was executed, but I was normally able to supply other comand as root. Can you tell me why? Thank
2006 Apr 05
rsync, ssh and DSA key
hi all I have generated the key in the source server( ssh-keygen -t dsa -C "root@" I have added this key to authorized_keys2 of the destination server( cat >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys2 but when I execute rsync -avz -e ssh root@ /var/mail in the destination server I asck me for the password How to avoid this in
2020 Jan 02
u2f seed
In the u2f protocol, my understanding is in the normal case, the web browser seeds the keypair process with the hostname of the remote server. In the case of ssh, the hostname is probably not what I would want to do. But the u2f protocol seems to have a way to handle this. It just needs to be exposed to the user. The content of the private keyfile in ssh is generated somehow. Where is that done?
2019 Dec 31
u2f seed
When using openssh with a u2f key, you generate a key via: ssh-keygen -t ecdsa-sk Each time you run it, it gives a different key pair. (Randomly seeming). A differently generated key pair is not valid with the first's public key. All good so far, but you run into a problem if: You generate a keypair (A). You register your public key for (A) on a bunch of ssh servers. You take
2019 Jun 09
OpenSSH forcing the signature to SHA1.
Hello folks, I am new here, so please be gentle :), and any help will be appreciated. Essentially what I am trying to do is, to use Jsch ( the java implementation of SSH client). it has support for Public key based authentication. Since there is a requirement for FIPS enablement, we are trying to use the Algorithm SHA256withRSA, instead of SHA1withRSA. When the code tries to verify the
2019 Sep 04
Mailcrypt plugin private password
Is any of the password schemes supported or is there a reason you chose pkcs5? 4. Sep. 2019, 08:45 von aki.tuomi at > > It should pick up the password used by the user, there is a caveat here though. The keypair is created on first use, so password will be initialized to empty string going thru pkcs5. This is slightly inconvenient. > > > To avoid