similar to: Preservar el nombre de un nodo en una lista después de unir dos listas diferentes

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 90 matches similar to: "Preservar el nombre de un nodo en una lista después de unir dos listas diferentes"

2018 Mar 09
Contar categorías después de ciertos valores
Hola, Estoy intentando averiguar cómo contar el número de categorías situadas después de ciertos valores. Por ejemplo, en el siguiente vector: x <- c(3, "A", "B", 5, "A", 4, 5, "A", "A", 3) el resultado que quisiera obtener es: Valor -> Resultado 3 -> 1 A y 1 B 4 -> 0 A y 0 B 5 -> 3 A y 0 B ¿Alguien tiene alguna
2010 Nov 16
renaming a list of data frames y calculating with lapply
Hello everyone I'm a new R user and have some questions about lists indexing, names and the lapply function. first have a look to my data (names changed) it's a rainfall record for 67 stations, str(data) List of 67 $ e9999.somename.xx.txt :'data.frame': 456 obs. of 5 variables: ..$ Y : int [1:456] 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 ... ..$
2005 Feb 04
no. at risk in survfit()
Hi, when I generated a survfit() object, I can get number of patients at risk at various time points by using summary(): fit<-survfit(Surv(time,status)~class,data=mtdata) summary(fit) class=1 time n.risk n.event survival std.err lower 95% CI upper 95% CI 9.9 78 1 0.987 0.0127 0.963 1 41.5 77 1 0.974 0.0179 0.940 1 54.0 76
2005 Nov 06
cox models
Hello, i'm a french student of medical oncology and i'm working on breast cancer. I have a variable with the histologic type of tumor wich is between 1 and 5. I use as.factor function to make some variable with level between 1 and 5. When i put it in the cox model i have only the level between 2 and 5. The level 1 doesn't appear. I think i have to change the number of level but i
2009 Aug 02
Competing Risks Regression with qualitative predictor with more than 2 categories
Hello, I have a question regarding competing risk regression using cmprsk package (function crr()). I am using R2.9.1. How can I do to assess the effect of qualitative predictor (gg) with more than two categories (a,b,c) categorie c is the reference category. See above results, gg is considered like a ordered predictor ! Thank you for your help Jan > # simulated data to test > set.seed(10)
2003 Jan 20
make check for R-1.6.2 on IBM AIX
Dear all, The 'make check' step fails for the pacakge mva on IBM AIX. The tail of the Rout log file looks like: > for(factors in 2:4) print(update(Harman23.FA, factors = factors)) Call: factanal(factors = factors, covmat = Harman23.cor) Uniquenesses: height arm.span forearm lower.leg weight 0.170 0.107 0.166
2008 Oct 30
lme4/anova, error message: "Calculated PWRSS for a LMM is negative"
Dear all, I'm using the latest version of the package lme4 and R version 2.7.2 (2008-08-25). After I run the model, I get the results of the model (cf. below). Then, I run an ANOVA using the "anova" function and I get the following message "Error in anova(lmer1) : Calculated PWRSS for a LMM is negative". I went trough the R-mailing list and a similar error message was
2008 Mar 14
multiple comparisons
Hello again R help. This is a simple question perhaps(laughing as I type) with a simple answer. Is the multcomp package appropriate for using with a lme built under the nlme package. I know i can get it to work (i.e report p-values for a tukey test) but i am not unsure if this is appropriate for a linear mixed effects model. Below is the code i used lmm1 <- lme(asinh(density_recruit) ~
2008 Jun 19
[LLVMdev] llvm-gfortran polyhedron 2005 results
I've benchmarked the llvm 2.3/llvm-gcc-4.2 release against the stock gfortran compiler from gcc 4.2.4 on a 2.33GHz MacBook Pro using the '-ffast-math -funroll-loops -msse3 -O3' optimization flags. llvm-gfortran Benchmark Compile Executable Ave Run Number Estim Name (secs) (bytes) (secs) Repeats Err % --------- ------- ---------- ------- -------
2009 Oct 07
how to extract the second table from the factanal functions result's loadings part?
Hi All, Can someone help me?The way to do this may be very easy but i do not know. *Question1:----* factanal() function produces the results in this way:-- *RESULTS:--* *>fact1<- factanal(data_withNA,factors=1,rotation="none") >fact1$"loadings"* Loadings: Factor1 i1 0.784 i2 0.874 i3 0.786 i4 0.839 i5 0.778 i6 0.859 i7 0.850 i8 0.763 i9 0.810 i10 0.575
2008 Jun 20
[LLVMdev] llvm-gfortran polyhedron 2005 results [corrected]
The previously posted benchnarks for gcc vs llvm-gfortran had one mistake. I was actually had the gfortran for 4.3.1 installed instead of that from gcc 4.2.4. Below are the polyhedron benchmark results for all three compilers... gfortran 4.2.4 Benchmark Compile Executable Ave Run Number Estim Name (secs) (bytes) (secs) Repeats Err % --------- -------
2012 Oct 03
Difficulties in trying to do a mixed effects model using the lmer function
Dear people of the help list I am drying to analyze my data using the 'lmer' function and I keep having problems. This is the model: > fm1<-lmer(dbh~spec+scheme+(1|Plot),data=d, REML=FALSE). I analyse tree size (dbh) of 3 different species (spec) and 3 planting schemes (scheme). I have 5 plots, which I hope to model as a random factor. (However, the subsequent output is based on
2005 Apr 27
making table() work
I am trying to do some verification across a large dataset, cuData, that has 23 columns. Column 23 (similarity) is the outcome 0 or 1 and the other columns are the features. I do this: verificationglm.model <- glm(formula = similarity ~ ., family=binomial, data=cuData[1:1000,]) and produce the model: > summary(verificationglm.model) Call: glm(formula = similarity ~ ., family =
1999 Oct 25
leaps: XHAUST returned error code -999
Hi there, This problem has been dogging me for a bit, and I'm trying to figure out why. When running the the subsets function in the leaps library, R is giving me the following error message > lvodsub <- subsets(pred, resp$LVOD) Warning message: XHAUST returned error code -999 in: leaps.exhaustive(a, really.big = really.big) but this still happens if I add the really.big option:
2009 Mar 12
Listas de "stopwords" y raíces de palabras para
>Me gustaría saber si alguien conoce listas de palabras y de raíces >para ser usadas en un proyecto de minería de texto usando el paquete >tm de R. Hola Carlos, Depende de la tarea la mejora en el rendimiento mediante la eliminación de 'palabras vacias' y el uso de radicalización (stemming) o lematización. Vas a reducir el volumen del diccionario y a homogeneizar la muestra,
2009 Sep 20
missing level of a nested factor results in an NA in lm output
Hello All, I have posted to this list before regarding the same issue so I apologize for the multiple e-mails. I am still struggling with this issue so I thought I'd give it another try. This time I have included reproducible code and a subset of the data I am analyzing. I am running an ANOVA with three factors: GROUP (5 levels), FEATURE (2 levels), and PATIENT (2 levels), where
2013 Nov 29
Listas en R
Hola. Me interesa meter una serie de regresiones lineales en una lista a la que voy a denominar L. El problema es que a posteriori necesito sacar valores de esas regresiones. Sin embargo, al llamar a L[1] este no es un objeto del tipo "lm" sino que es del tipo "list" y no puedo aplicarle funciones relacionadas con la regresión (tal y como puede ser hacer un summary para
2017 Feb 15
convertir múltiples listas de múltiples dataframes en un único dataframe
Dispongo de 10 listas, cada una de ellas es, a su vez, una lista de 3 data.frame. Trato de convertirlo todo en un único data.frame. Señalo que los data.frame son de diferente número de observaciones y variables. He probado todo, y ¡zas! nada. Ruego amablemente alguna ayuda. Manuel J. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2015 Nov 11
Selección de elementos de dos listas
Hola La duda que tengo es la siguiente Quiero coger elementos de unas listas de valores y que haga un bucle con unas condiciones: que no sean iguales k y z y que si ha hecho la simulación para, por ejemplo 0.1 y 0.15, no lo haga para 0.15 y 0.1 (es decir tener combinaciones de esas litas) La primera condición es fácil, pero con la segunda lo conseguido creando una lista en txt y que la lea
2015 Jan 29
Listas Recursivas
Hola Tengo un análisis en el que como resultado obtengo una lista recursiva, es decir, una lista cuyos componentes a su vez son listas. Son varias iteraciones de una función que proporciona varios resultados de interés de distinta naturaleza y por eso los uno en una lista. Las iteraciones son hechas en paralelo, y los resultados de una función de este tipo suelen ser empaquetados a su vez en una