similar to: raking weighting

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "raking weighting"

2011 Feb 02
grey scale graphs
Hi everyone, Does anyone know how to get "black and white theme" (grey scale,, I would say) graphs using lattice or ggplot2, as it is shown in this webpage: I am using Sweave, and I cannot get that color configuration. I have added the following option: trellis.device(color=FALSE) but I got a pdf file with color graphs. Thank
2011 Mar 26
simple if question
Hi everyone, I have just got different samples from a dataframe (independent and exclusive, there aren't common elements among them). I want to create a variable that indicate the sampling selection of the elements in the original dataframe (for example, 0 = no selected, 1= sample 1, 2=sample 2, etc.). I have tried to do it with ifelse command, but the problem is that the second line
2011 Feb 16
id number by group and correlative
Hello everyone, I am new in R and I am trying to create a id number (a correlative sequence of numbers) by group, and a correlative sequence of numbers inside each group (my idea is to get statistics by group without having to aggregate the database). Here an example: group id_group correlative_group A 1 1 A 1 2 A 1 3 A 1 4 B 2 1 B 2 2 B 2 3 C 3 1 C 3 2 C 3 3 C 3 4 C 3
2011 Apr 03
style question
Hi everyone, I am trying to build a table putting standard errors horizontally. I haven't been able to do it. library(memisc) berkeley <- aggregate(Table(Admit,Freq)~.,data=UCBAdmissions) berk0 <- glm(cbind(Admitted,Rejected)~1,data=berkeley,family="binomial") berk1 <- glm(cbind(Admitted,Rejected)~Gender,data=berkeley,family="binomial") berk2 <-
2012 Mar 26
trellis plot
Hi everyone, I am just trying to figure out how to do a xyplot where in addition to dots and lines I can change dots' colors according to an individual variable (e.g., marital disruption across time, a dummy 0/1). When I use "groups" specification (see below), I get two different lines for each individual based on groups, and what I want is to get one line connecting dots, and
2011 Apr 03
Hi everyone, I am trying to build a table putting standard errors horizontally. I haven't been able to do it. library(memisc) berkeley <- aggregate(Table(Admit,Freq)~.,data=UCBAdmissions) berk0 <- glm(cbind(Admitted,Rejected)~1,data=berkeley,family="binomial") berk1 <- glm(cbind(Admitted,Rejected)~Gender,data=berkeley,family="binomial") berk2 <-
2011 Feb 05
very basic HLM question
Hi everyone, I need to get a between-component variance (e.g. random effects Anova), but using lmer I don't get the same results (variance component) than using random effects Anova. I am using a database of students, clustered on schools (there is not the same number of students by school). According to the ICC1 command, the interclass correlation is .44 > ICC1(anova1) [1] 0.4414491
2012 Oct 11
survey package question
Hello, I have got a cluster sample using an election dataset where I already had the final results of a county-specific election. I am trying to figure out what would be the best sampling design for my data. The structure of the dataset is: 1) polling station (in general schools where people vote, for a county, for example, there are 15 polling stations) 2) inside each polling station, there
2011 May 18
data network format and grouping analysis
Hi everyone, I have a dataset of friendship with this format: ego alter 4746 1 2 9742 1 3 14738 1 NA 4747 2 NA 9743 2 3 14739 2 1 4748 3 13 9744 3 5 14740 3 14 4749 4 NA 9745 4 NA 14741 4 NA 4750 5 NA 9746 5 13 14742 5 10 4751 6 12 9747 6 7 ... NA means that individuals don't select any
2010 Dec 21
combination value
<>Hi every one, I want to calculate the combination function in R, the value not all the possible choices. I mean cmbn(5,2)=10. Is there any function unless using factorial? Regards, Amir [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Jan 31
rj packages and eclipse
Hi everyone! Does anyone know how to install the rj package in Windows (7)? I am trying to set up eclipse, but I got [INFO] The R package 'rj' is not available, R-StatET tools cannot be initialized. Thank you in advance!
2011 Jan 21
Function comparable to cutpt.coxph from "Survival Analysis using S"
Dear Mrs Rachel Pearce, I am looking for a function "cutpt-coxph" in R - like you did some years ago. How have you solved the problem? Have you found it or a similar function? thank you, Sincerely, Friederike "The title says it all really; I am looking for a function along the lines of cutpt.coxph as described in "Survival Analysis Using S" (Tableman and Kim), Chapter
2011 Sep 30
Advice on approach to weighting survey
I'm about to add weights to a bus on-board survey dataset with ~150 variables and ~28,000 records. My intention is to weight (for each bus "run") by boarding stop and alighting stop. I've seen the Rake function of the Survey package, but it seems that converting to a "svydesign" might be excessive for my purpose. My dataset has a huge number of unique
2011 Jan 31
Latent Class Logit Models in discrete choice experiments
Dear R users, I would like to perform Latent Class Logit Models for the analysis of choice experiments in environmental valuation. This kind of analysis is usually performed with NLogit Software ( I attach the results I usually obtain using NLogit and NLogit model specifications. For Random parameter models and Logit Models I usually perform my analysis with the package
2010 Nov 19
Sweave Dynamic Graph Question
i have a time Series of IBM closing px from 1/1/2000 to today I want to graph the time serie by dividing the graph by year and month all the monthly graphs with the same year will go to one page. so from 1/1/2000 to 11/19/2010. i will have 11 pages, and each page will have 12 graphs (jan to dec) except for 2010. I am able to do it in R, but when i use sweave, I can only print the last page.
2011 Mar 17
Spatial cluster analysis of continous outcome variable
Dear R Users, R Core Team, I have a two dimensional space where I measure a numerical value in two situations at different points. I have measured the change and I would like to test if there are areas in this 2D-space where there is a different amount of change (no change, increase, decrease). I don´t know if it´s better to analyse the data just with the coordinates or if its better to group them
2011 Nov 05
como ponderar casos en R
Hola a tod en s. Se trata de un tema que lleva tiempo rondándome la cabeza, pero que nunca he encontrado una solución. Se que existe el paquete survey, pero me gustaría saber si existe algo más sencillo. Por ejemplo, estaba analizando los últimos datos de la encuesta de equipamientos tecnológicos del INE y dicho fichero tiene dos variables con factores de elevación, una para hogares y otra para
2006 Feb 24
raking my brain to fix this
I am ''raking'' my brain to fix this problem - I have searched, googled, looked through rake documentation, wiki.rubyonrails and I can''t fix... This works $ rake plugindoc (in /home/craig/ruby-db/th-db) rdoc -o doc/plugins/ez_where --title ''Ez Where Plugin Documentation'' -- line-numbers --inline-source -T html
2004 Nov 29
Is anyone successfully using asterisk-prepaid-0.3.1? I try to configure but doesn't work. It said that you need to do a few step, copy a few files and that is. Please, if someone has any tips about the configuration, answer me. Sebastian
2008 Aug 18
Survey Design / Rake questions
I'm trying to learn how to calibrate/postStratify/rake survey data in preparation for a large survey effort we're about to embark upon. As a working example, I have results from a small survey of ~650 respondents, ~90 response fields each. I'm trying to learn how to (properly?) apply the aforementioned functions. My data are from a bus on board survey. The expansion in the