similar to: Request queue length

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Request queue length"

2011 Jun 16
[PATCH] replace fchmod()-based heartbeat with raindrops
This means we no longer waste an extra file descriptor per worker process in the master. Now there''s no need to set a higher file descriptor limit for systems running >= 1024 workers. --- I just pushed this out to git:// and it''ll be in Unicorn 4.x. The subset of raindrops used by Unicorn should work on all machines with mmap(2) +
2011 Dec 08
Master repeatedly killing workers due to timeouts
Hi, We''re using unicorn as a Rails server on Solaris, and it''s been running great for several months. We''ve recently been having a few problems and I''m at a loss what might cause it. A number of times in the past few days, our unicorn slaves keep timing out & the master keeps restarting them. unicorn.log looks something like : E,
2011 Jun 07
[PATCH] examples/nginx.conf: add ipv6only comment
IPv4 addresses started looking very ugly the first time I got IPv6 working on In case somebody else can''t stand how IPv4-mapped-IPv6 addresses look, the workaround is to use two listeners and ensure the IPv6 one is ipv6only. Unicorn itself supports IPv6, too, but nobody uses/needs it. I''ll add :ipv6only support shortly (probably tomorrow). >From
2013 Dec 09
[PATCH] rework master-to-worker signaling to use a pipe
Signaling using normal kill(2) is preserved, but the master now prefers to signal workers using a pipe rather than kill(2). Non-graceful signals (:TERM/:KILL) are still sent using kill(2), as they ask for immediate shutdown. This change is necessary to avoid triggering the ubf (unblocking function) for rb_thread_call_without_gvl (and similar) functions extensions. Most notably, this fixes
2011 Aug 12
Rack content-length Rack::Lint::LintErrors errors with unicorn
Has anyone seen anything like this before? I can get it to happen all the time if I issue a HEAD request, but it only happens very intermittently on GET requests. I''m using Ruby 1.9.2p180. Any ideas on where to start debugging?, - - [11/Aug/2011 21:03:50] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 200 37902 0.5316 app error: Content-Length header was 37902, but should be
2011 Jul 11
Unicorn vs Apache
Hello all, I have always deploys rails apps with unicorn and nginx as a reverse proxy in the past. However, I am working with a new firm and they would like to use Apache with mod_pagespeed in front of unicorn. We will be deploying a rails 3.1 app with streaming. To me, mod_pagespeed does not seem like a magic bullet, as it appears to be a collection of best practices which have to be rewritten
2010 Jun 23
Purpose of "Status" header in HTTP responses?
Hi folks On line #63 of unicorn/http_response.rb a "Status" header is written to the socket. A comment in the code explains that some broken clients require this header and unicorn generously accommodates them. We?re having the opposite problem. One of our clients using Microsoft Windows and ASP haven?t been able to connect to our HTTP API since we moved it to unicorn from passenger.
2011 Jun 25
Unicorn and streaming in Rails 3.1
Streaming works with Unicorn + Apache. Both with and without deflating. My understanding is that Unicorn + Apache is not a good combination though because Apache does not buffer, and thus Unicorn has no fast client in front. (I don''t know which is the ultimate technical reason Unicorn puts such an emphasis on fast clients, but will do some research about it.) I have seen in
2010 May 06
Garbage collection outside of request cycle?
I''ve been analyzing our Unicorn-powered Rails app''s performance, and have found that garbage collection is a big factor in slow requests. In the interest of avoiding those performance hits while handling requests, would it be possible to have a unicorn worker run garbage collection after handling a request and before waiting for the next one? Would this be a good idea? Cheers,
2011 Aug 16
Unicorn logging in production env
Hi All, as I can see on the?Rack::CommonLogger used only in development env and in weird evn called "deployment". Any chance to add "production" to this case? Serg Podtynnyi
2010 Feb 14
Nginx Sock And Rails Envinroment Error
Hi There, Im running an amazon instance with nginx proxying to a unicorn sock. For some reason, even though i specify the production environment, when being visited by nginx, the site shows errors in development form. Interestingly, when running on a port rather than a sock, if i visit that port, the errors are rendered as normal with a 500 page, the same port, throught nginx, shows errors
2013 Aug 20
A barrage of unexplained timeouts
We''ve been running unicorn-3.6.2 on REE 1.8.7 2011.12 in production for quite some time and we use monit to monitor each unicorn worker. Occasionally, I''ll get a notification that a worker has timed-out and has been re-spawned. In all these cases, when I look at the rails logs, I can see the last request that the worker handled, and they all have appeared to complete
2011 Nov 14
nginx + unicorn deployment survey
Hello all, I''m wondering if you deploy nginx: 1) on the same machine that runs unicorn (exclusively proxying to that) 2) on a different machine that doesn''t run unicorn 3) both, nginx could forward to either to localhost or another host on the same LAN And of course, the reason(s) you chose what you chose. I''m inclined to believe many folks are on 1) simply
2011 Jan 13
Unicorn 3.3.1 "Too many open files" error in kgio_tryaccept
Strange error which took down my server today: Unhandled listen loop exception #<Errno::EMFILE: Too many open files - accept>. /usr/local/ruby-enterprise-1.8.7-2010.01/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/unicorn-3.3.1/lib/unicorn/http_server.rb:606:in `kgio_tryaccept'' /usr/local/ruby-enterprise-1.8.7-2010.01/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/unicorn-3.3.1/lib/unicorn/http_server.rb:606:in
2009 Oct 13
Unicorn Nginx Issue
I''ve setup nginx with this server { listen 80; server_name unicorn.local; location / { proxy_pass http://unicorn; } } upstream unicorn { server unix:/Users/mattmongeau/projects/test/unicorn/tmp/sockets/unicorn.sock; } When I run unicorn_rails -c config/unicorn.rb -E development I can access the application just fine on unicorn.local When I run unicorn_rails -c
2013 Apr 25
Why doesn't SIGTERM quit gracefully?
Hi, I''m wondering why SIGINT and SIGTERM both were chosen for the quick shutdown? I agree with SIGINT but not with SIGTERM. A lot of unix tools send SIGTERM as default (kill, runit among some) and it seems to be the standard way of telling a process to quit gracefully but not among Ruby people (there are a few other ruby processes behaving the same way). I just think it''s weird
2012 Dec 04
403 Forbidden from nginx when unicorn started in debug mode
I am using nginx with unicorn as a reverse proxy. Has been fantastic, but needed to look through some code for first time. Using ruby 1.9.3p194 with rails 3.2.9, development mode with ssl enabled, I start unicorn with -d ...and it does not get served up by nginx. Any ideas, or more information needed? Thanks! Jet Below is my unicorn.rb for developent: # config/unicorn.rb env =
2012 Apr 12
Background jobs with #fork
Hi I''ve migrated from Passenger to Unicorn about a week ago. It''s great. Great transparency and management, thanks for this great software! A few of my Rails applications start background jobs using Kernel#fork. Of course, the ActiveRecord connections are closed and reopened again in the parent and child processes. The child process also does its job. Unfortunately, it seems
2010 Oct 22
502 bad gateway on nginx with recv() failed
Hi, I''m serving the puppetmaster application with its through unicorn - proxied by nginx. I''m using unix sockets, 4 workers, and 2048 backlog. The clients - after their typical "puppet run" - send back a report to the master in YAML. Some clients whose reports tend to be large (close to 2mb) get a 502 bad gateway error and error out. nginx log: 2010/10/22
2010 Dec 01
Unicorn and HAProxy, 500 Internal errors after checks
Hi, This morning, while checking for a correct deployment, we found out that the Unicorns we are using were sending 500 Internal errors very frequently to the HAProxy that sits in front of them. After some investigation, It turned out that HAProxy checks the backend by opening and closing a connection to the unicorn. Unfortunately the Unicorns we use ( v 0.990.0 ) will try to reply to this probe