similar to: PXELINUX: Menu + Machine dependent default kernels?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "PXELINUX: Menu + Machine dependent default kernels?"

2012 Dec 10
pxelinux: unable to boot from local disk
Hello, on a somewhat recent machine (Dell T1600) I'm unable to use my usual setup (pxelinux as a boatloader also for local OS - typically windows). The BIOS is capable of using UEFI, but this is turned off. Unfortunately all I get is a message telling me that pxelinux is unable to boot from local disk. The config entry looks like this: LABEL local MENU LABEL OS installed on local disk
2010 Nov 17
Trouble with Superfloppy format
Hello, are there known issues with some bioses not booting from Superfloppy format? All I get is the Syslinux (c) line and nothing else happens afterwords. Everything works fine if a partition is added to the device. Unfortunately however the target device can not be partitioned. Any hint? Sven -- Why are there so many Unix-haters-handbooks and not even one Microsoft-Windows-haters
2013 Aug 01
Kernel selection by hardware?
Mattias Schlenker <ms at> wrote: > Is ifcpu.c32 or ifcpu64.c32 sufficient for your task? No. I need to detect a given machine by something unique. E.g. the MAC-address of the Ethernet Interface CPU-id or such, because I have custom kernels for all the machines. Sven -- If you can spend five minutes on the Internet and do not run Linux, you're a genius. (Dirk
2009 Mar 08
Simple Meetme Question
Hello, setting up Meetme was very easy. I jut added the MeetMe Application to an internal extension to be reachable by SIP and to an external extension to be reachable by ISDN. What I don't understand however is how to call somebody and drop him to the conference? I'm using Asterisk 1.4 from Debian lenny Sven -- "In the land of the brave and the free, we defend our freedom with
2004 Jun 15
memdisk Trouble
Hi there, while my memdisk setup works perfectly well an an Intel system it fails like this on a Via-C3 based Mini-ITX system (copied manualy, I hope I did not make a mistake): --cut-- Failed to Free base memory, sorry... MEMDISK 2.08 (Debian, 2003-12-22) Copyright 2001-2003 H. Peter Anvin e820: 0000000000000000 000000000009fc00 1 e820: 000000000009fc00 0000000000000400 1 e820: 00000000000f0000
2013 Aug 01
Kernel selection by hardware?
Hello, is it possible to select the default boot image by hardware properties? I corrently boot a couple of laptops fom a single USB stick and I would like to select the default kernel image automatically. Sven -- Trotz der zunehmenden Verbreitung von Linux erfreut sich der B?r, und - dank Knut - insbesondere der Eisb?r, deutlich gr??erer Beliebtheit als der Pinguin. (Gefunden bei
2013 Aug 01
Kernel selection by hardware?
H. Peter Anvin <hpa at> wrote: > Are you network booting, or booting from media? It would be easy to do with pxeboot, but it's an USB flash drive I'm talking about. Sven -- "Software is like sex; it's better when it's free" (Linus Torvalds) /me is giggls at ircnet, on the Web
2008 Oct 30
Linux Kernel >=2.6.25 Realtime issues
Hello, looks like Asterisk (at least the Version from debian lenny, which I use) has a serious Problem with pseudo-realtime mode (-p switch) in conjunction with recent Kernels. Whenn using -p Asterisk simply hangs forever on startup. This is almost certainly related to the CFS SCHED_FIFO changes: Do you know how a workaround or patch how to run asterisk
2014 Mar 05
Does automatic DNS PTR generation in Samba4 AD DC work at all?
Hello, I'm currently running a test setup with Samba4 internal DNS (Version 4.1.5 from Debian backports) and 2 clients (Linux and a Windows). Everything seems to work so far. However, I do not manage to get automatic PTR generation working. I'm using the internal DNS at the moment, but I wouldn't mind changing to bind if this will make it work. While reverse DNS seem to work with
2015 Aug 19
Acoustic boot-menu?
Hello, I have a couple of headless workstations where it should be possible to boot different OS-kernels. Currently I use "MENU IMMEDIATE" and hotkeys which work fine. However I do not really know when the boot sequence has reached the menu for this purpose it would be nice to to ring a bell. Any hint how to do this? Sven -- "Das Einzige wovor wir Angst haben m?ssen ist die
2019 Apr 26
chainloading via syslinux.efi
Hello, in plain old bios mode (pxelinux.0) I have a working setup linke this: LABEL local MENU LABEL OS installed on ^local disk MENU IMMEDIATE COM32 chain.c32 APPEND hd0 LABEL stretch MENU LABEL Debian stable (9.x ^stretch) MENU IMMEDIATE LINUX dists/stretch/boot/vmlinuz APPEND rw root=/dev/ram0 initrd=/initrd-stretch.cramfs suite=stretch IPAPPEND 2 Now switching to
2012 Jul 18
3.6.5: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED from Win7 to 750 dir
Hello, after upgrading from Samba 3.5.6 to 3.6.5 I encounter some strange NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED trouble when trying to access group readable directories from Windows 7 or Windows 2008 Terminal Server. Very strange stuff is that it works fine using smbclient from a Linux machine using the same userid and Kerberos authentication. The Server is fully integrated into active directory and uses
2006 Oct 09
moving Kernel and initrd to subdir?
Dear syslinux users, I am trying to move Kernel and initrd images away from the root directory of my bootable Partition. Looks like this is not possible. While it seems to work with pxelinux, it does not seem to work when using syslinux and FAT. I tried the following: label foo kernel /boot/vmlinuz append initrd=/boot/initrd Ideally it would be even possible to move syslinux.cfg into
2005 Aug 24
very slow boot from USB Pen-Drive
Hi there, I try to boot from an USB Pen-Drive. This works fine on my Laptop, but when I try to change to the target machine it almost takes five minutes until the initrd (fairly big, 18MB) has been loaded. Any hints on how I could try to increase speed? The Bios has already been updatet to the most recent Version. Sven -- "Das ist halt der Unterschied: Unix ist ein Betriebssystem mit
2012 Dec 11
pxelinux 5.0 unable to boot virtual box
Hello, testing the localboot stuff I figured out that I'm unable to pxe-boot virtualbox with pxelinux 5.0 at all. Everything works fine in 4.05 though. This is virtualbox 4.1.18 from debian wheezy emulation a PCnet-Fast III Network Interface because the default emulated card from Intel does not support PXE in virtualbox. Sven -- "and on the third day he rebooted into
2007 May 25
weird "valid users" trouble in 3.0.24
Dear Samba List, I just updated my samba setup from an older Version (3.0.22) to 3.0.24 (Debian Version). Now unfortunately "valid users" does not work anymore. I have a Samba Server with security=ADS (win 2003 SP2 Domain Controller) in an all local Unix Users Setup! Thus all my usernames are available either way, by Unix "getent" and "winbind -u". Probably this
2014 Feb 04
Joining Linux to a samba4 DC?
Hello, I'm running a test setup with samba4 and a windows7 client which works fine so far. Now I try to also join a Linux machine to get a single sign-on setup. However, this does not work. All I get is the following: root at linuxclient:~# net ads -U Administrator join Enter Administrator's password: kinit succeeded but ads_sasl_spnego_krb5_bind failed: Invalid credentials Failed to
2014 Feb 06
Samba 4 LDAP + Automounter Maps
Hello, I just started evaluating Samba 4 AD DC for a Mixed Environment of Linux and Windows client machines. What I have so far is 3 Machines in a virtual environment: A Windows 7 client machine A Debian GNU/Linux (7.0) client machine A Debian GNU/Linux (7.0) server running Samba4 AD DC Yet missing from the setup is a fileserver providing Samba Shares for Windows and NFS4 for Linux. While
2015 Sep 17
PXE-Linux like default configuration file selection with syslinux?
Hello, when booting via pxelinux I can change the image to be booted based on client uuid, and MAC-Adresses. Now when using syslinux I would like to be able to also do this as I like to use one usb flash-drive for booting multiple machines. Is this possible or impossible by design because syslinux always uses syslinux.cfg? Regards
2014 Mar 12
AD-Integration of Samba4 AD DC machine itself?
Hello, I have quite some experiance integration Linux Machines into AD (mostly the M$ one up to now). But now I have a Samba AD DC, which works fine so far. If I understand this correctly, the server itself does not need to be "part" of the domain itself as far as user administration is concerned, right? For using nss-ldapd I would need a valid /etc/krb5.keytab instead of the samba4