similar to: Isolinux on hard disk?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Isolinux on hard disk?"

2001 Mar 22
get root inode failed
Erm, sheez having alot of problems :( I have just been reading all the archives on the mailing list for the past few hours and decided to try make the journal with: tune2fs -j -J10 /dev/hdc1 [root@tkw /]# tune2fs -j -J10 /dev/hdc1 tune2fs 1.20-WIP, 17-Jan-2001 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09 Creating journal inode: done [root@tkw /]# cat /etc/fstab /dev/hdc1 /usr/local ext3
2003 Jan 16
File System corruption
Hi, Yesterday I nuked an old fat32 partition on my hard drive using fdisk. I just destroyed the partition and then created a new linux partition. Then I created an ext3 filesystem with the following command mkfs.ext3 -j /dev/hdc1 Everything seemed fine so I went ahead and moved all my music (MP3s and FLACS) onto that partition. This morning when I turn on my computer I can't mount that
2002 Nov 10
Harddisk gone bad
Hi all, I know this is the EXT3 list, and my problem is with an EXT2 filesys, but I cannot seem to find a more suitable list on this server, and I have seen a lot of knowledge go by on this list and in the archives, so I thought I'd give it a try anyway... Here goes nothing: I am in a terrible problem: My data disk on my Linux server has gone bad, with approx 18 GB of data on it, and I
2004 Jul 22
Ext3 filesystem aborting journal at random times (Maxtor 300GB disk)
Hi, Sorry if this is an old and fixed issue but I can't really seem to find a definitive explanation/fix to this in the mail lists. Ever since I upgraded to FC2 my server randomly decides that it can no longer access the disk and "aborts" the ext3 journal leaving it read-only as expected. I've seen the same errors on other mail list, explained away as disk or disk cable
2002 Feb 18
Undeleting files in ext3 (Newbie-question)
Recently I've encountered a problem, and now I would preciate any help about being able to undelete files. My /var filestructured is mounted at /dev/hdc1 Part of my /etc/mtab looks like this: /dev/hdc1 /var ext3 rw 0 0 I'm using the e2fsprogs-1.23-2 package currently installed with Redhat 7.2 So, could anyone give me a hint of how things could be done to find deleted inodes? I've
2005 Nov 13
Can't connect to smb share that's a mounted file system
On Sat, 2005-11-12 at 20:44 -0600, Mike Hanby wrote: > Howdy, the path statement in the smb.conf file is using Unix pathing. > > path = /backup > > I tried adding the "guest only = yes" to the [netfiles] section and it > didn't change anything. > > Here's my [netfiles] section again: > [netfiles] > comment = Network file storage space >
2009 Sep 03
did CentOS x86 5.3 migrate to another hard drive, but console login keeps prompting even with correct password
first time poster here - hello everyone I started out with CentOS x86 5.3 with the following partitions on my source hard drive: /dev/hdc1 swap /dev/hdc2 / I did the following to migrate my CentOS box to the destination hard drive: 1. boot up with CentOS 5.3 livecd in rescue mode 2. partition destination hard drive (/dev/hdd) /dev/hdd1 swap /dev/hdd2 / 3. create the
2006 Sep 12
RE: Help: Xen HVM Domain can ONLY support four hard drivesat most???
>-----Original Message----- >From: >[] On Behalf Of Liang Yang >Sent: 2006年9月12日 8:57 >To: >Subject: [Xen-users] Help: Xen HVM Domain can ONLY support four hard >drivesat most??? > >Hi, > >I have 5 SATA hard drives and I want to expose all these five
2002 Jun 14
Slow response from new Athlon 1.4Ghz machine?
HI, I am trying to find out why an old slower machineis faster than a new faster machine. I have a RedHat 6.2 server installation, it runs samba and I have been very happy with it. Filesystem is:- [darryl@keg darryl]$ df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/hda6 1.2G 735M 387M 66% / /dev/hda1 40M 3.0M 35M 8% /boot /dev/hdc1
2007 Apr 25
Raid 1 newbie question
Hi I have a Raid 1 centos 4.4 setup and now have this /proc/mdstat output: [root at server admin]# cat /proc/mdstat Personalities : [raid1] md2 : active raid1 hdc2[1] hda2[0] 1052160 blocks [2/2] [UU] md1 : active raid1 hda3[0] 77023552 blocks [2/1] [U_] md0 : active raid1 hdc1[1] hda1[0] 104320 blocks [2/2] [UU] What happens with md1 ? My dmesg output is: [root at
2006 Jun 24
DRBD Problem
Hi all, I've been wrestling with a problem with drdb and centos. I have successfully created one drbd resource, but when I try the create a 2nd, I get an error on one of the nodes: Lower device is already mounted. Command 'drbdsetup /dev/drbd1 disk /dev/hdd1 internal -1' terminated with exit code 20 The partition is not mounted from fstab etc and is newly created with parted after
2006 Jun 11
Centos 4.3 & drbd
Hiya, I'm new to Centos but learning rapidly but I have been using FreeBSD. I'm trying to setup a HA NFS server using 2 machines. Both machines are running 4.3 updated to the latest via Yum. I did yum groupinstall drbd-heartbeat and yum install kernel-module-drbd-kernel-module-drbd-2.6.9-34.EL to match my kernel. The problem I have is that on 1 machine drbd works fine, but when I start
2002 Sep 08
Crashes maybe due to: "error writing 4 unbuffered bytes"
I have been trying to implement Mike's tutorial on backup with rsync, but my server has kept crashing in the middle of the rsync transfer. I am backing up /dev/hda1 to /dev/hdc1 on a SuSe v 7.3 i386 box Server crashed 8 times. 16 fsck and 8 reboots later I finally got an error message and a graceful exit from rsync. Somewhere in the middle of the crashes I compiled and installed the
2002 Nov 05
[leaf-user] FW: CF Boot media creation
I downloaded DOS6.22 image from Used fdisk from that floppy and format from that floppy. Still no luck. If I execute fdisk under leaf ( as fdisk/dev/hdc, and give p for print partition table, I get the following: Disk /dev/hdc: 16 heads, 32 sectors, 123 cylinders. Units = cylinders of 512 * 512 bytes Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System /dev/hdc1
2004 Dec 15
Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!
I am trying to create an additional domain and have created a configuration file based on the examples. When I try to boot the domain, it eventually hits a Kernel panic, as follows: Red Hat nash version 4.1.18 starting Mounted /proc filesystem Mounting sysfs Creating /dev Starting udev Creating root device Mounting root filesystem mount: error 6 mounting ext3 mount: error 2 mounting none
2005 Nov 28
Hi! Whew, I have googled around a lot w/this but can't quite seem to come up w/the right answer. This system works beautifully w/nothing wrong w/it. But my goal is to be able to test the raid system by just unplugging hda to mimic a faulty drive and have it just carry on and boot from hdc. md0 = hda1/hdc1 /boot (primary boot partitions on both drives) md1 = hda2/hdc2 / is it possible to
2003 Jun 06
mount a windows FS to a linux box
My friend, I am trying to mount a windows FS to a linux box, so I can use it form linux. I mount my windows filesystem, without errors, the smbclient works great, but an ls: .: Input/output error appear to my, so I cant see the windows drive. You have any ideas? I don't know what to do? smb: \> ls . D 0 Mon Jun 2 21 ..
2006 Nov 01
e2fsck: Bad magic number in super-block
I posted this to the Fedora-list, but thought I might get some additional information here as well. I have a HD that refuses to mount with a 'bad magic number in super-block'. I'm running FedoraCore 6 x86_64. [root at moe ~]# fdisk -l /dev/hdc Disk /dev/hdc: 250.0 GB, 250059350016 bytes 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 30401 cylinders Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
2007 Nov 29
Sharing Partitions between Linux and Windows
Hi All I've just shifteed over to linux,form Windows.I 'm having 5 partations for use by my windows XP Professional and another one by linux.The partation table is as shown : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [root at localhost6 ~]# fdisk -l Disk /dev/hdc: 250.0 GB, 250059350016
2006 Jun 24
recover data from linear raid
Hello, I had a scientific linux 3.0.4 system (rhel compatible), with 3 ide disks, one for / and two others in linear raid (250 gb and 300 gb each). This system was obsoleted so i move the raid disks to a new scientific linux 3.0.7 installation. However, the raid array was not detected ( I put the disks on the same channels and same master/lsave setup as in the previous setup). In fact