similar to: How thorough do you test?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "How thorough do you test?"

2007 Nov 13
More Rails Pattern Examples?
Hi, I have been reading the documentation and examples on the rspec site. There are two "patterns" from Rails that I am not clear how to implement that are kind of related, and so I am not sure how to start. Does anyone have any examples of how to write rspecs for these? 1/ Nested resources. 2/ Resources that are specific to the current_user. In other words, I only want to
2007 Aug 17
[rspec] looking for a simple refresher
I''ve been off the rspec for a few months and I''m trying to get back on it. 1) Spec::Mocks::MockExpectationError in ''TicketsController handling POST /tickets should create a new ticket'' Mock ''Ticket_1001'' expected :new with ({}) once, but received it 0 times ./spec/controllers/tickets_controller_spec.rb:16: script/spec:4: class
2007 Jan 24
A spec where interaction-based testing breaks down... (at least for now)
Here are the specs: context "Finding all the stylesheets available to a company" do setup do @mock_company = mock("company") @mock_company.stub!(:to_param).and_return "1" Stylesheet.stub!(:find) end def do_find Stylesheet.find_available_to @mock_company end specify "should convert the company into a parameter" do
2007 Oct 26
Examples of writing controller specs that use authentication
Hello, I''m working on specs for a controller that handles authentication using the restful_authentication plugin. I''m trying to find a resource (tutorial or examples, if possible) about the best way to go about writing mocks and specs to make sure that things like my before_filters are working correctly. Does anyone know of any good resources for this? Thanks, Les
2007 Sep 04
Model Specs: Fixtures vs Mocks + Stubs?
What is the general opinion about fixtures versus mocking and stubbing in model specs? I heard from agile on IRC that they save the database testing for integration testing, but I also see that the caboose sample applicaiton uses fixtures. I also noticed that on the rspec site, it says "Ironically (for the traditional TDD''er) these are the only specs that we feel should actually
2007 Jul 12
Agh, this is annoying. Why is this happening?
My problem: Mock ''Task_1005'' received unexpected message :user_id= with (1) No matter what I do to try to stub that out it will still fail out and give me that message. Here is my spec describe TasksController, "handling POST /tasks" do before(:each) do @task = mock_model(Task, :to_param => "1", :save => true)
2007 Oct 11
Login testing ideas
I''ve been going through Pat''s example story and noticed that there was no checking for a bad login. I assume this is because that would have made the article bigger and more complicated than it needed to be. So the question that comes of of this is: How do folks normally handle the negative case? My plan was to just use another scenario, but as a new person to BDD/TDD,
2007 Aug 21
using restful_authentication current_user inside controller specs
I''m using restful_authentication in my app and I have the before filters in my application rhtml: before_filter :login_required around_filter :set_timezone around_filter :catch_errors Currently I have them commented out while rspec''in but I''ll need to add them in my specs. def create @ticket =[:ticket]) @ticket.user = current_user if
2007 Sep 16
How far to go with ActiveRecord unit tests without hitting the database?
I''m currently try to push my limits a little bit with some of my unit testing -- trying to avoid saving ActiveRecord objects to the database and take advantage of mock/stub objects. How far should I expect to get in this direction? From what I can tell, ActiveRecord seems to fight me when it comes to associations. In other words, many associations seem to require database queries.
2007 Jun 02
I''m really bad at controllers, help please.
Hey, Sorry for so many questions - I''m really bad at this right now. I''m trying to cover the following code w/ rspec def index if params[:user_id] @user = User.find(params[:user_id]) @messages = @user.messages end end So basically what I''m doing is listing all the messages for a user, provided there is an id parameter. describe
2007 Apr 11
View Specs Fail with "protected method render"
I''ve got rspec and zentest installed as well as the rspec rails plugin, and my model/controller specs all pass and work well. I can''t seem to get views to work though - 100% of the specs fail with: NoMethodError in ''/users/show.rhtml should render attributes in <p>'' protected method `render'' called for
2007 May 31
Could anyone please help with rspec/nested resource behavior checking?
My problem has been listed here: Don''t think it would be required to completely re-type it here :) Thanks! -- -Daniel Fischer - Geek Blog - Portfolio - Writing Community
2008 Feb 04
Error on
I can''t figure out why I am getting an error for one of the tests below: ======================== describe AccountsController, "POST" do before :each do @user = mock_model(User) @account = mock_model(Account, :id => 1, :valid => true, :save => true, :users => mock("users", :build => @user)) Account.should_receive(:new).and_return(@account)
2007 Sep 11
Can NOT overides the stub! in the setup
Hello, I am new to rSpec. I tried to search in the list, but could not find the answer, please forgive me if somebody already answered this. Here is my question: I have a stub in setup: before(:each) do @current_user = mock("devsu") # Generally, prefer stub! over should_receive in setup. User.stub!(:find).and_return(@current_user) session[:user] =
2007 Nov 28
Newbie question
I installed Rspec and am getting the following failure: $ sudo gem install rspec Successfully installed rspec-1.0.8 Installing ri documentation for rspec-1.0.8... Installing RDoc documentation for rspec-1.0.8... $ spec -v RSpec-1.0.8 (r2338) - BDD for Ruby $ cat acct.rb describe Account, " when first created" do it "should have a balance of $0"
2006 Dec 24
What do you think of this controller spec?
Here''s a controller spec I wrote, it''s for a very simple RESTful controller (well, aren''t all RESTful controllers simple? :) I''ve created a couple spec helper methods to refactor some of the common code...for example, require_login_and_correct_user creates two specifications: one for when the user isn''t logged in, and one when the user is logged in but
2007 Nov 04
Returning the mock associated with an expectation.
I was reading through the FlexMock docs and noticed the expectation method .mock, which returns the original mock associated with an expectation. It looks really handy for writing nice all-in-one mocks like: mock_user = mock(''User'').expects(:first_name).returns(''Jonah'').mock So I started playing around with mocha and found I could actually already do this!
2008 Jan 23
Not seeing the failure
All, I''m missing something simple, I think. I am writing a spec to say that my CouponController should create a new coupon from the form parameters, then set the current user. Here''s the spec: describe CouponController, "When posting to save_coupon" do before(:each) do @expectedName = "pepper''s" @expectedAmount = 5 coupon =
2007 Jan 05
How To Spec Controllers with Finders
Given this code (which renders rjs), I''m faced with the fixture- driven way of spec-ing or mocking. How the heck to you mock this so the code at line (2) and (4) work right? I''m still struggling with mocks but it seems like this can be done. Forgive the naivety of this question. 1. def change_quantity 2. @line_item = LineItem.find_by_id(params[:id]) 3. unless
2007 Dec 29
Do you think it would look cleaner?
I was looking over some of my specs. I was thinking that the following: @game.should_receive(:name).and_return(''The Battle for Blaze'') @game.should_receive(:people).and_return(5000000) @game.should_receive(:activated).and_return(true) Would it look cleaner if I could do this instead? @game.should_recieve_and_return( :name => ''The Battle for Blaze''