similar to: tftp-hpa and remap file examples

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "tftp-hpa and remap file examples"

2007 Oct 24
Adding a second y axis and specifying yaxs="i"
Hello All, I have plotted a barplot and placed a line plot over top using par(new=TRUE). In the first plot I have specified that yaxs="i" and xaxs="i". However when I add a new axis to side 4 (right) and try to specify yaxs="i" it does nothing and the axis line begins above the x axis when I want the two points to meet. Can anyone tell me how to specify the
2001 Mar 06
Bootstrapping on R
Does R have a bootstrap command like SPlus, or do we have to form our own code if we want to do bootstrapping in R? Jason Parcon Western Michigan University e-mail addresses: s0parcon at parcon at -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read
2006 Jun 02
tftpd-hpa: remap '/tftpboot/ncd4/foo' into 'ncd4/foo'
Hello, This about remapping in the HPA tftp server. A client does request for '/tftpboot/ncd4/foo' which should be 'ncd4/foo' I have created a remap file that looks now like this: r tftpboot/ncd4/modshmx/login.hmx ncd4/modshmx/login.hmx r tftpboot/ncd4/modshmx/setup.hmx ncd4/modshmx/setup.hmx r tftpboot/ncd4/modshmx/term.hmx ncd4/modshmx/term.hmx Because r
2001 Nov 02
Re: Cluster Analysis
>>>>> "Grace" == Grace Manguba <manguba at> writes: Grace> Dear R-project staff, ===== usually "staff" is payed. Instead, we are the group of core volunteers. Questions like these belong to the "R-help" mailing list where there's a much larger group of volunteers willing to help out (as time permits).
2010 Jan 03
tftp-hpa 5.0 fails to build on mips
Hi, recently, tftp-hpa has started to fail to build on mips and mipsel with the following error: ---snip--- [...] make -C tftpd [...] gcc -g -O2 -W -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wbad-function-cast -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wnested-externs -Winline -Wwrite-strings -Wundef -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -I/build/buildd/tftp-hpa-5.0 -c
2002 May 06
tftp-hpa 0.29 bug
hi there! i've found a small bug in tftp-hpa-0.29. in remap.c, line 149 should read: memset(r, 0, sizeof *r) rather than: memset (r, 0, sizeof r) it was only clearing the first four bytes of the structure and i was getting corrupt flags as a result. cheers. -- J.F.Carter
2003 Jan 13
tftpd-hpa filename remapping
I cannot seem to get the remap-file function of tftpd working right. I can sucessfully place files on the server but the remap feature is not working. I look in the logfile and it has an entry in there for tftpd. remap: input: startup-config Jan 13 21:47:50 proxy in.tftpd[25438]: remap: done Jan 13 21:47:50 proxy in.tftpd[25438]: RRQ from filename startup-config I think that I
2014 Jun 28
tftp-hpa 5.2
Hello everyone, I am having difficulties in setting up a tftp server on a Fedora 3.14.8-200.fc20.x86_64. Running tftp client to test the server functionality, a simple get from the terminal prompts 'Transfer timed out.' back. The version is tftp-hpa 5.2, with remap, with tcpwrappers, unfortunately I am not able to find any log in the system journal.? The server and related services appear
2014 Jun 28
tftp-hpa 5.2
I sure did check the firewall and selinux as well. As an extreme testing major, they are both turned off. $ systemctl status firewalld firewalld.service - firewalld - dynamic firewall daemon ? ?Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/firewalld.service; disabled) ? ?Active: inactive (dead) sestatus? SELinux status: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? disabled Actually, now tftp transfers are denied $ tftp
2000 Jan 26
Joining NT domains
I was having a problem with getting my samba server to join my NT domain. The smbpasswd command was giving me the following error: [alpha]root: /usr/local/samba/bin/smbpasswd -j USERS -r modify_trust_password: machine BETA.KZOO.EDU rejected the session setup. Error was : code 131. 2000/01/26 09:26:40 : change_trust_account_password: Failed to change password f or domain USERS.
2005 Dec 16
Making tftp-hpa ignore files
Hey folks, Is there any way to make tftp-hpa ignore certain files in the tftpboot directory (-s /tftpboot) based on their filenames? We're running into an issue where users place an auto-config file in the directory and then about 3,000 routers download this, overriding their correct configurations. Obviously the root issue is that people are placing these files there in the first
2004 Jul 30
tftp-hpa server hooks to external programs
Hello tftp-hpa community, I am trying to locate a tftp server that I can integrate with an external program/database application, and was wondering if tftp-hpa might have the capability I am looking for. Upon the tftp server receiving a read request, and before it sending a read request reply, I would like to communicate to an external program (and/or database). In real-time, the external
2004 Aug 05
(hpa-tftpd] remapping with regular expression problem
Hi mailing list, I'm working on PXE booting a BartPE (=Windows XP) system from a server running hpa tftpd. In the initialization phase the files are requested from the boot server by TFTP, later the transfer is switched to SMB. Most of the problems during this tftp phase can be solved with the remapping feature quite nicely like: *converting filenames into absolute paths *convert
2005 Mar 16
tftpd remap rules
Hi, Without this patch, I get a "remap rules cannot be inverted" error message with any remap rule: --- tftp-hpa-0.40/tftpd/remap.c.old 2005-03-16 16:34:34.000000000 -0500 +++ tftp-hpa-0.40/tftpd/remap.c 2005-03-16 16:22:49.000000000 -0500 @@ -275,6 +275,7 @@ int lineno = 0; int err = 0; + memset(this_rule, '\0', sizeof(struct rule)); while ( lineno++, fgets(line,
2009 Apr 05
Using xvkbd to remap keys
Hi everyone, I tried to use xvkbd in combination with xbindkeys to remap certain keys to another one. The use is to remap any key onto numpad keys for faster access of the warcraft3 inventory. This seems to have worked before, but in my configuration it doesnt, and I'd like to know if I've done a mistake somewhere or if it is broken since some version. This is a part of my .xbindkeysrc
2014 Jul 31
[PATCH 0/3] tftp-hpa patches from Debian
From: Ron <ron at> Hi, I've just taken over maintaining the packages for this in Debian, and we've been carrying a couple of patches for a while now that really should have been forwarded since they're clearly not distro specific. I added a third one to that yesterday to fix another autoconf build 'race' seen when doing parallel builds. Cheers, Ron
2009 Jan 07
OpenBSD TFTPD remap rules
Hi! I am using OpenBSD 4.4 with the build-in TFTP-Daemon for PXE. Distributing OpenBSD works fine. Now I want to distribute OpenBSD and WinPE. I've installed PXELinux 3.72 and configured it. Works also fine for PXELinux and distributing OpenBSD. To distribute WinPE I need a remap rule (\ -> /) for the TFTP-Daemon. I've created a file /etc/tftpd.remap with the following rule: rgG \\ /
2004 Feb 19
[tftp-hpa] tftp exit status is always 0
Hi, Now that it's possible to run tftp non interactively, it would be nice to get a non zero exit status in case of failure. Currently exit status is always 0, which makes tftp usage in scripts a bit inconvenient, as one has to parse its output. Thanks. Please CC me, as I'm not on the list. Felix.
2008 Oct 17
Tftp-hpa-0.48 ACKs error messages from tftp server
I have observed that the tftp-hpa-0.48 tftp client sends an ACK in case it receives an error message from a tftp server. Inspecting the source code confirms this behaviour. According to the tftp RFC (RFC 1350), Sect. 2, server error messages should not be acknowledged by the client: "Most errors cause termination of the connection. An error is signalled by sending an error packet. This
2009 Mar 30
porting to tftp-hpa version tftp-server-0.39-3.el4.x86_64.rpm
Dear tftp-hpa'ers, We are migrating from Solaris 2.8 to RHEL 4.6 64 bit. So are in the process of migrating our Solaris 2.8 tftp servers (as well as lots of other servers) to the latest tftp-hpa version available to RHEL 4 users: tftp-server-0.39-3.el4.x86_64.rpm. Since this version was made available roughly a year ago would guess it probably contains roughly the same fixes as your version