similar to: [BUG] Segmentation fault on require 'wx'

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: " [BUG] Segmentation fault on require 'wx'"

2009 May 26
Unable to use wxruby-ruby19 in Ruby 1.9.1-p129 on Windows
Hello, I''m using wxRuby as my favourite GUI toolkit with Ruby 1.9. But after I updated my Ruby installation from Ruby 1.9.1-p0 to Ruby 1.9.1-p129, I cannot do a require "wx" anymore. Every time I try I get an error that says that Windows isn''t able to find some procedure. I have a German Windows XP installation, so I don''t know the English equivalent of this
2008 May 24
[ wxruby-Bugs-20346 ] can not run wxruby-1.9.7 under ruby1.9.0 in linux
Bugs item #20346, was opened at 2008-05-24 12:02 You can respond by visiting: Category: Compile/build Group: None Status: Open Resolution: None Priority: 3 Submitted By: Nobody (None) Assigned to: Nobody (None) Summary: can not run wxruby-1.9.7 under ruby1.9.0 in linux Initial Comment: superman minimal # ruby
2007 Oct 13
Newbie can''t get sample/etc/wizard.rb to work
Hello, I''ve downloaded wxruby onto windows (ruby 1.8.6 (2007-03-13 patchlevel 0) [i386-mswin32]). All samples are working fine, except for wizard.rb, which gets: C:/Program Files/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/wxruby-1.9.1-i386-mswin32/lib/wx/keyword_ctors.rb:201:in `initialize'': Error initializing #<Wx::Wizard:0x2f3fed8> (ArgumentError) Sent parameters:
2009 Feb 15
Compatibility Issues?
I''m running Ruby 1.9.1 (Win32) and I installed the wxruby-1.9.10-x86-mswin32-60 gem. But when I try to run a script with it, I get an error, "This application has failed to start because msvcrt-ruby18.dll was not found." I also get this output: C:/Program Files/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/wxruby-1.9.10-x86-mswin32-60/lib/wx.rb:12:in `require'': 126: The specified
2006 Oct 05
0.36 release problem?
I tried sending this a day or two ago but I didn''t see it appear. I''ve just tried the wxRuby 0.36 release but appear to get the following error (I got it from bigdemo.rb too). C:\opt\ruby\lib\ruby\gems\1.8\gems\wxruby2-preview-0.0.36-i386-mswin32\samples\minimal>minimal Our Initialize was called Their Initialize returned 1
2007 Oct 18
Bug in minimal.rb
Hi! I discovered WxRuby2 and WxSugar a short while ago (1.9.1) and I really like its professional look and the platform independance. But especially the simplification and ''rubyfication'' that you already achieved and are planning for 1.9.2 (event handlers) is funstuff! Thanks a lot! And with Ruby 1.9/2 the keyword constructors will be even nicer with the new hash syntax:
2008 Jan 19
No joy from Wx::App.dispatch, Wx::App.yield...
OK, back with another iteration of the same problem... I updated my game demo, but the Close button failed to respond when (and only when) there were too many objects onscreen. The drawing loop is probably lasting longer than my drawing timer interval. I was able to reproduce the problem in my (probably familiar by now) test script just by boosting the number of lines drawn per frame. After
2008 Jun 30
Issue with Wx::Image class, especially set_data
Hello Hopefully some developer will see this too. I''ve problems using set_data method for example with wxruby 1.9.7/ruby 1.8.6 on mswin32. It always crashes: ..../classes/bitmap.rb:17: [BUG] segmentation fault On my Linux it works fine (thats no suprise of course). Probably somebody has a clue - I exported this raw data also with get_data, I guess this should be platform independent
2007 Jul 10
Seg Fault caused by StatusBar. Am I doing something wrong?
Some odd bug cropped up when I made a bunch of code changes to my app recently. I started getting the following everytime I closed the app: ---------------------------------- [BUG] Segmentation fault ruby 1.8.6 (2007-03-13) [i386-mswin32] This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the application''s support team for more information.
2009 Feb 05
wxRuby - Segmentation fault
# Windows XP Professional + SP3 # ruby 1.8.6 (2007-09-24 patchlevel 111) [i386-mswin32] # wxruby (1.9.9) If you can tell me how to update to 1.9.10, I''d be happy to run this and a few other tests. Also, if I should be posting bugs somewhere else, please let me know. Here''s a bit of code to reproduce a seg fault: -----------------------------------------------------------
2006 Aug 15
Segmentation Fault
I was finally able to build wxruby2 yesterday. Today I tried switching an existing app over to wxruby2, but on running it I received a segmentation fault error. I then created a quick minimal script to see if the error still occurred. Here is the minimal script. # *** BEGIN SCRIPT *** require ''wx'' include Wx class PPGui < App def on_init, -1, "The
2007 Oct 04
wxRuby: MemoryDC problems...
I''m trying to put together a quick test of buffered animation with WxRuby, but I''m encountering a fair amount of trouble... I''m drawing to a Wx::Bitmap first, then using Wx::DC#draw_bitmap to copy it to a Wx::Window. But I get the following error: C:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/wxruby-1.9.1-i386-mswin32/lib/wx/classes/bitmap.rb:18:in `draw'': uninitialized
2007 May 10
wxRuby2 0.0.40
Congratulations, wxRuby2 0.0.40 but,where is 0.0.40 mswin32.gem? _______________________________________________ wxruby-users mailing list
2006 Dec 07
Introduce and noob problem require ''wx''
Dear All, my name is Raoul, this is the first time I post here. I''m a computer scientis and I''m working in bioinformatic''s filed, we have a lot of tools to analyse the data but no good graphic applications to visualize them. So I''m looking for a good framework for my job. I think your motivations on using wxruby are good, most important for me is the
2008 Nov 01
wxRuby 1.9.9 released
Hello I''m happy to announce that wxRuby version 1.9.9 is now available for download and gem installation: gem install wxruby On Linux, the default binary gem is now dynamically linked to wxWidgets. This means you''ll need to install wxWidgets from your package manager. See below for more info. == CHANGES == This
2007 Nov 02
xrcise tutorial, undefined method ''upper_bt''
Hi I''m trying to follow the tutorial on xrcise at But I keep getting the following error when I try to run the example; tutorial.rb:21:in `initialize'': undefined method ''upper_bt'' for #<CaseChangeFrame:0x2d610f8> (NoMethodError) from tutorial.rb:28:in `new'' from
2008 Feb 17
A bug in wxRuby. Segmentation fault in random situations.
Hello, I wrote an application in wxRuby: ruby 1.8.6 wxruby 1.9.4 installed from gem windows xp sp2 After several minutes of running it crashes with the following error: "c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:27: [BUG] Segmentation fault ruby 1.8.6 (2007-03-13) [i386-mswin32] This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact
2007 Aug 22
[ wxruby-Support Requests-13276 ] can not load on win98
Support Requests item #13276, was opened at 2007-08-22 09:04 You can respond by visiting: Category: None Group: None Status: Open Priority: 3 Submitted By: Nobody (None) Assigned to: Nobody (None) Summary: can not load on win98 Initial Comment: I have installed One-Click Installer - Windows 1.8.6-25.
2008 Feb 01
wxruby2 problems
Hello, I''ve recently installed wxruby2 (version 1.9.4) from a precompiled mswin32 gem. It seems to work fine, and the samples in the distribution all work, but I have a couple of peculiar problems: 1) When I package a trivial wxruby script with rubyscript2exe, the executable is huge - 8.5 MB. With previous versions of wxruby (prior to wxruby2, I think) it was much smaller. Less than 3
2004 Apr 24
wxruby-swig 0.0.7
I just pushed a new wxruby-swig, which includes the known MSWin rakefile changes. It also has some significant internal improvements that will make it easier to add classes, and it includes support for one new class (wxEvent). wxruby-swig is now licensed under the "MIT license". wxRuby will remain under the wxWindows license as long as we are releasing the old code base. When we