similar to: r-cran-* packages with recent R alpha release

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "r-cran-* packages with recent R alpha release"

2019 Aug 15
Feature request: non-dropping regmatches/strextract
I do think keeping the default behavior is desirable for backwards compatibility; my suggestion is not to change default behavior but to add an optional argument that allows a different behavior. Although this can be implemented in a user-defined function, retaining empty matches facilitates programmatic use, and seems to be something that should be available in base R. It is available, for
2004 Sep 06
First R-2.0.0 alpha version
OK folks, We're warming up to the release of R-2.0.0 on Oct. 4 (aka 2004-10-04). There will be two weeks of alpha releases followed by two weeks of beta releases, starting today. The releases are made available via CRAN in and the first one is there already. In case of urgency or CRAN failure, the releases will also be found at
2012 Feb 06
mem.limits deprecated
After upgrading my servers to 2.14, log files were filled warnings that 'mem.limits' has been deprecated and to use gc instead. After reading the NEWS for R 2.14.0 and PR#14795 I learned that it is actually deprecated without replacement. Hereby I just want to voice that this function was actually in use by at least several users. Among other things, it is a useful to limit per-session
2012 Jan 19
R-scripts as executables for debian
Hi, I'm looking for a way to make executable R-scripts -- which are bound to a certain package -- available to the operating system's search path. The executable R-scripts I put in the package's 'exec' directory. Different solutions have come to my mind: o 'configure'-script copies the files to /usr/local/bin o make a 'require'-shell function which
2012 Jan 13
cannot find -lquadmath
Apologies if this has been posted about recently, but I haven't been on this listserve for a while. I ran into a problem trying to compile Hmisc (required package for rms) and have found a solution that I'd like to share. The compile fails with the message: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lquadmath libquadmath exists on my Debian Squeeze system (up-to-date, recently installed): ldconfig -p
2004 Aug 06
i need help...URGENT !!!
hi, i have posted earlier a few days back, i apologise for the re-post. my problem is that the moment i start using mp3 files with lesser bit rate (16kbps) it does not stream properly. it keeps getting stuck in the middle. i can stream continuously with 128 kbps files. I'm using icecast(1.3.7) with ices(beta 5) in "LAN" on Linux Redhat 6.2. The same problem occurs also on
2008 Jun 10
err: State got corrupted
Hi All, I am tryting to setup Puppet masters and client in Sun solaris environment. ( Global zone puppet Master is running) and non global zone all puppet clients are installed ( ..Note I have not installed puppet client in all nonglobal zone .. binaries are shared by Global zone... While i m generating client certified i am getting this error .... Any one has clue .... bash-3.00# puppetd
2012 Jan 11
package DESCRIPTION file and CRAN Task View entries?
I'm in the middle of a long overdue package update, and after seeing the CRAN Task Views I thought there would be an entry, in the DESCRIPTIONS file, for that entry that appears on the package webpage. For example, Since it's been some time since I've updated the package, I did a little reading (R-exts.pdf) and web searching and
2011 May 25
L-BFGS-B and parscale in optim()
Hi, When using method L-BFGS-B along with a parscale argument, should the lower and upper bounds provided be on the scaled or unscaled values? Thanks. Cheers, -- Seb
2003 Oct 08
updating via CRAN and http
Hello, thanks for the tips on updating packages for 1.8.0. The updating is a real problem for me, since I've to do it sort of manually using my web-browser or wget. I'm behind a firewall that requires http/ftp authentification (username and passwd) for every request it sends to a server outside our intranet. Therefore all the nice tools for automatic updating (cran, cpan ...) don't
2011 Dec 17
Help for R parallelization
Dear Sir/Madam, I am a Brazilian researcher working in S?o Paulo ? Brazil. I?ve being using R-software for many years with my students in some engineering applications, but up to now we've being using only in stand-alone mode in Windows and Mac platforms. Right now I have available a multi-core system and I would like to test some parallelism capabilities of R, mainly as an incentive to the
2005 Aug 02
Paging systems from the phone...
Hi all, Is there a model of IP phone, with a built-in speaker, that can be used as part of a Overhead Paging system? Can Asterisk accomodate such a feature? Regards, Francois Random Thought: --------------- It isn't necessary to have relatives in Kansas City in order to be unhappy. -- Groucho Marx
2003 Sep 13
R 1.8.0 (to be) and RPy 0.3.1
I look every now and then at RPy. It is not yet a Debian package as it had the odd problem here or there -- initially an Atlas interaction, currently something with long_jump() which cannot be found when R's dynamic library is loaded. [1] It is called R_eval.c: /* Abort the current R computation and signal a KeyboardInterrupt exception */ void interrupt_R(int signum) { interrupted = 1;
2006 Mar 15
concatenating factor from list
Hi, I've run into a ridiculous problem I can't find any solutions for in the archives or help pages: data(barley) cutYield <- with(barley, by(yield, variety, cut, breaks = c(0, 30, 60, 90))) As in this example, I'm using 'by' to return a factor for each level of another factor. The problem is that 'by' returns a list of the factors, and I need all these factors
2004 Aug 06
i need help...URGENT !!!
thanks. i'm extremely sorry for the inconvenience, the encoding of files was not done properly. can someone pls. tell me a good windowsd based mp3 encoder for encoding files for bit rates as low as 16 kbps (or less) with 16 khz (or less). parvez And Then Thomas Kirk wrote ............. > Hey > > On Fri, Mar 16, 2001 at 02:11:54PM +0530, Parvez Lanewala wrote: > > >
2008 Nov 18
Namespaces of imported packages
Hi, I am trying to build an R package. My existing code makes use of the bitops and chron packages. So I have included statements to import required functionality into the NAMESPACE file using import(). When I run Rcmd build, and error is generated "Error: package 'bitops' does not have a name space" I exclude the import(bitops) statement from the NAMESPACE file and rebuild
2004 Aug 06
connection problem
I have done some tests on the problem I keep having (as well as others) on the connection problem. Here's the message I get when i tail the logfile on the console at debug level 3 : -> [28/Feb/2001:11:58:54] Kicking client 13 [] [Too many errors (client not receiving data fast enough)] [listener], connected for 21 minutes, 19906336 bytes transfered. 0 clients connected
2005 Nov 30
setting R_LIBS
Hello, I'm adding a private library tree in my home directory by adding this to my ~/.Renviron: R_LIBS="~/R/library:${R_LIBS}" so that once in R: R> cat(Sys.getenv("R_LIBS"), "\n") ~/R/library:/usr/local/lib/R/site-library:/usr/lib/R/site-library:/usr/lib/R/library Is this the best way to proceed? Cheers, -- Sebastian P. Luque
2003 Dec 14
A faster plotOHLC() for the tseries package
The plotOHLC function in the tseries package is useful to plot timeseries of various financial assets with open/high/low/close data. I had often wondered if it could be made to run a little faster. It turns out that the following patch does --- plotOHLC.R.orig 2003-12-14 12:02:20.000000000 -0600 +++ plotOHLC.R 2003-12-14 12:03:42.000000000 -0600 @@ -21,14 +21,9 @@ ylim <-
2003 May 10
Down the MPD road
Well, after working through the various options it looked like MPD would be my best bet here. I've got it sort of working, but there's obviously some tweaky I'm missing here. Recap of the scenario: Full class C of static IPs segmented into 3 networks. Outside, DMZ, Inside. Trying to get remote Windows users through securely to the Inside. Remote users have dynamic IPs.