similar to: Bar chart: break long bars

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Bar chart: break long bars"

2012 Feb 07
Lattice - different axis length
Dear all, I have a question about the lattice package, more specifically about the control of the x-axis length in the different panels. I use the following code to make the stacked barchart: barchart(country ~ climatechangefocalpoint + meteorologyservice + adaptationorvulnerability + cdmcarbonmarkets + energy + aviationmaritimetransport + forestry + pressofficer|period, data=graph5,
2008 Oct 26
Using the legend function inside a bar chart error.bars function
Hello, I am just starting out using R on my Uni course. I have been given a function to work with that adds error bars to a bar chart. I want to add a legend and have been trying to amend the code in the function error.bars (see below) so it automatically places a legend on the chart. It does this, but the legend is sitting over the top of one of my data columns. I need the function to decide
2011 Mar 23
Bar Chart
How do you do a bar chart of 2 vectors? I have one vector which has 10 numbers, and another which has 10 names. The numbers are the frequency of the corresponding name, but when I do a bar chart it says that there is no height. Thanks. -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2011 Jul 20
bar chart issue
Hi everyone, I determined the presence of three types parasites in a passerine bird over two years. I would like to create a bar chart that shows the proportion infected on the y and year/parasite on the x such that each type of parasite is grouped together (single label) and a bar for each year . This would show if there have been changes in the prevalence of a the parasite over two years.
2011 Jul 06
Showing which bars in a bar chart are significantly different
Hello, a probably rather stupid question to which I can't find an answer: I have a bar chart, and I want to present which bars are significantly different by placing a line with an asterisk above then (similarly to fig. 3 in: Does anyone have a reference where can I find some instructions how to learn this? Thanks a lot! Omer --
2008 Apr 22
bar-chart help
Hi, I have a table like below outside R environment Varible_Name Labels Bad_Percent Good_Percent Var1_Postal_Code_Availibility 1 0,149367931 0,850632069 0 0,19709687 0,80290313 Variable_Name column contains a single entry, the variable name, this is the title of the graphic I want to plot a barchart Bad_Percent (blue) versus Good_Percent (red) within each Label Thanks a lot
2010 Mar 03
How to create a line and bar panel chart with two different axes?
I need to create a line and bar panel chart with two different axes. I tried in lattice but couldn't get it worked. Here is my code: data(barley) barchart(yield ~ variety | site, data = barley, groups = year, layout = c(1,6), stack = F, auto.key = list(points = FALSE, rectangles = TRUE, space = "right"), ylab = "Barley Yield
2012 Feb 22
Dear all, I have a (probably very basic) question. I am imputing data with the mice package, using 10 chains. I can then write out the 10 final values of the chains simply by name1 <- complete(imp, 1) : : name10 <- complete(imp,10) Not a big deal, I just wanted to do that in a little loop as follows: for (i in 1:10){ set[i] <-
2010 Feb 05
ggplot stacked bar chart help
I'm trying to create a stacked bar chart with x=month, y=volume, and factor=type. volume type month 100 A SEP09 200 A OCT09 300 A DEC09 400 B SEP09 500 B OCT09 600 B DEC09 700 C SEP09 800 C OCT09 900 C DEC09 Following Hadley's examples, I get 3 bars with SEP09: 3-A,
2010 Jul 28
Help Creating a Stacked Bar Chart with Color Coding
I have a data set of the following form: Johnson 4 Smith 4 Smith 2 Smith 3 Garcia 1 Garcia 4 Rodriguez 2 Adams 2 Adams 3 Adams 4 Turner 4 Turner 3 And I'd like to create a stacked bar chart that has scores on the x-axis and the bars are broken up by judges name. Whenever I try to do this though
2004 Jun 22
Grouped AND stacked bar charts possible in R?
Good day all, My statisticians want an R procedure that will produce grouped stacked barplots. Barplot will stack or group, but not both. The ftable function can produce a table of the exact form they want, but the barplot doesn't show all the divisions we want. For an example, here's the sample from the help file for "ftable:" data(Titanic) ftable(Titanic, row.vars = 1:3)
2008 Feb 29
Scruffy Stacked Bar Chart
Hi- Trying to do a stacked bar chart, but nothing is rendering when I add more then 1 bar: This works: graph = => "My Chart") graph.add :stacked do |stack| stack.add(:bar, ''Stack1'', [10,10]) end This doesn''t: graph = => "My Chart") graph.add :stacked
2003 Dec 16
Fw: [S] plot stacked bar chart in R
posting the question in r-help@ to get more feedback :-) thanks, Yun-Fang ----- Original Message ----- From: "Yun-Fang Juan" <yunfang at> To: <s-news at> Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 2:04 PM Subject: [S] plot stacked bar chart in R > Hi, > I am trying to plot a stacked bar chart in R but am not able to find the > documentation.
2010 Nov 09
help cannot put multiple chart Stacked Bar (from PerformanceAnalysis library) in a single plot
Hi I'm having problems displaying multiple chart.StackedBar from PerformanceAnalysis library on a single plot. I've tried using par(mfrow=c(2,1)) but that doesn't work. If I do it with barplot(), it works fine and I see both plots on a single plot. > plot(mfrow=c(2,1)) > barplot(blahblah) > barplot(blahblah) However if I try to use chart.StackedBar, the second entry
2011 Jul 11
Stacked bar plot of frequency vs time
Hi All, New to R, but committed. I looked in a number of places but can't figure out my current problem. I have date of the type: Time Type1 Type2 Type3 1 .50 .25 .25 4 .55 .25 .20 5 .65 .20 .15 etc which describe the frequency of types 1, 2 and 3 (adding up to 100%) over time. I would like to create a stacked bar chart showing these
2012 Nov 26
Problem with glm, gaussian family with log-link
Dear all, I am using the book "Generalized Linera Models and Extension" by Hardin and Hilbe (second edition, 2007) at the moment. The authors suggest that instead of OLS models, "the log link is generally used for response data that take only positive values on the continuous scale". Of course they also suggest residual plots to check whether a "normal" linera model
2006 Feb 27
4D stacked column chart, Excel -> R
Hi All. I'd like to programm a 4 dimensional chart in R. Acctually I wanted to solve that problem in Excel cause I had the data there. Here is a link of my actual problem description (there are some chart pictures as well).... because I still couldn't solve that problem I came to R. The chart should be
2009 Dec 02
Stacked bar chart help.
Can't figure this out. I have the following list of salary averages per year, per position. The dput output is: > dput(salaries) structure(list(yearID = c(2009, 2009, 2009, 2009, 2009, 2009, 2009, 2009, 2009, 2008, 2008, 2008, 2008, 2008, 2008, 2008, 2008, 2008), AVG = c(8956855.61, 7886684.166126, 7534048.43102, 7406439.339471, 7219148.437934, 6697734.908336, 6400379.88398,
2008 Jun 24
Bar charts with error bars
I would like to add error bars to a bar chart, I have created in R. I am able to add error bars to a bar plot, but the same method does not seem to work for my bar chart version.   Is there a way to add error bars to bar charts? ________________________________________________________ Audi, Fiat, Peugeot, Skoda, Porsche, Toyota, Ford - Kelkoo har brugte biler til en hver smag! Klik her
2013 Apr 22
ggplot-display text in bar chart
I want to show counts value on stacked bar chart in ggplot2. I found similar question here but that one shows value instead of counts. My data frame(dat1) is sth like this: Group Length Width 1 1.1 0.2 2 1.1 0.3 2 1.0 0.4 3 1.2