Displaying 20 results from an estimated 11000 matches similar to: "Issues with gvisMotionChart"
2011 Jul 07
Taking inputs from the user
I am currently a new user in R and was working on the randomForest package. I am trying to predict price points using this statistical package. The issue is that I need to setup a tool so that I can give it to Sales Executive who can plug in the necessary variables and get the output. Is there a way to do that ?? They don't have R on their systems and I doubt they are going to install it.
2012 Nov 21
size of the side panel in gvisMotionChart
Is there an option parameter to increase the size of the bottom right side panel in gvisMotionChart?
My data labels are too long for this panel (for example "Call butterfly spread @ 2400/2600/2800") and the names are always cut even if I increase the width and height.
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Oct 31
googleVis motionchart - slow with Date class
I am trying to create a googleVis motion chart with monthly data. When formatting the date column as a Date class variable, the plot as presented in the browser becomes considerably slower and very prone to crashing the browser. To illustrate this issue I have modified the WorldBank demo.
### objects from demo("WorldBank", package = "googleVis")
M <-
2010 Dec 14
googleVis 0.2.2 - Using the Google Visualisation API with R
Hi all,
Version 0.2.2 of the googVis package has been released on CRAN and
will be available from your local CRAN mirror in due course.
googleVis provides an interface between R and the Google Visualisation
API. The functions of the package allow users to visualise data
stored in R with the Google Visualisation API without
uploading their data to Google.
We presented our initial ideas on
2010 Dec 14
googleVis 0.2.2 - Using the Google Visualisation API with R
Hi all,
Version 0.2.2 of the googVis package has been released on CRAN and
will be available from your local CRAN mirror in due course.
googleVis provides an interface between R and the Google Visualisation
API. The functions of the package allow users to visualise data
stored in R with the Google Visualisation API without
uploading their data to Google.
We presented our initial ideas on
2006 Mar 16
Arrays of Model Objects, Intersections, Object Identification... ?
Hi all,
Hope you can help me with understanding how Ruby / Rails treats arrays full
of objects.
Let''s say I have to arrays of objects. Both are the same kinds of objects.
tomatoes = Fruit.find(:all, :conditions => [ ''tomato = ?'', true], :limit =>
fruits = Fruit.find(:all, :limit => 10)
And I want to create an array of these objects called @my_fruits,
2007 May 13
Dropdown boxes in tcltk and R
I'm very much a newbie in R and more so in tcltk so apologies if this
question is stupid. Basically I am trying to use the combobox example
found here:
http://bioinf.wehi.edu.au/~wettenhall/RTclTkExamples/DropDown.html .
What I want to do is in that example get fruitChoice as a variable in R
in general. When I run that code, however, and the ask for fruitChoice
it says
2008 Jul 19
wroung groupedData despite reading Bates and Pinheiro 3 times
Hi everyone. I am trying to add a formula to my data using the groupedData
My experiment consists of randomized block design using fruits, vegetation
and time as factors. The idea is to see if fruits, vegetation and time
explain the abundance of mice. I am using tree density as a covariate.
So I tried to fit the following structure to my data.
2011 Oct 06
initial value in ComboBox tkwidget
I took me very long to find out how to set the initial value in the combobox
widget in tk (see the example below). My question is now : Why does
"textvariable" has to be a tclVar while "values" can be a normal vector? My
next question is: How could I have known this much earlier? Is there a
documentation for the tcl/tk usage in R? I know a lot of website with
2007 Oct 29
Strange results with anova.glm()
I have been struggling with this problem for some time now. Internet,
books haven't been able to help me.
## I have factorial design with counts (fruits) as response variable.
> str(stubb)
'data.frame': 334 obs. of 5 variables:
$ id : int 6 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 34 ...
$ infl.treat : Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 ...
$ def.treat :
2008 Jul 11
GroupedData for three way randomized block. LME
I am trying to fit a formula to my data, but I just can't find the right way
to do it.
My experiment consists of manipulating FRUITS and VEGETATION to two levels
each(intact or removed) on 12 experimental plots.
This leaves me with 4 treatment combinations
Fruit intact Vegetation removed
Fruit int. Veget int.
Fruit rem. Veget rem.
Fruit rem. Veget. intac
those treatements are distributed
2010 Mar 08
to_xml repeating elements and plain strings
Say I want to output XML like this:
Is there a way of doing that with to_xml?
It seems like there''s two problems: to_xml always creates a wrapping
element <fruits> when it encounters an
2001 Mar 14
get statistics by group
I have a data set look like this:
Fruit Quty
apple 20
banana 10
orange 17
apple 30
apple 15
orange 26
banana 15
.........and so on ..........
The level of fruit is 30, that is, there are 30
different fruits. I'd like to compute some simple
statistics for each different fruit and get output
like this:
2006 Apr 14
Gruff on Windows
Has anyone achieved a stable deployment of Gruff with Rmagick on Windows?
I''ve been playing around with this on Instant Rails and after installing the
RMagick win 32 gem (local gem install as per instructions on web) and then
Gruff on top of that. I did a test controller method that rendered the fruit
pie chart as per the examples on the gruff site. This worked. However, when
I refreshed
2008 Jul 06
What is my replication unit? Lmer for binary longitudinal data with blocks and two treaments.
First I would like to say thank you for taking the time to read it.Here is my
I am running a lmer analysis for binary longitudinal (repeated measures)
Basically, I manipulated fruits and vegetation to two levels each(present
and absent) and I am trying to access how these factors affect mice foraging
behavior. The design consist of 12 plots, divided in 3 blocks. So each
2005 Aug 15
randomForest Error passing string argument
I'm attempting to pass a string argument into the function
randomForest but I get an error:
state <- paste(list("fruit ~", "apples+oranges+blueberries",
"data=fruits.data, mtry=2, do.trace=100, na.action=na.omit,
keep.forest=TRUE"), sep= " ", collapse="")
model.rf <- randomForest(state)
Error in if (n==0) stop ("data(x) has 0
2015 Jun 15
vfs_fruit kernel panic 10.9.5 when saving from adobe illustrator cc
dear list,
thanks for the great fruit speed-improvements. but...
server config:
debian 8 jessie
sernet samba 4.2.2 packages
here we see a problem that might not only be fruits problem but
results in macosx 10.9.5 crashing with a kernel panic when saving from
adobe illustrator cc or cc 2014:
(does not happen when saving from photoshop cc or cc2014)
Kernel Extensions in backtrace:
2013 Mar 26
Shifting cells and removing blanks
Hi ,
I've been struggling with this problem. Initially I thought something like
a na.locf would help but I'm at a dead end. I have a data set like this:
ID Prod1 Prod2 Prod3 Prod4 Prod5
01 A - B - C
02 - F - G -
03 H - - - J
And I would like to remove all
2006 Sep 01
Reading many files at once
dear group,
i have 100 files starting with 'hsa-*'.
ex. file:
fruit p-value
apple 0.0003
orange 0.004
kiwi 0.0003
peach 0.0004
I want to read all these files and create a single
matrix. here each file may have different fruit names.
in the matrix i want to have a union of all fruits and
those should be the rows in the matrix and file names
should be columns.
2009 Jul 02
multiple comparisons and generalized least squares
Dear R users,
I 'm working on a dataset consisting of 4 different dataframes with
tree, leaf, fruit and seed measurements made on 300 trees, coming from
10 provenances (30 trees per provenance, 10 leaves/fruits/seeds per
tree). Provenances are fixed effects (they were not randomly chosen),
but trees within provenances and leaves/fruits/seeds within trees were
randomly assigned. I wanted to