similar to: simplest pgfSweave example results in error

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "simplest pgfSweave example results in error"

2011 Oct 14
pgfSweave-example not compiling
I'm trying to get pgfSweave up and running. Hopefully I can get it working from within LyX, but first I'm just trying to get the simplest possible thing (compiling one of the example files in the pgfSweave package) to work. I'm using the example that comes in the pgfSweave package unmodified, but for reference I copied it to: Configuration: R version
2011 May 21
dealing with sweave.sty and pgfSweave
Hi, I would appreciate some help with a very basic problem in using pgfSweave. That is, dealing with the sweave.sty file. After some googling, I did the following : (1) copied the sweave.sty file to my trial folder and (2) added the line?? \usepackage{Sweave}?? to the Rnw file. Are there more elegant ways of dealing with this issue? I have read something about letting Miktex know about the
2012 Feb 02
pgfSweave doesn't lazyload my objects
Hi all, I'm struggling a bit to get pgfSweave to lazyload objects when compiling a .Rnw file for a second time. Caching works fine except that for every run all objects get cached again and again. I've used cacheSweave which works fine; all cached objects from code-chunks with option cache = TRUE are lazy loaded. I've tried it on two machines ... I'm pretty sure I'm
2010 Aug 13
cacheSweave / pgfSweave driver for package vignette
Dear list, I wish to use a specific driver to process an sweave document in the inst/doc directory of a package. Specifically, I would like to use either cacheSweave or pgfSweave to speed up the creation of the vignette which requires lengthy computations. The same request would also apply to the highlight driver, to provide syntax highlighting of R chunks. In "writing R extensions" I
2010 Aug 13
cacheSweave / pgfSweave driver for package vignette
Dear list, I wish to use a specific driver to process an sweave document in the inst/doc directory of a package. Specifically, I would like to use either cacheSweave or pgfSweave to speed up the creation of the vignette which requires lengthy computations. The same request would also apply to the highlight driver, to provide syntax highlighting of R chunks. In "writing R extensions" I
2010 Feb 11
Hi there I have a problem with using Sweave in combination with the option driver = cacheSweave. Whichever code I try to run - when it comes to converting the tex file into pdf it comes up with the same errors (\csname \endcsname errors). Does anybody have an idea what it going wrong? > Sweave("pgfSweave-example.Rnw",driver = cacheSweaveDriver) Writing to file
2009 Dec 04
New Package: pgfSweave
At long last pgfSweave has finally made its way to CRAN. The pgfSweave package is about speed and style of graphics. For speed, the package provides capabilities for ?caching? graphics generated with Sweave on top of the caching funcitonality of cacheSweave. For style the pgfSweave package facilitates the integration of R graphics with LaTeX reports through the tikzDevice package and eps2pgf
2009 Dec 04
New Package: pgfSweave
At long last pgfSweave has finally made its way to CRAN. The pgfSweave package is about speed and style of graphics. For speed, the package provides capabilities for ?caching? graphics generated with Sweave on top of the caching funcitonality of cacheSweave. For style the pgfSweave package facilitates the integration of R graphics with LaTeX reports through the tikzDevice package and eps2pgf
2010 Dec 07
pgfSweave 1.1.1 Released
The next release of?pgfSweave?is now on CRAN! pgfSweave has seen some significant changes in the past couple of months. The main new features are: - Automatic code highlighting via the?highlight?package. This can be turned off with the new `highlight`?option. - "Tidying" of source code output via the?tidy?option. - Access to?tikzDevice?sanitization through a code chunk
2010 Dec 07
pgfSweave 1.1.1 Released
The next release of?pgfSweave?is now on CRAN! pgfSweave has seen some significant changes in the past couple of months. The main new features are: - Automatic code highlighting via the?highlight?package. This can be turned off with the new `highlight`?option. - "Tidying" of source code output via the?tidy?option. - Access to?tikzDevice?sanitization through a code chunk
2013 Apr 03
Alternativas a pgfSewave
Hola a todos: Con la entrada de R 3.0 en Debian Sid me acabo de llevar la sorpresa de que pgfSweave ya no esta mantenido [0]. He intentado compilarlo pero depende de otros paquetes que también se encuentran en el archivo: highlight y parser. En concreto este último falla al compilar (y ahí se acaba el intento). Estaba utilizando pgfSweave por la facilidad para incluir gráficos en Tikz -sin
2012 Mar 09
How do I force confint() for glm() to be quiet?
I need confint() for glm() to supress the messages "Waiting for profiling to be done..." because they mess up the caching mechanism of pgfSweave (see I have read the help page of confint(), but I do not know how to get the help page for the glm() version, if any such help page exists. Is there a general way of turning of output
2013 Jul 05
Alternativas a pgfSewave
Me interesa este tema. Estoy empezando ahora a ver el tema de armar documentos directamente con R y no estoy seguro en dónde me centro. Por lo que veo sweave y knitr son las dos grandes alternativas (de echo, no se siquiera si no son compatibles o complementarias). Para quien arranca en este tema y que pretende continuar sobre el mismo, que recomiendan, arrancar por sweave o por knitr?
2010 May 20
Use of R and Rscript in configure/Makevars in packages
We have seen problems with a number of packages which use R/Rscript to run R code in configure or makefiles. (a) You must give a full path: there need be no version of R in the path, and if there is it might not be the version/build of R under which package installation is being done. So the general form is to use ${R_HOME}/bin/R to select the right version. And since ${R_HOME} might
2011 Nov 23
R-latex syntax highlighting?
Hello, Can anyone provide or point me to a good setup for the listings latex package that would produce nice R-syntax highlighting? I am using an example I found in internet for setting up listings like this: \lstset{ language=R, basicstyle=\scriptsize\ttfamily, commentstyle=\ttfamily\color{gray}, numbers=left, numberstyle=\ttfamily\color{red}\footnotesize, stepnumber=1, numbersep=5pt,
2009 Jul 07
Tex fonts in R plots
Hello, R users. I would like to display the font of Math Mode of MikTex 2.3, WinEdt 5.4 in R plots, e.g. in xlab, ylab or legend. How can I do that? Thank you in advance.
2012 Jan 19
cacheSweave questions (usage and forward compatibility)
Hello all, I would like to ask several questions regarding cacheSweave: 1) Is there a way to set "cache=true" globally? (I tried it using \SweaveOpts but it didn't seem to work) 2) Is there a way to "flush" specific cache once it is created? (other then erasing the entire cache directory)? Changing the code in the code chunk seems to do it, but I am not sure to what
2011 Dec 04
Problema (¿bicho?) en función lm, R 2.14.0
Hola: Al tratar de utilizar la función lm R explota, no se si se trata de un problema de mi máquina o me he dado de bruces con un bicho. Después de intentar depurar mi código he probado lo más básico, abrir R (probado en consola y Rkward) y lanzar los ejemplos de lm, esto es lo que me encuentro: ---------- Corte desde la consola ------------------- R version 2.14.0 (2011-10-31) Copyright (C)
2011 Feb 15
Sweave doesn't hand on width of special characters of Computer Modern fonts to LaTeX
Hello R users, Using R, Sweave and the cmsyase.afm font it is possible to write LaTeX documents including R figures with text in the Computer Modern Fonts: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{Sweave} \begin{document} <<echo = false, results = hide>>= CM <- Type1Font("CM", c(file.path("C:/texlive/2009/texmf-dist/fonts/afm/public/cm-lgc",
2009 Apr 13
I want to use Sweave, but only sometimes
Does anybody have a workable system to run an Rnw document through R-Sweave when necessary, but to just run it through LaTeX if no new R calculations are needed? I.e., the figures already exist, I do not need R to do more work for me, so I send the document straight to LaTeX. I want to leave open the option that I might need to run the document through Sweave in the future, so I don't want