similar to: excluding child folders in omindex search

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "excluding child folders in omindex search"

2013 Mar 06
Xapian web fronends
Hi, Is there any php or other web (not cli) front end (same as omega) for Xapian index? I would like to use Xapian for an intranet search portal, and modify the style of it. Many thanks, Omer
2011 Jun 14
Facets with Multiple Values
I'm trying to determine the best way to index facets with multiple values. For example, let's say we have several books and we want an Author facet where one can filter the books by the author. The problem is each book can have multiple authors. Is there a way to index multiple author names into a single value slot for each book? I see there is a Xapian::StringListSerialiser class that
2010 Apr 16
best practices - combining sql database and xapian, size of database?
Newbie-alert: I'm just getting started on a new project involving a full text search requirement, and my initial investigation points to xapian being the way to go. Two questions: - eventually I'll most likely be indexing towards 50 million documents - is this reasonable to expect or attempt with xapian? - each of my documents come with a set of attributes. These are easily stored
2017 Sep 15
require help
hello to all. I am working on macroeconomic data series of India, which in a yearly basis. I am unable to convert my data frame into time series. kindly help me. also using zoo and xts packages. but they take only monthly observations. 'data.frame': 30 obs. of 4 variables: $ year: int 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 ... $ cnsm: num 174 175 175 172 173 ... $ incm:
2010 Feb 06
lmer Error message
Does anybody knows what this error message means: Error in object$terms : $ operator not defined for this S4 class I have peformed the following steps: > library(lattice) > library(Matrix) > library(lme4) > inkm inkm$Gamie glm.incm drop1(glm.incm,test="Ch") Error in object$terms : $ operator not defined for this S4 class Your suggestin would be of a greatl help to
2017 Sep 16
require help
You can just use the same code that I provided before but now use your dataset. Like this df <- read.csv(file="data2.csv",header=TRUE) dates <- as.Date(paste(df$year,"-01-01",sep="")) myXts <- xts(df, head(myXts) #The last command "head(myXts)" shows you the first few rows of the xts object year cnsm incm wlth
2017 Sep 16
require help
oky.. thank you very much to all of you On Sat, Sep 16, 2017 at 2:06 PM, Eric Berger <ericjberger at> wrote: > You can just use the same code that I provided before but now use your > dataset. Like this > > df <- read.csv(file="data2.csv",header=TRUE) > dates <- as.Date(paste(df$year,"-01-01",sep="")) > myXts <-
2017 Sep 22
require help
Assuming the input data.frame, DF, is of the form shown reproducibly in the Note below, to convert the series to zoo or ts: library(zoo) # convert to zoo z <- read.zoo(DF) # convert to ts as.ts(z) # Note: DF <- structure(list(year = c(1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984), cnsm = c(174, 175, 175, 172, 173), incm = c(53.4, 53.7, 53.5, 53.2, 53.3), with = c(60.3, 60.5, 60.2, 60.1, 60.7)),
2010 Jul 09
multiple value with the same number?
I am working on a system for indexing email, and it would be nice to be able to store multiple values for the same value_no - for instance, if an email has multiple attachments, I might want to attach a value for each attachment, but a value with the same number. One option would be store the three values as one, e.g. comma-separated, but I was just wondering how others have dealt with such a
2006 Oct 02
1 BSD bug
Hi guys: I was trying to index a large set of PDF documents using omindex and the system started to run out of forks (sh: fork temporarily unavailable) making the system unusable and probably skipping documents. I'm using MAC Osx Server 10.4.3 (Darwin/BSD) and GCC 4.0. The problem: On function stdout_to_string a popen is called, but is not closed properly (according the popen
2005 Mar 31
omindex and scriptindex question
Hi, I was researching indexing of text in omindex and scriptindex. While indexing text with possition of terms is saved with gap. This is not happening with While this is happening ? Another question is why in the term possition starts with 0 while in scriptindex it starts from 1 ? Code snippet from // Add postings for terms to the document
2011 Oct 16
omindex alternatives?
I need to index a variety of desktop file formats, so I've been looking at the omindex code. I'm surprised it's written as a batch processor... are there any alternatives structured as a library or daemon?
2012 Dec 29
omindex killed
I'm finding that omindex is consistently ending prematurely when indexing certain files. The last output looks like this: [Entering directory /compounds/Acetic_acid] Indexing "/MATLAB/compounds/Acetic_acid/AACID_50T.TXT" as text/plain ... added. Indexing "/MATLAB/compounds/Acetic_acid/AACID_50T.pdf" as application/pdf ... "pdftotext -enc UTF-8
2004 Dec 10
Omindex and symlinks
I've just been playing with using omindex to build an index of the documentation in /usr/share/doc on my Debian workstation. It's all working pretty well - indexing took only a few minutes, reindexing appears to work acceptably, and the search results are okay. The main problem I'm seeing is a lot of duplicate results due to directory symlinks. Omindex's current behaviour is to
2012 Dec 13
omindex one file at a time?
Hi, all -- I want to do Plain Old Omindex'ing *but* the mapping between my documents' filenames and the URLs where I hope search users to find them is, uh..., strange. The simplest thing (to me) would be to run omindex for each document, e.g. omindex --no-delete -U /cool-url-1 /funky/doc/file-blah.pdf omindex --no-delete -U /cool-url-7 /doc/funky/ohmy/blah-file.txt ... and so on...
2017 Sep 16
require help
> On 15 Sep 2017, at 11:38, yadav neog <yadavneog at> wrote: > > hello to all. I am working on macroeconomic data series of India, which in > a yearly basis. I am unable to convert my data frame into time series. > kindly help me. > also using zoo and xts packages. but they take only monthly observations. > > 'data.frame': 30 obs. of 4 variables:
2006 Aug 20
omindex patch
Attached is my rather largish patch with ChangeLog. It needs autoreconf to update configure and the Makefiles. Note that unrar is not patent infected, only rar, the compressor. I've put some AC_PATH_PROG checks into configure for all helpers. The patch is not yet complete. 2006-08-18 15:13:32 Reini Urban <reinhard.urban at> omega-0.9.6b: * last_mod as
2009 Feb 02
Ticket #282: omindex-assorted-enhancements.patch woes
I would really like to try out the features in the patch above. But I can't ever seem to get the resulting to "make". I tried updating to rev 10801 from the SVN then run /bootstrap but then I seem to get errors compiling everything when I try and do "make" (I'm using ubuntu 8.10). So I thought I'd try an apply the patch to the latest stable version
2013 May 15
How to omindex some sub-directories?
Given a directory tree like ... /foo | +-- A | +-- B | +-- C ... what is the best way to index A and C into a single Xapian database? AFAIK the alternatives are: omindex --db /my_db --no-delete /foo /foo/A omindex --db /my_db --no-delete /foo /foo/B or omindex --db /my_A_db /foo /foo/A omindex --db /my_B_db /foo /foo/B xapian-compact /my_A_db /my_B_db /my_db The first alternative does not
2011 Apr 27
Omindex: what are the default numbered indexes?
> -----Original Message----- > Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2011 13:35:20 +0100 > From: James Aylett <james-xapian at> > Subject: Re: [Xapian-discuss] Omindex: what are the default numbered > indexes? > To: <xapian at> <xapian at> > Cc: 'Xapian Discussion' <xapian-discuss at> > Message-ID: