similar to: Where to find old 4.2 packages?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 11000 matches similar to: "Where to find old 4.2 packages?"

2006 Apr 10
Kernel downgrade?
Hi list! I've been bitten by a bug in the latest kernel 2.6.9-34.EL and I already removed the old kernel. Are old kernels retained at any place? I need to go back to 2.6.9-22.02 but where can I find it? In the Centos 4.3 directory I find only the latest kernel, not the older ones? Thanks!!
2007 Feb 28
acts_as_authenticated error with Object#id
I''m getting this when I run my Rails controller specs. <projectroot>/config/../lib/authenticated_system.rb:16: warning: Object#id will be deprecated; use Object#object_id I added "include AuthenticatedTestHelper" to /spec/spec_helper.rb so that my controller tests^H^H^H^H^Hspecs can use the "login_as" helper method. Anyone know how to fix this? -- Cheers,
2007 Feb 22
specking, speccing, or spec''ing
I vote for spec''ing. Anybody else?
2005 Nov 14
Ambisonics und OggPCM
On Tue, Nov 15, 2005 at 03:10:22AM +1100, Erik de Castro Lopo wrote: > That spec is being superceded by: > > The project has been forked, not superceded. Work on OggPCM is continuing, the team working on OggPCM2 is free to submit their own draft but some are not welcome to continue work on OggPCM due to their recent social conduct. I'm
2008 Dec 26
separate home "partition"?
(i use the term loosely because i know that zfs likes whole volumes better) when installing ubuntu, i got in the habit of using a separate partition for my home directory so that my data and gnome settings would all remain intact when i reinstalled or upgraded. i''m running osol 2008.11 on an ultra 20, which has only two drives. i''ve got all my data located in my home directory,
2006 Apr 18
Automounting Problems (CentOS 4.2 v/s CentOS 4.0)
Hello, Auto-mounting of USB flash-drives and CD-RW (as well as CD-R) was working fine with CentOS 4.0 release for all users. This feature of auto-recognition and mounting is not working with CentOS 4.2 release for any user. I have checked the usual possible points of problems -- fstab, fstab-sync, haldaemon, etc. -- but have found no problems. Any suggestions on other possible work-arounds ?
2006 Apr 19
Apache and '(13)Permission denied: access to ...'
I'm attempting to install Hobbit and at the point of web access via Apache. The error_log states: (13)Permission denied: access to /hobbit denied I've tried a number of things and am still getting this: 1) /hobbit is located in /home/hobbit/server/www 2) Made sure all files are in the apache group 3) I've even chcon
2006 Apr 05
Help I cant find where Java is installed.
I installed Suns Java but I don't know how to find where it installed to. Can someone tell me how to find it? Someone told me to do a Find -name java -print But all I got was a message saying I had mail. When I looked in the mail it was a log with a bunch of jibberish. Any clue what to do now? -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2007 Feb 08
testing ajax responder actions
I have an Ajax responder method which uses respond_to to make sure it only works with Ajax. I''m having trouble figuring out how to call this action successfully. I''m using Rails 1.2.x. Any thoughts? -- Cheers, Kevin Williams "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from Magic." - Arthur C. Clarke
2000 Jun 12
AIX and 2.1.1p1
The new login code works fine with AIX 4.3. Two nits, though. If --disable-lastlog is defined, the code still tries to slog through wtmp to determine the last login time. Is this a bug or a feature? If a feature, change the DISABLE_LASTLOG test below to WITH_AIXAUTHENTICATE. Also, a small typo in, plus an AIX tweak. --- Thu Jun 8 21:58:35 2000 +++ Mon
2006 Apr 01
yum install x windows?
Hi On a laptop that currently has 4.3 but no X is it possible to do a yum install x windows ? Or similar command to get X and Audio installed? thanks
2006 Apr 07
Chances of 4.3+ version with latest kernel
All, I had a terrible time installing 4.2 on an ASUS NFORCE x86_64 motherboard. I did manage to get it working... Also the compaq V4000 laptop same issues. I thought I would try 4.3 and see if it was better... Seems to be the same really. All the "fixes" the kernel needs were not included in the 4.3 kernel. What are the changes of a 4.3+ version that runs a 2.6.16 kernel? I know
2006 Apr 11
Would like to install mplayer on CentOS 4.3 via yum
I would like to install mplayer on CentOS 4.3 using yum. Ist ther a repo file that would allow me to do this? thanks -- Richard Miles Federal Way WA. USA registered linux user 46097
2006 Apr 19
Tomcat5 packages for CentOS 4
Hi all, Somebody knows where I can find tomcat5 rpm packages for CentOS 4.x?? Many thanks. -- CL Martinez carlopmart {at} gmail {d0t} com
2008 Oct 23
zpool cross mount
Hi experts, Short question What happen if we have cross zpool mount ? meaning : zpool A -> should be mounted in /A zpool B -> should be mounted in /A/B => is there in zfs an automatic mechanism during solaris 10 boot that prevent the import of pool B ( mounted /A/B ) before trying to import A pool or do we have to legacy mount and file /etc/vfstab Regards, Laurent --
2006 Apr 03
Delay in SSH login..
Hi, I have CentOS 4.3 running on my AMD Athlon XP(32 bit) PC and Windows 2000 running on my other Intel P3 PC(These 2 PCs are connected using a network switch). Basically I use the one running Linux as back end server and everything was fine so far. But recently I am experiencing some delay in loggin in to CentOS through SSH. The Putty client which I use generally opens up asking for username
2006 Apr 05
3ware 9550SX and CentOS
I'm getting a couple of systems that are arriving with the new 3ware 9550sx controller. Does anyone know when this will be natively supported by CentOS? Has anyone built an RPM of the driver/module for this new controller?
2006 Apr 11
gtkmm-2.4 for Eiciel?
Hi everyone, I'd like a nice frontend to setfacl and getfacl. I'm getting lost with those ACL commands. I've found Eiciel which is a nice gnome frontend to setup ACLs. The problem is it need gtkmm-2.4, and centos seems to have gtkmm-2.0 only. Is there a safe way to upgrade? Do you have a repo to suggest? Or anyone knows of another graphical ACL editor with more conservative
2006 Apr 18
Getting yum update error
I am getting the following error on a yum update. What do I do? I tried it multiple times and get the same every time. Jerry ------------------ # yum update Setting up Update Process Setting up repositories update 100% |=========================| 951 B 00:00 base 100% |=========================| 1.1 kB 00:00 addons 100%
2006 Apr 18
small issue with bind
I tried to do a "yum install bind" and it said no packages found I then tried up2date bind and it installed bind for me. Is yum not completely setup correctly? Just thought th yum install bind would have worked also. I am using centos 4.3 x86_64. DNS was not selected as package to install when my system was built. Jerry