similar to: [REGRESSION] xapian-config broken in 0.9.3

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "[REGRESSION] xapian-config broken in 0.9.3"

2023 May 25
LIttle problem when installing xapian-bindings-1.4.22
On Wed, May 24, 2023 at 02:18:50AM +0000, nebulaaksum wrote: > I have more question. After successfully installing xapian-bindings-1.4.22. I continued to install xapian-omega-1.4.22. But it did not even pass the configuration step. > I intend to install xapian-omega-1.4.22 at > /usr/local/xapian-omega-1.4.22. I do my building from a separate > build directory lest I clutter my
2006 Jan 13
xapian-config --libs outputs as a dependency
Hello, I am hearing of users having trouble linking with libxapian (on slackware and gentoo systems, and 0.9.2 I think), and I am not too sure where the problem comes from, or what the correct solution could be, so I am just asking here in case someone has a quick answer. What happens is that "xapian-config --libs" outputs in the list of libraries. Something like:
2011 Jul 06
Compiling on Mac OS X
Hi, I'm having some problems compiling on Mac OS X: nekomimi:xapian samuel$ sudo port install libiconv ---> Configuring gperf ---> Building gperf ---> Staging gperf into destroot ---> Installing gperf @3.0.4_0+universal ---> Deactivating gperf @3.0.4_0 ---> Cleaning gperf ---> Activating gperf @3.0.4_0+universal ---> Cleaning gperf ---> Computing
2020 Jan 09
Relicensing Xapian
This is an update on the current status of the relicensing, but also an opportunity to give feedback. Sorry it's rather long, but I think it's necessary to summarise the situation - there are probably list members who weren't even born at the start of the history of this! Xapian is currently licensed as GPLv2+, but isn't something we actually chose for Xapian, but rather due to a
2013 Aug 25
Perl interface isn't working in 1.2.x
On 08/24/2013 08:51 PM, Olly Betts wrote: > On Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 01:58:35PM -0400, Jim Lynch wrote: >> At least it isn't working the way it used to. > What version are you trying this on (i.e. what is x in 1.2.x) and which > older version was it working with? New (Centos 6): xapian-bindings-1.2.15-1.x86_64 xapian-core-libs-1.2.15-1.x86_64 xapian-bindings-perl-1.2.15-1.x86_64
2019 Feb 22
How to build xapian 1.4.10 with MSVC2017
> Great, but which "it" worked? I had install mingw earlier, but not set it to $PATH, so must be 'LD=link' and your previous advices on "CXXFLAGS" . I execute configure like this: ./configure LD=link CC="cl -nologo" CXX="$PWD/compile cl -nologo" CXXFLAGS="-EHsc -Z7" AR=lib CPPFLAGS=-IC:/zlib-1.2.3-lib/include
2006 Apr 06
build error : xapian-core-0.9.4_svn6707
I posted this message first. But it was missing so I post again. I think there is a some bug in build configration files. Can you check up the following errors and fix it? The error has no concern with UTF-8 patch. Environment : CentOS 4.3 x86_64 Sungsoo Kim ---------------------------------- [root at saturn xapian-core-0.9.4_svn6707]# make ... ... mkdir .libs/libxapian.lax/libqueryparser.a
2016 Sep 22
issues compiling omega
All, I'm having some issues compiling omega. Here are the particulars I'm on win7, using cygwin 4.9.2 64 bit. Here's the relevant output from make: libtool: link: g++ -fshow-column -Wall -W -Wredundant-decls -Wpointer-arith -Wca st-qual -Wcast-align -Wno-long-long -Wformat-security -fno-gnu-keywords -Wundef -Woverloaded-virtual -Wstrict-null-sentinel -Wshadow -Wstrict-overflow=1
2005 Sep 12
Compiling xapian-bindings-0.9.2 on OpenBSD 3.7
Hello, Compiling xapian-core-0.9.2 worked fine, and make check reported that the tests ran without problems (although it skipped some near the end). Now I'm trying to compile xapian-bindings-0.9.2 on OpenBSD 3.7 but have run into a problem. After hours of searching the net I haven't found a solution. For reference gcc -v gives the following output: Configured with: Thread model: single
2006 Aug 06
How to use omega to search remote back end?
Folks, Having trouble getting this to work. OMEGA cgi is not reading my stub file properly because it is trying to read it as a directory instead of a file. Is there an easy fix? Here is a transcript. Thanks, OSC oscar@epsilon:/svr/xapian/beta$ ls -aFl total 21335200 drwxr-xr-x 2 oscar oscar 4096 Aug 6 10:15 ./ drwxr-xr-x 5 oscar oscar 4096 Aug 6 12:59 ../ lrwxrwxrwx 1 oscar
2013 Feb 05
make error in xapian-application/omega
Hi, all: I check out the trunk code from svn yesterday *svn co svn:// xapian* compile process: *./bootstrap* *mkdir build* *cd build* *../configure --disable-documentation* *make* then the error occur: cd xapian-applications/omega && make all make[1]: Entering directory `/home/white127/xapian-svn/build/xapian-applications/omega' /usr/bin/perl
2016 Sep 22
issues compiling omega
James, That was exactly the issue. libmagic.dll.a was in /lib under cygwin. Adding a -L/lib took care of this. This was also an issue with -lpcre, which adding -L/lib fixed as well. Of course, I'm now running up against something else. from make libtool: link: g++ -fshow-column -Wall -W -Wredundant-decls -Wpointer-arith -Wca st-qual -Wcast-align -Wno-long-long -Wformat-security
2013 Feb 05
make error in xapian-application/omega (jiangwen jiang)
Hey Hi jiangwen,hope you are doing fine :) You need some libraries and tools installed on your system before you build Xapian and omega.The complete list can be found in the "Building from svn or git" section of this document.:- Make sure you have all the required tools installed and it will work fine. Please let me know if you
2011 Apr 17
Report for
Hello :-) There was probably no good reason to do this build but the Debian 6.0 Squeeze repo version was 1.2.3, we needed 1.2.4 and I didn't think of using the package from unstable. Arch: x86_64 Platform: Linux 2.6 Debian 6.0 (Squeeze) Compiler: gcc version 4.4.5 (Debian 4.4.5-8) Version: 1.2.4 Status: no known problems Source:
2024 Apr 17
Is there a front-end for using xapian-omega rather than the terminal? Could a Xapian database be accessed from web-browsers?
Hello friends, I have installed xapian-omega for my system installed from Official Debian GNU/Linux Live 11.6.0 lxde 2022-12-17T11:46, It is an old edition but I am okay with it, I tasted the power of xapian while using recoll. I read that xapian is a powerful database building package for character strings, and indexes a directory of files really well. I want to use xapian-omega as a customisable
2015 Sep 07
gnu_getopt.h / errors Interix 3.5 / xapian-core-1.2.21 / Eric Lindblad
gnu_getopt.h by Eric Lindblad 07-09-2015 Subsequent to the compile of and libxapian.a there are executable source files using gnu_getopt.h which has an #ifdef __CYGWIN__, perhaps that file would need attention in order for compile to proceed on my modified SFU Interix 3.5 setup The 1 'ambiguous overload' report on SFU Interix I
2024 Apr 22
Fwd: Is there a front-end for using xapian-omega rather than the terminal? Could a Xapian database be accessed from web-browsers?
On Thu, Apr 18, 2024 at 03:46:53PM +0530, Susmita/Rajib wrote: > On Thu, 18 Apr 2024 at 06:24, Olly Betts <olly at> wrote: > > You may need to configure apache to tell it to use this for a URL on > > your site. > > How Mr. Betts? Suppose I have a ready open document text file, a > LibreOffice text file. say BettsBio.odt, for which I want to create an >
2007 Oct 16
Xapian 1.0.3_svn9466 - OK!
After couple of day of hacking my Fedora 6 server, finally I was able to install the new version of Xapian 1.0.3_svn9466 from trunk. Steps ----------- 1. Removed all old Xapian files and libraries from entire server. 2. Installed Xapian 1.0.3_svn9466. 3. used to be in directory /usr/local/lib64/ however this time the library was in /usr/local/lib/ directory 4. cp
2014 Apr 13
Adding an external library to Xapian
Configure command: ./configure --enable-maintainer mode I dont get any output with nm that contains Trie. On Sun, Apr 13, 2014 at 11:20 PM, James Aylett <james-xapian at>wrote: > On 13 Apr 2014, at 18:39, Pallavi Gudipati <pallavigudipati at> > wrote: > > > I am working in Ubuntu 12.04. I have tried re-configuring the source > tree too.
2019 Feb 21
How to build xapian 1.4.10 with MSVC2017
Thank you very much,It works! And some Q&A I meet,may help somebody: 1. If zlib build with 32bit,should use MSVC's 'vcvars32.bat'; 2. Add '-Z7' to CXXFLAGS can release *.pdb file for VS2017 'Step Into' debug, such as: CXXFLAGS="-EHsc -Z7"; 3. If Somebody write a demo in VS2017 3.1 change libxapian.a's name to libxapian.lib; 3.2 make sure the