similar to: faster algorithm for Kendall's tau

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "faster algorithm for Kendall's tau"

2006 Sep 12
Kendall's tau-c
Hello, I can't find a package which calculates Kendall's tau-c. There is the package Kendall, but it only calcuates Kendall's tau-b. Here is the example from ttp:// cityriots <- data.frame(citysize=c(1,1,2,2,3,3), riotsize=c(1,2,1,2,1,2), weight=c(4,2,2,3,0,4)) cityriots <- data.frame(lapply(cityriots,function(x)
2005 Aug 13
R/S-Plus/SAS yield different results for Kendall-tau and Spearman nonparametric regression
Colleagues, I ran some nonparametric regressions in R (run in RedHat Linux), then a colleague repeated the analyses in SAS. When we obtained different results, I tested S-Plus (same Linux box). And, got yet different results. I replicated the results with a small dataset: DATA: 37.5 23 37.5 13 25 16 25 12 100 15 12.5 19 50 20 100 13 100 10 100 10 100 16 50 10 87.5
2008 Apr 22
Comparing kendall's tau values?
I have 3 variables relating to the successful introductions of species to 95 different areas: introduction frequency; number of successes pre 1906; number of successes post 1906 The data are not normal, nor homo-skedatic, so I am using non-parametric statistics. I have calculated Kendall's tau between both introduction & successes pre 1906 (tau=0.3903) and introduction & successes
2011 Apr 30
Kendall's tau code
I discovered that the Kendall's tau calculation in R uses all pairwise comparisons which is O(n^2) and takes a long time for large vectors. I implemented a O(n*log(n)) algorithm based on merge-sort. Is this of interest to be included in core R? The code (fortran and R wrapper) is available in my package clinfun v0.9.7 (not exported in NAMESPACE). Thanks, Venkat -- Venkatraman E. Seshan,
2003 Apr 07
kendall's tau-b computation (PR#2742)
Full_Name: Dan Field Version: 1.6.2 OS: N/A Submission from: (NULL) ( In kendall.c (library is ctest), the limits for the first loop in routine kendall_tau run from 0 through n-1, and the inner loop runs from 0 through i-1. This causes the each pair at index i to be compared with itself; my understanding is that there should only be n*(n-1)/2 pairs under consideration for
2012 Jun 25
Fast Kendall's Tau
Hello. Has any further action been taken regarding implementing David Simcha's fast Kendall tau code (now found in the package pcaPP as into R-base? It is literally hundreds of times faster, although I am uncertain as to whether he wrote code for testing the significance of the parameter. The last mention I have seen of this was in 2010
2010 Feb 08
Incorrect Kendall's tau for ordered variables (PR#14207)
Full_Name: Marek Ancukiewicz Version: 2.10.1 OS: Linux Submission from: (NULL) ( Both cor() and cor.test() incorrectly handle ordered variables with method="kendall", cor() incorrectly handles ordered variables for method="spearman" (method="person" always works correctly, while method="spearman" works for cor.test, but not for cor()). In
2011 May 16
about spearman and kendal correlation coefficient calculation in "cor"
Hi, I have the following two measurements stored in mat: > print(mat) [,1] [,2] [1,] -14.80976 -265.786 [2,] -14.92417 -54.724 [3,] -13.92087 -58.912 [4,] -9.11503 -115.580 [5,] -17.05970 -278.749 [6,] -25.23313 -219.513 [7,] -19.62465 -497.873 [8,] -13.92087 -659.486 [9,] -14.24629 -131.680 [10,] -20.81758 -604.961 [11,] -15.32194 -18.735 To calculate the ranking
2023 Nov 07
Concordance and Kendall's tau in copula
Dear I estimate a sample selection model using the Clayton copula and Burr and Gaussian marginal. I need to derive ther Kendall'sw tau from the concordance coefficient by integration. I came across a way to do that in R long time ago but cannot find it again. Can somewone tell me what to read and what to use? Thank you. Steven Yen
2009 Dec 13
O(N log N) Kendall Tau
I've noticed that the implementation of Kendall's Tau in R is O(N^2). The following reference describes how it can be done in O(N log N): A Computer Method for Calculating Kendall's Tau with Ungrouped Data William R. Knight Journal of the American Statistical Association, Vol. 61, No. 314, Part 1 (Jun., 1966), pp. 436-439 I'm interested in
2002 Apr 25
Kendall's tau
A search of the archives did not reveal an answer: For basic tests of association, where one has no a priori knowledge of the form of the relation or of the distributions of the variables, rank correlation seems like a good start. Why is cor.test() with Kendall and Spearman options relegated to the ctest package, rather than in the base package? Does this suggest that the developers consider
2009 Jan 28
for/if loop
Hi, it's my first time to write a loop with R for my homework. This loop is part of the function. I wanna assign values for hll according to panel [ii,1]=pp. I didn't get any error message in this part. but then when I further calculate another stuff with hll, the function can't return. I think it must be some problem in my loop. Probably something stupid or easy. But I tried to look
2018 Mar 16
Discrepancy: R sum() VS C or Fortran sum
Hi all, I found a discrepancy between the sum() in R and either a sum done in C or Fortran for vector of just 5 elements. The difference is very small, but this is a very small part of a much larger numerical problem in which first and second derivatives are computed numerically. This is part of a numerical method course I am teaching in which I want to compare speeds of R versus Fortran (We
2010 Aug 09
Logistic Regression in R (SAS -like output)
Hello useRs, I have a problem at hand which I'd think is fairly common amongst groups were R is being adopted for Analytics in place of SAS. Users would like to obtain results for logistic regression in R that they have become accustomed to in SAS. Towards this end, I was able to propose the Design package in R which contains many functions to extract the various metrics that SAS reports.
2018 Mar 16
Discrepancy: R sum() VS C or Fortran sum
My simple functions were to compare the result with the gfortran compiler sum() function. I thought that the Fortran sum could not be less precise than R. I was wrong. I am impressed. The R sum does in fact match the result if we use the Kahan algorithm. P. I am glad to see that R sum() is more accurate than the gfortran compiler sum. On 16/03/18 11:37 AM, luke-tierney at wrote:
2006 Sep 13
kendall's w
Hi, I try to calculate Kendall's W coefficient and I have a bizarre error.<-matrix(c(1,3,4,2,6,5,2,4,3,1,5,6,3,2,5,1,5,4),nrow=3,byrow=TRUE) print(kendall.w([-1,])) >>> Kendall's W for ordinal data >>> W = 0.7753623Error in if ($p.table)) { : argument is of length zero
2006 Feb 07
How does one go about getting a newer version of an application added to the AppDB in order to provide reports as to what does and does not work with that version of the application when run via Wine? In particular I'd like to add my observations regarding v4.31 of Pegasus Mail but it is not one of the listed versions. -- Jim
2006 Jul 27
Any interest in "merge" and "by" implementations specifically for sorted data?
Hi Developers, I am looking for another new project to help me get more up to speed on R and to learn something outside of R internals. One recent R issue I have run into is finding a fast implementations of the equivalent to the following SAS code: /* MDPC is an integer sort key made from two integer columns */ MDPC = (MD * 100000) + PCO; /* sort the dataset by the key */ PROC SORT;
2005 Aug 18
kendall tau correlation test for ties: Potential error (PR#8076)
Full_Name: Dirk Koschuetzki Version: 2.1.1 OS: source code Submission from: (NULL) ( Hello, >From the source code (R-2.1.1, file: .../R-2.1.1/src/library/stats/R/) ****************************** cor.test.default <- function(x, y, alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater"), method = c("pearson", "kendall",
2010 Sep 14
Using McNemar's test to detect shifts in response from pre- to post-treatment
Hello Everyone,   I've been asked to check if there is a significant difference in the following:                     Pre        Post Group A     15/19     14/19 Group B     14/19     10/19   My sense is that I need to perform McNemar's test on these data because responses are correlated within patient from the pre-test to the post-test.   The question is how to do this. I'm a SAS user