Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "substitute in a named expression"
2010 Nov 26
Calling substitute(expr, list(a=1)) when expr <- expression(a+b+c)
# The result I am after is the result after a substitution in an expression, such as
substitute(expression(a+b+c), list(a=1))
expression(1 + b + c)
# However, the way I want to do it is for a an expression "stored as a variable" as
(expr <- expression(a+b+c))
expression(a + b + c)
# a) The following does not work
(expr2 <- substitute(expr, list(a=1)))
# b) - whereas this
2004 Mar 18
substitute question
Consider the following example:
# substitute a with b in the indicated function. Seems to work.
> z <- substitute( function()a+1, list(a=quote(b)) )
> z
function() b + 1
# z is an object of class call so use eval
# to turn it into an object of class expression; however,
# when z is evaluated, the variable a returns.
> eval(z)
Why did a suddenly reappear again
2005 Jun 20
Fwd: How to sample from a linear mixed model
Thanks. I wonder if there is a general way of extracting var(u) and var(e), which would be needed to simulate u and e. Clearly, one can get the estimated parameters, but is there a clever way of 'setting up' the matrices??
On 6/19/05, S??ren H??jsgaard <Soren.Hojsgaard at agrsci.dk> wrote:
> I would like to draw a sample from a linear mixed model y=Xb+Zu+e which has
2005 Jul 31
Drawing a graph with vertices and edges using tcl/tk
Dear all; I would like to draw a graph with vertices and edges, and I guess tcl/tk would be appropriate. I don't know tcl/tk but have googled for a 10-page (or so) introduction to 'getting started with tcl/tk in R' but without any luck.
- Does anyone know of the existence of such a document or any other web-based material on the subject?
- Does anyone have an (informative) piece of
2005 Jun 19
How to sample from a linear mixed model
I would like to draw a sample from a linear mixed model y=Xb+Zu+e which has been fitted with lme(), i.e. a model y ~ N(Xb, C), where C=Z cov(u) Z' + cov(e).
I've tried to figure out how to extract C from an lme object, because that would solve my problem when also using the predict() function, but without any luck.
Can anyone help on that?
2006 Aug 29
lattice/xyplot: plotting 4 variables in two panels - can this be done?
I would like to create a plot of y1,y2,y3,y4 against x for several subjects such that y1 and y2 are plotted against x in one panel and y3 and y4 against x in another panel. Thus if there are 3 subjects I should end up with 6 panels. Is there a simple way of doing so (i.e. without calling xyplot() several times, and then padding the results together)??
2007 Aug 22
Evaluating f(x(2,3)) on a function f<- function(a,b){a+b}
Dear list
I have a function and a vector, say
f <- function(a,b){a+b}
x <- c(2,3)
I want to "evaluate f on x" in the sense of computing f(x[1],x[2]). I would like it to be so that I can write f(x). (I know I can write a wrapper function g <- function(x){f(x[1],x[2])}, but this is not really what I am looking for). Is there a general way doing this (programmatically)?
2005 Jul 12
Computer algebra in R - would that be an idea??
>From time to time people request symbolic computations beyond what D() and deriv() etc can provide. A brief look at the internet shows that there are many more or less developed computer algebra packages freely available. Therefore, I wondered if it would be an idea to try to 'integrate' one of these packages in R, which I guess can be done in more or less elegant ways... I do not know
2007 Sep 28
Importing only one function from a package
Dear List
In a package I want to import the mApply function from the Hmisc package, and I would like to import only that function.
1) If I write "Depends: Hmisc" in the DESCRIPTION file I get the whole Hmisc package, so that is not the way to go ahead.
2) According to "Writing R extensions", sec 1.6.1 "Specifying imports and exports" I can (as I read it) simply
2006 Nov 01
xyplot: Plotting two variables, one as points - the other as line. Can that be done without explicitly using panel functions
Hi! Consider
d <- data.frame(x=1:10,y=5+1:10, yf=rnorm(10,5+1:10))
x y yf
1 1 6 5.268621
2 2 7 8.623896
3 3 8 8.114830
4 4 9 10.125955
5 5 10 9.977261
I plot y and yf against x with
BUT - I would like that the plot of y against x is with type='l' and the
2006 Feb 15
Plotting two 3-dimensional time series in a 3 x 2 plot - alternatives to par(mfrow())
I am trying to plot two 3-dimensional time series in one window (such that there will be 3 rows and 2 columns). For zoo and ts objects the par(mfrow...) option does not work. I can get xyplot to make the plots, but data are on widely different scales in the three dimensions, and xyplot uses the same scale on all y-axis which means that in some dimensions the curves will be almost horizontal lines.
2005 Jul 04
Problems with eval() in connection with match.call()
Dear all, I have a problem when passing parms from one function to another when the argument list is just '...'. Consider this example:
xx <- 111222
bar <- function(...){
cl <- match.call(expand.dots=TRUE)
x <- eval(cl$x)
> bar(x = xx)
> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : Object "xx" not
2006 Jan 13
Saving data in an R package - how to maintain that t avariable is a 'factor' when it is coded as 1, 2, 3...
I have a .txt file obtained by saving a data frame in which the first four columns are factors (but represented as 1,2,3 etc). The first four lines are
"Pig" "Evit" "Cu" "Litter" "Start" "Weight" "Feed" "Time"
"4601" "1" "1" "1" 26.5 26.5 NA 1
"4601" "1"
2007 Mar 20
Over-writing functions from other packages? What is a good strategy??
I am writing a package which uses the Rgraphviz package which in turn uses the graph package, but my question does not (I believe) pertain specifically to the these packages so therefore I dare to post the question here:
I my package I have a function "edges" which works on some graphs I have defined. However, there is also a function "edges" (or rather a generic method) in
2001 Dec 06
Contrasts in lm
Dear all,
In SAS (GLM and MIXED) estimable functions (linear functions of the
parameters) can be specified in the ESTIMATE and CONTRAST statements.
Has anyone written a similar "utility" for use in connection with lm?
Thanks in advance
S?ren H?jsgaard
r-help mailing list -- Read
2006 Feb 22
How can I see how %*% is implemented?
I would like to see how the matrix multiplication operator %*% is implemented (because I want to see which external Fortran/C routines are used). How can I do so?
2006 Apr 04
xyplot: getting data into the panel function
In xyplot, I would like to get the "data into the panel function" in the following sense: Consider
xyplot(scc~time|cowidp, data=cow.s,type=c("l"),
If I want to use a
2010 Jan 29
evaluating expressions with sub expressions
I'm having trouble figuring out how to evaluate an expression when one of
the variables in the expression is defined separately as a sub expression.
Here's a simplified example
mat <- expression(0, f1*s1*g1) # vector of formulae
g1 <- expression(1/Tm) # expansion of the definition of g1
vals <- data.frame(f1=1, s1=.5, Tm=2) # one set of possible values for
2006 Aug 14
Calculating trace of products
Dear all,
I need to calculate tr(A B), tr(A B A B) and similar quantities **fast** where the matrices A, B are symmetrical. I've searched for built-in functions for that purpose, but without luck. Can anyone help?
Thanks in advance
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2007 Nov 20
Use and misuse of "update" function for non-models. Any views/recommendations??
Dear all,
I wonder if it is "bad style" (or something worse) to create an "update" function which does not work on model objects of the lm, glm etc. type. Specifically, I have some graph objects (graphs as mathematical objects, not as displays) which I want to alter and for that purpose I thought of writing an update function. Would doing so violate a "deeper