Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "logistic regression: default computed probability"
2017 Jun 28
R package for scorecard development
Hello all,
Is there any R package that can develop a scorecard model for a binary
target variable?
More details:
I want to create a scorecard based on the raw data I have.
I have a binary target variable and a few numeric and character input
I want to bin the variables and assign a score to each of the bins.
Each subject will be scored based on the bin it falls in for each
2005 Apr 11
glm family=binomial logistic sigmoid curve problem
I'm trying to plot an extrapolated logistic sigmoid curve using
glm(..., family=binomial) as follows, but neither the fitted()
points or the predict()ed curve are plotting correctly:
> year <- c(2003+(6/12), 2004+(2/12), 2004+(10/12), 2005+(4/12))
> percent <- c(0.31, 0.43, 0.47, 0.50)
> plot(year, percent, xlim=c(2003, 2007), ylim=c(0, 1))
> lm <- lm(percent ~ year)
2011 Aug 29
Differences in SAS and R defaults
Hello all,
I am looking for theories and statistical analyses where the defaults
employed in R and SAS are different. As a result, the outputs under
the defaults should (at least slightly) differ for the same input.
Could anyone kindly point any such instance?
2007 Dec 06
logistic regression using "glm",which "y" is set to be "1"
Dear friends :
using the "glm" function and setting family=binomial, I got a list of
The coefficients reflect the effects of predicted variables on the
probability of the response to be "1".
My response variable consists of "A" and "D" . I don't know which level of
the response was set to be 1.
is the first element of the response set
2012 Feb 27
read.csv converts "NA" to missing values
I have a CSV file with region codes listed in a column. E.g. 'AS' for Asia,
'AU' for Australia and 'NA' North America.
However, the data frame created using read.csv shows <NA> where the string
variable should have had the value 'NA'.
How can I input the value 'NA' present in a column in a CSV file without R
changing it to missing?
2009 Oct 20
Weighted Logistic Regressions using svyglm
I?m running some logistic regressions and I?ve been trying to include weights
in the equation. However, when I run the model, I get this warning message:
Here?s what it says: Warning message: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) :
non-integer #successes in a binomial glm!
I think it is because the weights are non-integer values.
What is a good way to run logistic regressions in R when using
2006 Mar 08
Want to fit random intercept in logistic regression (testing lmer and glmmML)
Greetings. Here is sample code, with some comments. It shows how I
can simulate data and estimate glm with binomial family when there is
no individual level random error, but when I add random error into the
linear predictor, I have a difficult time getting reasonable estimates
of the model parameters or the variance component.
There are no clusters here, just individual level responses, so
2010 Jun 09
[R-sig-Geo] How to extract coordinates values from a shapefile?
I'm not sure if this is what you want. But the function coordinates() in sp
package gives you the coordinates of SpatialObjects.
2010/6/9 Nikhil Kaza <nikhil.list@gmail.com>
> You need to execute gpclibPermit() to enable gpclib.
> library(maptools) should have issued a warning to that effect.
> Nikhil Kaza
> Asst. Professor,
> City and
2011 Aug 27
hopelessly overdispersed?
dear list!
i am running an anlysis on proportion data using binomial (quasibinomial
family) error structure. My data comprises of two continuous vars, body
size and range size, as well as of feeding guild, nest placement, nest
type and foragig strata as factors. I hope to model with these variables
the preference of primary forests (#successes) by certain bird species.
My code therefore looks
2005 Nov 28
glm: quasi models with logit link function and binary data
# Hello R Users,
# I would like to fit a glm model with quasi family and
# logistical link function, but this does not seam to work
# with binary data.
# Please don't suggest to use the quasibinomial family. This
# works out, but when applied to the true data, the
# variance function does not seams to be
# appropriate.
# I couldn't see in the
# theory why this does not work.
# Is
2009 Jul 10
predict.glm -> which class does it predict?
I have a question about logistic regression in R.
Suppose I have a small list of proteins P1, P2, P3 that predict a
two-class target T, say cancer/noncancer. Lets further say I know that I
can build a simple logistic regression model in R
model <- glm(T ~ ., data=d.f(Y), family=binomial) (Y is the dataset of
the Proteins).
This works fine. T is a factored vector with levels cancer,
2006 Jun 04
logistic regression enquiry
I am hoping for some advie regarding the following scenario.
I have data from 26 studies that I wanted to analyse using logistic
regression. Given the data was from studies and not individuals I was
unsure how I would perform this in R. When analysed in SPSS, weighting was
used so that each study was included twice. Where "use" occurred, a value
of 1 was assigned and was weighted
2012 May 25
Breakpoint in logistic GLM with 'segmented' package - error: replacement length zero
Hello all,
I've been having trouble with assessing a breakpoint in a logistic GLM
with two explanatory variables. For this analysis I've been using the
'segmented' package version 0.2-9.1. But I keep getting an error and I
don't see where I would be going awry. The situation is the following:
Two explanatory variables:
bedekking - a variable with possible values between 0 and
2011 Apr 05
Saving console and graph output to same file
Hello All,
How do I save the output of the R console and the graphic output to the same
PDF file and append these to each other?
I need to have a frequency table and a corresponding graph, one below the
other in a file. I have tried with sending the cross table to the graph
window using 'textplot' and then saving the graphic output. However, the
table does not look nice in the graph
2012 Jun 21
crosstable and regression for survey data (weighted)
I have survey data that I am working on. I need to make some multi-way tables
and regression analyses on the data. After attaching the data, this is the
code I use for tables for four variables (sweight is the weight variable):
> a <- xtabs(sweight~research.area + gender + a2n2 + age)
> tmp <- ftable(a)
Is this correct? I don't think I need to use the strata and cluster
2006 Jun 14
lmer and mixed effects logistic regression
I'm using FC4 and R 2.3.1 to fit a mixed effects logistic regression.
The response is 0/1 and both the response and the age are the same for
each pair of observations for each subject (some observations are not
paired). For example:
id response age
1 0 30
1 0 30
2 1 55
2 1 55
3 0 37
4 1 52
5 0 39
5 0 39
I get the
2010 Nov 18
usage of account code in CDR
Hi everyone
Anyone please explain me How Account code is use for billing.,
2010 Dec 21
logistic regression or not?
Hi, I have a dataset where the response for each person on one of the 2
treatments was a proportion (percentage of certain number of markers being
positive), I also have the number of positive & negative markers available for
each person. what is the best way to analyze this kind of data?
I can think of analyzing this data using glm() with the attached dataset:
2009 Jan 28
Faced Problems with RODBC package 1.2-5 and 1.2-4 for windows
I am facing problems with RODBC package 1.2-5 and 1.2-4 built for
windows. I am using R 2.8.1 version.
I faced some problems when I was trying to execute sql procedure
from R with exec/execute statement .
Stored procedure contains code/statements :
1) Call to another procedure (R calls one procedure which itself
calls another procedure)
2004 Jun 03
GAM question
I am trying to use R to do a weighted GAM with PA (presence/random) as the
response variable (Y, which is a 0 or a 1) and ASPECT (values go from
0-3340), DEM (from 1500-3300), HLI (from 0-5566), PLAN (from -3 to 3),
PROF (from -3 to 3), SLOPE (from 100-500) and TRI (from 0-51) as
predictor variables (Xs). I need to weight each observation by its WO
value (from 0.18 to 0.98). I have specified the