similar to: adding labels to x,y points

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1600 matches similar to: "adding labels to x,y points"

2010 Jan 16
Hi, See below I reply your message for <>[R] predict.glm & newdata posted on Fri Apr 4 21:02:24 CEST 2008 You say it ##works fine but it does not: if you look at the length of yhat2, you will find 100 and not 200 as expected. In fact predict(reg1, data=x2) gives the same results as predict(reg1). So I am still looking for
2006 Mar 07
glm automation
Hello, I have two problems in automating multiple glm(s) operations. The data file is tab delimited file with headers and two columns. like "ABC" "EFG" 1 2 2 3 3 4 dat <- read.table("FILENAME", header=TRUE, sep="\t", na.strings="NA", dec=".", strip.white=TRUE) dataf <- read.table("FILENAME", header=FALSE,
2012 Jul 05
[net-next RFC V5 0/5] Multiqueue virtio-net
Hello All: This series is an update version of multiqueue virtio-net driver based on Krishna Kumar's work to let virtio-net use multiple rx/tx queues to do the packets reception and transmission. Please review and comments. Test Environment: - Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5620 @ 2.40GHz, 8 cores 2 numa nodes - Two directed connected 82599 Test Summary: - Highlights: huge improvements on TCP_RR
2012 Jul 05
[net-next RFC V5 0/5] Multiqueue virtio-net
Hello All: This series is an update version of multiqueue virtio-net driver based on Krishna Kumar's work to let virtio-net use multiple rx/tx queues to do the packets reception and transmission. Please review and comments. Test Environment: - Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5620 @ 2.40GHz, 8 cores 2 numa nodes - Two directed connected 82599 Test Summary: - Highlights: huge improvements on TCP_RR
2013 Mar 28
hierarchical clustering with pearson's coefficient
Hello, I want to use pearson's correlation as distance between observations and then use any centroid based linkage distance (ex. Ward's distance) When linkage distances are formed as the Lance-Williams recursive formulation, they just require the initial distance between observations. See here: It is said that you have to use euclidean
2004 Nov 24
reshaping of data for barplot2
Dear All, I have the following data coming out from s <- with(final, summarize(norm, llist(gtt,fdiab), function(norm) { n <- sum(! s <- sum(norm, na.rm=T) binconf(s, n) }, type='matrix') ) ie gtt fdiab norm.norm norm.norm2 norm.norm3 18
2009 Mar 15
Axes crossing at origin
Hi, I'm having a bit of trouble with the axes in my plots. I don't like the way R does not have them cross in the origin. Is there another plot/axis function? i tried using abline as suggested by someone from this list, but in my case this gives no satisfactory result, as the abline does sometimes lie on top of the y axis and sometimes not, depending on how i scale the image... #bild16
2008 Feb 28
Errors melt()ing data...
Hi, I'm trying to melt() some data for subsequent cast()ing and am encoutering errors. The overall process requires a couple of casts()s and melt()s. ########Start Session 1########## ## I have the data in a (fully) melted format and can cast it fine... > norm1[1:10,] Pool SNP Sample.Name variable value 1 1 rs1045485 CA0092 Height.1 0.003488853 2 1 rs1045485
2008 Apr 04
predict.glm & newdata
Hi all - I'm stumped by the following mdl <- glm(resp ~ . , data = df, family=binomial, offset = ofst) WORKS yhat <- predict(mdl) WORKS yhat <- predict(mdl,newdata = df) FAILS Error in drop(X[, piv, drop = FALSE] %*% beta[piv]) : subscript out of bounds I've tried without offset, quoting binomial. The offset variable ofst IS in df. Previous postings indicate possible
2009 Jan 29
Hi I Have a very large dataset that I would like to conduct ANOVA tests on. Im not a very strong programmer so any help would be appreciated. the format is Identifier             A1       A2        B1      B2       C1   C2      Norm1         Norm2 1234                  1        1            NA     NA      4       3        NA               NA 4567                  2        2              4     
2009 Dec 17
poly() with unnormalized values
How can I get the result of, e.g., poly(1:3. degree=2) to give me the unnormalized integer coefficients usually used to explain orthogonal polynomial contrasts, e.g, -1 1 0 -2 1 1 As I understand things, the columns of x^{1:degree} are first centered and then are normalized by 1/sqrt(col sum of squares), but I can't see how to relate this to what is returned by poly(). >
2012 Jun 25
[net-next RFC V4 PATCH 0/4] Multiqueue virtio-net
Hello All: This series is an update version of multiqueue virtio-net driver based on Krishna Kumar's work to let virtio-net use multiple rx/tx queues to do the packets reception and transmission. Please review and comments. Test Environment: - Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5620 @ 2.40GHz, 8 cores 2 numa nodes - Two directed connected 82599 Test Summary: - Highlights: huge improvements on TCP_RR
2012 Jun 25
[net-next RFC V4 PATCH 0/4] Multiqueue virtio-net
Hello All: This series is an update version of multiqueue virtio-net driver based on Krishna Kumar's work to let virtio-net use multiple rx/tx queues to do the packets reception and transmission. Please review and comments. Test Environment: - Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5620 @ 2.40GHz, 8 cores 2 numa nodes - Two directed connected 82599 Test Summary: - Highlights: huge improvements on TCP_RR
2008 Jun 08
eliminating and relabeling the first column
Hello everyone, I have a data frame in which I am wanting to eliminate the row labels and then relabel the rows with g1-g2000.I have used the following code: dat<-read.table(file="C:\\Documents and Settings\\Owner\\My Documents\\colon cancer1.txt",header=T,row.names=1)"C:\\Documents and Settings\\Owner\\My Documents\\colon cancer1.txt") I thought that this
2010 Jan 18
Predict polynomial problem
I have a function that fits polynomial models for the orders in n: lmn <- function(d,n){ models=list() for(i in n){ models[[i]]=lm(y~poly(x,i),data=d) } return(models) } My data is: > d=data.frame(x=1:10,y=runif(10)) So first just do it for a cubic: > mmn = lmn(d,3) > predict(mmn[[3]]) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2005 Jun 09
can nlme do the complex multilevel model?
data from multilevel units,first sample the class ,and then the student in calss.following is the 2-level model. and the level-1 model deals with the student,and the level-2 model deals with the class level the students belong to. Level-1 Model Y = B0 + B1*(ZLEAD) + B2*(ZBUL) + B3*(ZSHY) + R Level-2 Model B0 = G00 + U0 B1 = G10 + G11*(ZWARMT) + U1 B2 = G20 + G21*(ZWARMT) + G22*(ZABLET) +
2008 Jun 07
error message with dat
Hello everyone, I have two problems which I am unable to solve : 1.I am trying to add the  row labels (g1-g2000) to the very left of a data table. The data table is 2000 rows  by 62 columns.I have used the following code. read.table(file="C:\\Documents and Settings\\Owner\\My Documents\\colon cancer1.txt",header=T,row.names=1) rowname(dat) <- paste("g", c(1:nrow(dat)),
2008 Sep 24
Why horizontal bars instead of a line
Hey list! It looks simple, though it's not possible for me to plot the following properly: (some made-up data) GrSe Clone1 Clone2 Clone3 Clone4 Clone... G1999 2 3 6 5 G2000 2 5 7 4 G2001 5 3 7 3 G2002 4 5 8 3 G... GrSe=Growing Season. I've read the file as "x" and then tried: plot(x$GrSe,x$Clone1) The output is 4 horizontal bars. Even if I write
2006 Feb 24
Sorting alphanumerically
I'm trying to sort a DATAFRAME by a column "ID" that contains alphanumeric data. Specifically,"ID" contains integers all preceeded by the character "g" as in: g1, g6, g3, g19, g100, g2, g39 I am using the following code: DATAFRAME=DATAFRAME[order(DATAFRAME1$ID),] and was hoping it would sort the dataframe by ID in the following manner g1, g2, g3, g6, g19,
2005 Nov 10
polynomials transformation
Dear All, Need some help in polynomials transformation to get the coefficients. I have tried "poly.transform" as applied in S-plus but it does not work. Thanks in advanced for any helps. Regards. Abd. Rahman Kassim (PhD) Head Forest Ecology Branch Forest Management & Ecology Program Forestry and Conservation Division Forest Research Institute Malaysia Kepong 52109 Selangor,