similar to: odfWeave: Combining multiple output statements in a function

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "odfWeave: Combining multiple output statements in a function"

2010 Apr 28
Errors when trying to open odfWeave documents
Hello I tried the odfWeave package today, by running the formatting.odt and example.odt files that are included with the package. They both ran fine, but when I try to open them in my OpenOffice (OpenOffice 3.1.1 on Kubuntu 9.10) I get an error "Format error discovered in the file in sub-document content.xml at 1293,124(row,col)." I also tried to open them in MS Word 2003 (Windows
2013 Apr 11
odfWeave: Some questions about potential formatting options
Hello All, Learning to use the odfWeave package. I really like the package. It has good documentation, makes some very nice looking tables, and seems to have lots of options for customizing output. There are a few things I'd like to do that don't seem to be covered in the documentation though. So I'm not sure if they're possible or not. Here's a list of some things I'd
2010 Sep 01
OdfWeave and Locale
Dear all, I have a question regarding the odfweave. I created an odt file (test_input.odt) using OO.o for WIndows XP. The code is generic. ---- Code for odt ----------- \Sexpr{dim(iris)[1]} <<listofSpecies, echo=FALSE, results=xml>>= odfItemize(levels(iris$Species)) @ Table 1: <<Table, echo=FALSE, results=xml>>= data.frame(N =tapply(iris$Petal.Length, iris$Species,
2009 Dec 13
odfWeave produces output file that OO can't open
Dear R-helpers, I'm trying to learn how to use odfSweave. Here is my source file (in /Users/mk/myTeach/2010-1-7720/odfWeave): **************************************** Analysis of the iris Data Created on \Sexpr{date()} <<loadLibs, echo = FALSE, results = hide>>= # I usually load the libraries first so that any output produced by loading the library does not end up in the
2010 Jan 06
problem with odfWeave
Hello, I have encountered problems using odfdWeave. I actually have the same error message as was reported in this message (, but I don't quite understand the answer made by Max Kuhn ("You need to cat the results using odfCAt, otherwise you are just writing the output with no XML around it."). What I am supposed to do
2009 Jul 06
odfWeave: odt-file damaged
Dear all, I am doing my first steps with odfWeave. After running the r code (see below), I am trying to open the ODF-document with open office, but I am getting the error message: "The file is damaged, but it can be repaired". If I confirm the question and repair the file with open office, I can open it with the desired output, which seems to be fine. My system: R Version 2.9.1
2009 Jan 11
Problem using odfWeave
Hi everybody, I don't get odfWeave to run properly. My odt file is as a simple as: ------------------------ Some text. <<echo=FALSE>>= print(1:10) @ ----------------------- The output I get ist the following: ----------------------------------- > odfWeave("roffice.odt", "rofficeOUT.odt") Copying roffice.odt Setting wd to
2009 Jan 13
odfWeave: Error in matrixPaste(...)
Hello all, I try the follow test with an odf file. *INPUT: teste.odt* <teste, results=xml>>= x <- matrix(rnorm(6), nc=2) xst <- tableStyles(x, useRowNames = TRUE, header = NULL) odfTable(x, styles=xst, colnames = NULL, useRowNames = TRUE) @ and I get this error: *OUTPUT error:* Error: chunk 1 (label=teste) Error in matrixPaste(textStart, textName, textEnd, x, tagEnd, sep =
2008 Aug 12
Possible buglet (wart ?) of odfWeave 0.7.6 (with workaround)
Dear List, I have had problems inserting some (not all !) figures via odfWeave (using print(someLatticeFunction)...). The figure was correctly displayed in a R device window but the resulting ODF document displayed the correct space for the figure and an empty frame with a "broken image" icon and a "read error" mention. Exploration of the odf (.odt, in my case) file showed
2011 May 13
issue with odfWeave running on Windows XP; question about installing packages under Linux
Good morning R community, I have two questions (and a comment): 1) A problem with odfWeave. I have an odf document with a table that spans multiple pages. Each cell in the table is populated using \sexpr{<R stuff>}. This worked fine on my own machine (windows 7 box using any R2.x.y, for x>=11) and on a colleagues machine (Windows XP box running R2.11.1). However, on a third machine
2008 Apr 14
odfWeave: in multi-page plots only last page appears in document
Dear all, Max, first of all, many thanks for providing the odfWeave package. My problem: Whenever I have multiple plots in one single chunk of my ODF file, only the last plot gets shown. The problem can be reproduced with this toy example (to be used in an ODF file together with odfWeave -- I'm using the newest version 0.7.3): <<plot1, echo=FALSE, fig=TRUE>>= for (i in 1:3) {
2012 Mar 08
Novice Alert!: odfWeave help!
Hello world, I'm pretty new to computer code: for example, I consider it a small victory that I (all by myself!) managed to ssh into the server at my lab from home and copy a file onto my desktop. Be gentle. I have primarily used R for running some pretty mid-level statistics (creating distance matrices, manipulating graphs for pretty figures, etc). I'm working through Bolker's
2010 Mar 17
odfWeave: odt-file damaged
Dear all, I'm resurrecting this old post (about 6 monts old, reproduced thereafter) because I have struggled against the same problem and found a solution so that I found it was worth posting for the record. The simple fix when you want to use odfWeave with 7-ZIP as a compressing/decompressing utility under windows is to use the 'x' instead of the 'e' option so as to preserve
2010 Feb 20
Contingency Table - output to odfWeave not working for matrix
Hi guys I'm hoping someone can help me with this. It should be easy but it seems to get stuck for no obvious reason! I am trying to set a report up in odfWeave so that we can re-run the same analysis at 3 time points as the data matures and provide an 'instant' report. To simplify the situation we have two pieces of data: site_id (numerical value 1-9) and reaction (categorical Y or
2010 Aug 31
Dear -r-helpers, I'm trying to get my students to use odfWeave. Windows users are having trouble. I would appreciate advice. Comment 1: Hello I have spent a while today trying to get odfWeave to be successful I installed the unzip and zip program but it has not changed the error message.I have copied the error message below but I am sure it is the one others have experienced. >
2008 Nov 12
Dear all, I am trying to use the function odfWeave. Unfortunately I cannot get beyond the folllowing error message: " Error in odfWeave("Example3.rnw", "Example3.odf") : Error unzipping odt file " Can anybody tell me, how to use this function? Thanks, Irina Ursachi.
2009 Mar 02
Cross Tables with odfTable in odfweave
Hi, I've been trying to prepare some crosstables for some survey questions for a client. I have been using the CrossTable function in the gmodels package. However, this command only seems to be able to create CrossTables in text documents. I've been trying to use odfTable in odfweave to create tables that are standalone objects in the document that I can then convert to other
2009 Mar 11
trying to run odfWeave()
Hi there ! I'm working with windows and R GUI and I'm trying to generate an automatic repport using odfWeave. I have taken the basic template available on line at : which is SampleOdf.odt I've imported the package "odfWeave" and the corresponding library. And then I run : >"E:/Tex/SampleOdf.odt"
2009 Oct 08
odfWeave & XML error in post-processing
I've been happily building a file with odfWeave, and just as the hour draws nigh for it to be sent off, odfWeave or XML throws the following catastrophic error: ...this is the tail of entirely uneventful processing of input file..... 31 : term xml(label=LR_Fall_Model_Results) 32 : term verbatim(label=LR_Model_Fall_graph) 33 : term xml(label=LR_OMC_tab) 'content_1.xml' has
2011 Jan 23
odfWeave Error unzipping file in Win 7
Hey guys, I?m just getting started with R (version 2.12.0) and odfWeave and kinda stumble from one problem to the next, the current one is the following: trying to use odfWeave: > odfctrl <- odfWeaveControl( + zipCmd = c("C:/Program Files/unz552dN/VBunzip.exe $$file$$ .", + "C:/Program Files/unz552dN/VBunzip.exe $$file$$")) > >