Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "SVD Memory Issue"
2011 Sep 12
findFreqTerms vs minDocFreq in Package 'tm'
I am using 'tm' package for text mining and facing an issue with finding the
frequently occuring terms. From the definition it appears that findFreqTerms
and minDocFreq are equivalent commands and both tries to identify the
documents with terms appearing more than a specified threshold. However, I
am getting drastically different results with both. I have given the results
from both the
2014 Jul 29
wordcloud y tabla de palabras [Avanzando]
Buenas tardes grupo. Saludos cordiales Carlos J., muchas gracias por
tu orientación. Efectivamente, me había dado cuenta que la razón por
la que no se aplicaba colnames era porque no tenía columnas. La
cuestión es que no logro visualizar completamente/claramente en qué
parte del proceso de creación del corpus se puede hacer.
Sin embargo, siguiendo el ejemplo de
2009 Nov 01
[LLVMdev] Issue compiling LLVM 2.6 on Windows with MinGW
I downloaded LLVM 2.6 and was attempting to compile it with TDM-GCC
4.4.1-tdm2-sjlj + cmake 2.6.4 and this happened:
[ 2%] Built target LLVMSystem
[ 5%] Built target LLVMSupport
[ 7%] Built target tblgen
[ 7%] Built target intrinsics_gen
[ 10%] Built target LLVMCore
[ 12%] Built target
2010 Oct 11
topicmodels error
I try to fit a LDA model to a TermDocumentMatrix with the topicmodels
but R says:
> Error in LDA(TDM, k = k, method = "Gibbs", control = list(seed = SEED, :
> x is of class ?TermDocumentMatrix??simple_triplet_matrix?
> class(TDM)
> [1] "TermDocumentMatrix" "simple_triplet_matrix"
I try to use a matrix... but don't work:
2014 Jul 25
wordcloud y tabla de palabras
Buenas noches grupo. Saludos cordiales.
He seguido en la búsqueda de una forma que me permita realizar la
comparación de dos documentos pertenecientes a los años 2005 y 2013, y
que pueda representar finalmente con wordcloud y con una table en la
que las columnas sean los años de cada informe "2005" y "2013", y las
filas sean las palabras con la frecuencia de cada una de ellas
2014 Jul 28
wordcloud y tabla de palabras
La referencia (gracias por proporcionarla) que has incluido es bastante
clara y se puede seguir.
¿Has podido sobre tus dos discursos utilizar la misma lógica?
La forma de salir de dudas, para empezar, es que adjuntaras el código que
estás empleando por ver si hay algún error evidente. Aunque la forma
adecuada para que te podamos ayudar es con un ejemplo reproducible: código
+ datos.
2020 Feb 07
Cannot allocate a vector of size...
Buenas tardes,
Estoy haciendo un análisis de contenido con el paquete tm. A la hora de
ejecutar este código:
tdm<-TermDocumentMatrix(corpus,control=list(weighting =weightTf))
La primera línea sí me la ejecuta bien pero en la segunda tengo este error:
Error: cannot allocate vector of size 14.0 Gb
¿Cómo puedo corregirlo? Estoy usando la versión de 64bits de
2020 Feb 10
Cannot allocate a vector of size...
El archivo de R ocupa 33 megas. La matriz que quiero construir cupa 14 gb.
En el disco local (C) tengo 400 gb disponibles de 670.
No estoy muy puesta en trabajar con este tipo de datos. ¿Qué diferencia es
trabajar con data.frame?
El Vie, 7 de Febrero de 2020, 18:07, Xavier-Andoni Tibau Alberdi escribió:
> Depende de la operació que quieras hacer con la matriz. Si quitas filas
2020 Feb 10
Cannot allocate a vector of size...
Muchas gracias Xabier.
He intentaddo trabajar con la sparse matrix pero al pasar tdm a matriz me
dice también que "cannot allocate a vector of size 12 gb".
He hecho tdm<-as.matrix(tdm)
¿Está bien hecho eso para trabajar con la sparse matrix?
El Lun, 10 de Febrero de 2020, 16:15, Xavier-Andoni Tibau Alberdi escribió:
> La respuesta de Carlos creo que es mucho mas
2020 Feb 07
Cannot allocate a vector of size...
Es la primera vez que trabajo con este tipo de datos...No se si se puede
dividir esa matriz. ¿Cómo lo podría hacer?
Muchas gracias!
El Vie, 7 de Febrero de 2020, 17:55, Xavier-Andoni Tibau Alberdi escribió:
> Significa que tus datos són muy grandes y no se pueden guardar en la RAM.
> Tienes alternativas para dividir la matriz?
> El vie., 7 feb. 2020 17:26, <miriam.alzate en
2011 May 11
filtering out unwanted words in a Term Document Matrix
Hi Y'all,
I am using the text mining package (tm). I am trying to filter out all of the words in a Term Document Matrix that are not in a list of words that I am interested in. I am using the following code:
z<-tm_intersect(txt.dtm, c("communications", "safety", "climate", "blood", "surface", "cleanliness",
2016 Apr 06
Memory problem
It is hard to tell from the information that you have provided. Do you
have a list of the sizes of all the objects that you have in memory? Are
you releasing large objects at the end of each simulation run? Are you
using 'gc' to garbage collect any memory after deallocating objects?
Collect some additional information with a simple function like below:
f_mem_stats <-
2016 Apr 06
Memory problem
Dear R Forum,
I have about 2000+ FX forward transactions and I am trying to run 1000 simulations. If I use less no of simulations, I am able to get the desired results. However, when I try to use more than 1000 simulations, I get following error.
> sorted2 <- ddply(sorted, .(currency_from_exch, id), mutate, change_in_mtm_bc = mtm_bc - mtm_bc[1])
Error: cannot allocate vector of size 15.6
2016 Apr 06
Memory problem
Dear Sir,
Thanks for the guidance. Will check. And yes, at the end of each simulation, a large result is getting stored.?
On Wednesday, 6 April 2016 5:48 PM, jim holtman <jholtman at gmail.com> wrote:
It is hard to tell from the information that you have provided.? Do you have a list of the sizes of all the objects that you have in memory?? Are you releasing large
2016 Apr 06
Memory problem
As Jim has indicated, memory usage problems can require very specific diagnostics and code changes, so generic help is tough to give.
However, in most cases I have found the dplyr package to be more memory efficient than plyr, so you could consider that. Also, you can be explicit about only saving the minimum results you want to keep rather than making a list of complete results and extracting
2003 Aug 20
query on converting survey data from one structure to another
Dear R users,
I am trying to convert a dataset from one format to several rectangular
datasets. A consultant helped design the data entry program for our survey
using Delphi/Pascal and for each household the information is stored in a
file called "EA-HM-HH.TXT" where EA is the enumeration area number, HM is
the homestead number and HH is the household number. Within this file the
2010 Mar 18
error while usig "tm" package
I have recently started using "tm" package by Feinerer, K. Hornik, and D.
While trying to create a term-document matrix from a corpus (approxly 440
I get the following error:
tdm <- TermDocumentMatrix(tmp, control=list(weighting=weightTfIdf,
minDocFreq=2, minWordLength=3))
*Error in rowSums(m > 0) : 'x' must be an array of at least two dimensions*
This error
2006 Oct 24
Basic Conf
Hi there, I'm tring a basic asterisk settings.
I have a asterisk running on a
I have a net with two computers and a router.
The router IP in the local net is,
The first pc has IP: name datile3 . SO GNU Linux.
the second pc has IP: name fissun . SO GNU Linux.
On datile3, it runs a softphone kphone. From this I want to call the external
2001 Nov 23
trouble downloading package car
Dear helpful person,
I have been trying to download package car from the CRAN website using the
install.packages command from within R. I have successfully used this
command to install other packages but can't make it work for car.
When I try I get the following messages:
trying URL `http://cran.uk.r-project.org//bin/windows/contrib/PACKAGES'
Content type `text/plain' length 5677
2009 Jun 05
DO NOT REPLY [Bug 6438] New: rsync fails to understand IPv6 on Solaris
Summary: rsync fails to understand IPv6 on Solaris
Product: rsync
Version: 3.0.6
Platform: x64
URL: http://bink.tajinc.org/tmp2/solaris_rsync_ipv6.patch
OS/Version: Solaris
Status: NEW
Severity: major
Priority: P3
Component: core