similar to: Why is this view spec failing?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Why is this view spec failing?"

2005 Jul 19
Nested drag and drop rendering issue with ie
First and foremost, excellent library - excellent work. Thank you. Now, here''s what I''m doing: <div id="wrapper"> <fieldset id="page_1"> <legend>Page</legend> <fieldset id="group_1"> Group </fieldset> <fieldset id="group_2"> Group </fieldset>
2006 Oct 11
Help please with observe_form - not working
My observe_form is basically totally limp. I think it should update without hitting submit button but even if I hit it , it doesn''t change (doesn''t seem to post the data). Can anyone please take a look and see if I"m doing something wrong. TIA Form: <% start_form_tag({:action => "livesearch"}, :id => "asearch") %>
2007 Jan 09
rcov seg fault
Hi Trying to get rcov going (has been working), but with the following context and specs it fails. context ''/account POST with invalid attendee'' do controller_name :account setup do Attendee.stub!(:create!).and_raise( end specify ''should raise on create'' do Attendee.should_receive(:create!).with({
2007 Apr 23
getElementsBySelector problem in IE
I''m having this problem with IE and getElementsBySelector, but am a relative js novice, so quite possible -- likely even -- that I''m doing something stupid. Either way, a fresh pair of eyes would help. Basically I''m duplicating a fieldset within a form (so you can upload more than one photo). [BTW, the fieldsets have a CSS id which relates to the object id of the
2009 Feb 15
Collapsible Fieldset
Hey there, (First steps in Ruby and Rails...) I''m trying to make a fieldset collapsible, like they are, for example, on many Drupal pages. What I''ve figuared out is the following: <fieldset id="addressdata" class="collapsible collapsed"> <legend> <%= link_to_function("Show/Hide Addressdata") { |page| page[:
2012 Jan 11
Observe field with jquery in Rails 3.1
I tries to observe a change in a field with jquery in Rails 3.1 in order to be able to implement two cascading select boxes. A a first step I just try to observe a click in a div using jquery I have the following function in a .js file that is loadedin the head section (fieldset is the id of a div) and is displaying a view with the div fieldset $(document).ready(function() {
2007 Sep 06
semi-nube help request
just to show i''m not a complete dork: i receive emails from the list through gmail and i''ve already searched for the answer to this problem and since i''ve been a member i''ve not received an email about it. Google search results are mixed at best. so this is my problem: i have a form: <div id="container"
2010 Aug 17
[Form] Method POST & PUT problem
Hello, I have a form that should be a POST method, but Rails insist to put a hidden field "_method" that has the value "put" does anyone knows why? Thanks, David Sousa Controller: ------------------------------- def new @user = @current_user end ------------------------------------------- View: ------------------------------------- <% semantic_form_for @user,
2006 Oct 12
Help with observer_form , javascript error
I''ve set up an observer form, it is not working nor throwing error at least in loading the page. The Firefox javascript console is showing this error: Error: missing } after property list Source File: http://localhost:3000/ajaxsearch/list Line: 165, Column: 45 Source Code: hide(''roller'')}, parameters:''Form.serialize(''asearch'')='' +
2006 Jun 11
Finding a record and showing it -- how?
I''d like to prompt a user for the value of a Name field, then display the record. Rails tells me that it cannot do a find without an ID. I guess it must be that I''m not passing back properly the data from the view to the controller. Thanks for the help joshi The find_user.rhtml view: <div class="find-name-form"> <fieldset> <legend>Enter User
2007 Oct 05
Trouble with text_field_tag
I am trying to implement a basic login page: login.rhtml 1 <fieldset> 2 <% form_tag do %> 3 <label for="name">Name:</label> 4 <%= text_field_tag :name, params[:name] %> 5 <label for="password">Password:</label> 6 <%= password_field_tag :password, params[:password] %> 7 <%= submit_tag
2007 Jan 18
form_tag broken in Rails 1.2 RC2 or is it me?
I''m using Rails 1.2 RC2 and I''ve got a view that uses form_tag and the form is not being rendered. It''s just not there. My view is this: <div class="box"> <fieldset> <legend>Log in</legend> <% form_tag do %> <div class="row"> <div class="formfield"> <label
2011 May 30
rails habtm checkboxes with jquerymobile
Hi guys, I have a habtm association working properly. My application consists of both a desktop and a mobile version. My mobile version is made with jquerymobile and I would like my checkboxes in the edit form to look like the checkboxes shown in My desktop code is the following: <%= check_box_tag
2006 Jan 06
HABTM problem not saving all associations
Hello all, I have an Order object that has and belongs to many Products and has and belongs to many Loan Types. This is so I can select multiples of each in my order entry screen via checkbox groups. I''m having some trouble with saving multiple HABTM associations for a single model object; only the first HABTM association declared in the model will save during the initial
2008 Oct 05
create contact form
Hi all I have a regular HTML form that I want to convert into a RoR form Because I do not need to save the data in the database I think I need: - a controller and a viewer - send submitted fields through email <h2>Contact Form</h2> <form action="contact.html"> <fieldset> <legend>Please send your message: </legend>
2006 Jan 26
Help on implementing rails from html with php
Hi guys, just started using rails and is trying to implementing the present html with some rails... However i met this problem when i am trying to port over some php code in html to rails and i cant find any method to successful convert the php codes. Below is a feature i tried to implement in rails way: there are 2 buttons on the html. Besides these 2 buttons is an infobox. So, whenever
2006 Aug 07
Login form question
I''m using Rails Recipes to create a login form but instead of username and password, my setup is firstname, lastname, password. I seemed to be gramatically challenged and not sure how to set up the parameter list. Can anyone offer up a suggestion. The book shows the method starting like: if user = User.find(:first, :conditions => [''username = ?'' ,
2006 Nov 28
Partial matches in expectations
Hi ! I would like to ascertain the following in a test case: @template.expects(:content_tag).with(:fieldset, :__any_arguments__i_dont_care) Is it possible to do so ? If so how ? If not, is it something the community wants ? Is it useful ? Thanks ! -- Fran?ois Beausoleil
2010 Sep 03
Problema con parámetros en collection_select (No novato)
Hola a tod@s, Les cuento... Tengo lo siguiente en aplicación: Una página donde esta mi modelo docencia que a su vez le voy agregando todos los dictados de carreras: <fieldset> <% f.fields_for :dictados do |dictado_form| %> <%= render :partial => ''dictado'', :locals => { :f => dictado_form } %> <% end %> <%= add_child_link
2009 Mar 26
assert2-0.4.6 provides assert_xhtml, an alternative to assert_select
Rubyists: Consider the following monstrosity, coded using assert_select: assert_select "div#logo_box img[src=/0000/0001/logo.gif][alt=My Company]" Now, behold it rewritten to use assert_xhtml: assert_xhtml do div.logo_box! do img :src => /logo.gif$/, :alt => ''My Company'' end end That sample contains more Ruby; it''s not just