similar to: Can't Access Samba Running Linux Box From XP

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Can't Access Samba Running Linux Box From XP"

2006 Apr 09
RPM for postgresql 8-* for CentOS4?
Hi All, is there an RPM for 4-1 for postgresql? I did a yum, and the latest is only 7-4 Installing: postgresql-server i386 7.4.8-1.RHEL4.1 base 3.0 M and I need at least 8-* Any ideas where to find an RPM for CentOS4-1? Cheers. Mark Sargent.
2005 Nov 30
Default CentOS(Redhat) iptables, Secure?
Hi All, whilst not being an expert on iptables, the below ouput of iptables -L seems too insecure to me. Does anyone agree.? Perhaps I'm not understanding it as well as I think I am.? Please give your thoughts on this. Cheers. Mark Sargent. [root at localhost racket]# iptables -L Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT) target prot opt source destination RH-Firewall-1-INPUT all
2006 Jan 28
Unknown Files in /tmp
Hi All, 2 days ago, I used skype on my laptop, which hadn't seen the net before then. I successfully spoke with my mother, and had no problems. Yesterday, I had what I believe was an unauthorized access to my laptop, so, I changed all passwds on my smoothwall box, and also put the local host onto a new subnet. Today, I experienced some weirdness with skype, where, I could hear/be heard,
2006 Jan 12
No Mic(Headphones are fine)
Hi All, I went and bought a new headset, as I thought the old one,(almost 5yrs old), was no good. But, when trying to skype, I still can't be heard. I know the sound card worked before, although, it has been some time, since I mic'd anything. Anyone got any ideas, other than a possible dud sound card(socket)? Cheers. Mark Sargent.
2005 Nov 03
YUM Parse Error
Hi All, please, what is causing this error.? Cheers. Mark Sargent. Setting up Install Process Setting up Repos addons 100% |=========================| 951 B 00:00 dag 100% |=========================| 0 B 00:00 //var/cache/yum/dag/repomd.xml:1: parser error : Document is empty ^ //var/cache/yum/dag/repomd.xml:1: parser error : Start tag
2005 Nov 10
tacacs+ RPM.?
Hi All, is there an RPM for it for CentOS.? I tried "yum install tacacs+" but got nothing. I also checked dags repo and found nothing. Cheers. Mark Sargent.
2006 Mar 14
rar Command Syntax
Hi All, what is wrong with the below? Cheers. Mark Sargent rar -evx "TestKing 640-801 V69.rar" testking604801
2006 Feb 09
wget File Too Long?
Hi All, any way around this error below, Cannot write to
2006 Jan 24
Forcing CentOS to load Ethernet Card
Hi All, I changed ethernet card, and chose to retain the config for the previous one, and now when booting, get a mac address is different igonoring, msg or something to that effect, and upon booted, doing a ifconfig shows nothing for the new card. What cmd do I issue, to make the OS see the new card? Cheers. Mark Sargent.
2006 Apr 10
Best Partitioning Tool?
Hi All, which is the best tool for partitioning, as I forgot to bring in my copy of PartitionMagic(DOH!!) and need to resize an NTFS partition today. I'm using XP Pro at the moment. I wish to resize a 38GB partition, primary, to 20GB and use the rest for a Linux Install(CentOS 4-3). Cheers. Mark Sargent. P.S. I can't use my normal account whilst at work, so subscribed from my work
2006 Jan 22
Bittorrent RPM/Python Issue
Hi All, tried to install the RPM for bittorrent, and got the following, [root at localhost bittorrent]# rpm -Uvh BitTorrent-4.2.2-1-Python2.3.noarch.rpm error: Failed dependencies: python(abi) = 2.3 is needed by BitTorrent-4.2.2-1.noarch [root at localhost bittorrent]# python -V Python 2.3.4 why is this so, when I have 2.3.4. Is this RPM only compatible with 2.3, not 2.3.1-4? Little confused.
2006 Feb 09
Javaruntime RPM Issue
Hi All, downloaded and installed the latest jre, [root at localhost java]# rpm -iv jre-1_5_0_06-linux-i586.rpm Preparing packages for installation... jre-1.5.0_06-fcs [root at localhost java]# ls javarpm jre-1_5_0_06-linux-i586.rpm jre-1_5_0_06-linux-i586-rpm.bin [root at localhost java]# [root at localhost java]# whereis jre-1.5.0_06-fcs jre-1.5: [root at localhost java]# which
2005 Dec 05
Permission Denied: /proc/cpuinfo
> -----Original Message----- > From: centos-bounces at [mailto:centos-bounces at] On > Behalf Of Mark Sargent > Sent: Sunday, December 04, 2005 10:38 PM > To: CentOS mailing list > Subject: [CentOS] Permission Denied: /proc/cpuinfo > > HI All, > > why do I get the below, > > [root at status1 ~]# /proc/cpuinfo > -bash: /proc/cpuinfo:
2006 Apr 17
Extracting ISO Images-How?
Hi All, I am looking at extracting UBCD ISO and installing modules via Insert to use some extra tools when cloning a CentOS install. How is this done via cli? I did a google search, but nothing seems clear to me at the moment. Could someone point me in the right direction? Cheers. Mark Sargent.
2006 Jan 26
Yum Python Errors
Hi All, what is the meaning of below from yum, Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/yum", line 7, in ? yummain.main(sys.argv[1:]) File "/usr/share/yum-cli/", line 68, in main result, resultmsgs = base.doCommands() File "/usr/share/yum-cli/", line 408, in doCommands return self.updatePkgs() File "/usr/share/yum-cli/",
2001 Apr 22
Problems with PAM in Samba 2.2.0?
I have a Samba 2.2.0 PDC set up running Linux and I have a Windows 2000 client computer. The Win2k computer can join the domain, but no one can log in. Everytime I try to logon with the Win2k computer, it says that the account is disabled. I can use the account to browse shares and mount the home directory from the PDC. I have added the account to a group on the Win2k computer. I found the
2006 May 02
Hanging @ Sendmail During Boot
Hi All, I have a coupla queries about my 2 latest installs of CentOS 4-3. When I first installed and logged in as the initial user, everything went well, and the system was fast. A reboot, and 2nd login gave the same. But, upon connecting to the net, the system hung at sendmail for almost 4mins, and then gave an error at login about not finding the host, and that Gnome may not work
2006 Apr 15
Setting Abbreviatons In .exrc Problems
Hi All, I'm trying to get vi to display an ab like so, ab htm <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> \<html> \<head> \<meta content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" http-equiv="content-type"> \<title>NewUser</title> \</head> \<body> \</body> \</html> but, when I input the text htm
2006 Apr 13
JavaRunTime Install Error
Hi All, I installed the following from here, and followed here, what am I doing wrong? Also, how does one find where the rpm installed to? whereis or locate or find or is there a rpm option? Cheers Mark Sargent. [coolprogrammer at localhost local]$ sudo /bin/rpm -iv jre-1_5_0_06-linux-i586.rpm
2006 Jan 27
dsniff berkley database issues
Hi All, as a CCNA student and wishing to eventualy do CCSP, I wanted to learn all about what hackers use/do to infiltrate networks, and was introduced to dsniff at a Linux meeting, TLUG, in Tokyo, but, am having problems installing it. Please see below. checking for Berkeley DB with 1.85 compatibility... /usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.4 configure: error: db_185.h or libdb.a not found in