Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Are host names a secret?"
2010 Jan 27
maildir/cur/ - file names
Hi All.
I want to know how filenames are changed by dovecot e,g more details on how it renames the files when a mail is read.
For read mails i found that it appends an S.
Want to know if other modifications done in file names in INBOX & in SENT (maildir/.Sent/cur)
2009 Feb 23
Postfix LDA vs the Dovecot LDA + other quetions
Guys ,
1. What is the benefit of using Dovecot' LDA as compared to postfix's LDA? Will there be better performance?
And along the same vein,
2. What is the benefit of using Dovecot's SASL as compared to Cyrus SASL? Is there better performance?
3. Quota Management ( Creating, enforcing, notifying ) - is it done thru dovecot or postfix or are both needed?
2009 Jun 25
Sieve/ManageSieve integration into pkgsrc
I'm integrating Sieve (the new one) and ManageSieve into wip/dovecot.
Currently, this works as dovecot options because dovecot must be built before sieve can be configured and sieve must be built before managesieve can be configured/built.
Now, the question arose what the long-term solution (in pkgsrc) should be.
To my understanding, with dovecot 2.0, ManageSieve will no longer need to patch
2009 Oct 14
Two passwords: One for Dovecot IMAP and One for Dovecot SASL? Is it possible?
Can Dovecot can handle separate authentication for receiving mail
(IMAPS) and sending mail (SMTPS)? In the past, we used Dovecot IMAP
for the receiving part and Cyrus SASL for the sending part. This
allowed us to use two passwords with mail. Cyrus has grown too old
and isn't useful anymore. Can Dovecot give us this functionality:
two passwords, one for IMAP
2009 Nov 14
IMAP folders' codepages problem ?
I probably have a problem with the imap folders codepages. I use polish email clients such as MS Outlook and Windows Mail.
The clients try to create folders
like Wiadomo?ci-?mieci but Dovecot creates Wiadomo&AVs-ci-&AVs-mieci
This happens on two different dovecot installations
1: Installation A
# 1.2.6: /etc/dovecot.conf
# OS: Linux x86_64 Fedora release
2009 Nov 10
UTF-8 mailbox names in filesystem
Currently mailbox names are stored in IMAP's modified-UTF-7 format in
filesystem. I was wondering about changing this in v2.0. The default
would still be to use mUTF-7 in filesystem, but just adding :UTF8 or
something to mail_location could enable UTF-8.
Any thoughts? Could this be dangerous somehow? UTF-8 enables a lot of
weird characters, perhaps no one really wants to see them on
2009 Oct 19
testing needed
Can someone find an OS where the attached program doesn't work? It
should print "success". So far tested for success: Linux 2.6, Solaris
10, FreeBSD 7.2, OpenBSD 4.2.
-------------- next part --------------
A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Name: test.c
Type: text/x-csrc
Size: 1100 bytes
Desc: not available
2003 Feb 12
models for square tables
I've posted a sample file for estimating loglinear models for square
tables (mobility models) at http://www.xs4all.nl/~jhckx/mcl/R/
Comments and suggestions are welcome.
John Hendrickx
2023 Mar 08
winbindd with LDAPS
Thank you,
I've seen that commit. But even that seemed to be a STARTTLS inside a
plain ldap connection (389).
On Wed, Mar 8, 2023 at 6:49?PM Andrew Bartlett <abartlet at samba.org> wrote:
> On Wed, 2023-03-08 at 12:58 +0000, jose.celestino--- via samba wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > We have a samba installation (4.17.5) where a winbindd is part of an
> > AD
2003 Apr 17
R search engine and Mozilla
Not really an R question but I'm hoping someone can help me out. I'm
having problems with the R help page "The R language" and Mozilla 1.3
with the Java 2 runtime environment 1.4.1_02 under Windows XP. The
problems occur on the "Search Engine & Keywords" page. I can open two
links, but after that links aren't recognized.
The problem seems to be javascript
2023 Mar 08
winbindd with LDAPS
We have a samba installation (4.17.5) where a winbindd is part of an
AD domain and used to authenticate radius (radiator) logins.
The thing is, the AD administration is closing port 386 on the
password server and only allowing requests on 636 (ldaps).
I don't seem to be able to change the winbindd to use the ldaps port. Tried
ldap ssl = start tls
ldap ssl ads = yes
tls enabled = yes
2009 Sep 30
How many concurrent IMAP sessions?
Has anybody ever bothered to measure how many concurrent IMAP sessions dovecot
can handle?
I know it depends on hardware, filesystem, mailbox type etc., but what exactly
controls the number and what have people on the list measured?
p at rick
state of mind
Digitale Kommunikation
Franziskanerstra?e 15 Telefon +49 89 3090 4664
81669 M?nchen
2009 Nov 30
Dovecot SSL limitations
Hello Timo,
I'd like to check if my understanding of dovecot-1.2.x's SSL certificate
handling is correct :
SSL does not provide the server any mechanism to choose which certificate
it must send relatively to the name the client is using. Thus, if you want to
use different certificates, you have to listen to different addresses. This is
an SSL limitation, not a dovecot nor
2003 Jan 21
bug in CrossTable (package:gregmisc) (PR#2480)
Full_Name: John Hendrickx
Version: 1.6.0
OS: Windows 98
Submission from: (NULL) (
CrossTable in the "gregmisc" package fails when the fisher.exact test produces
an error (I suspect this is because the number of cases is too large). This can
be fixed using "FTt <- try(fisher.test(t, alternative = "two.sided"))" or by
making the test optional.
2003 May 14
mcl models, percentages
I've put two packages for R on my home page at
http://www.xs4all.nl/~jhckx/R/. The "pcnt" package is for multiway
percentage tables. I've posted a first effort called "ctab" on this
group and a request for enhancing "ftable" with percentages on the
The "mcl" package is for estimating multinomial logistic models using
conditional logistic
2003 Jan 29
multinomial conditional logit models
A multinomial logit model can be specified as a conditional logit
model after restructuring the data. Doing so gives flexibility in
imposing restrictions on the dependent variable. One application is
to specify a loglinear model for square tables, e.g. quasi-symmetry
or quasi-independence, as a multinomial logit model with covariates.
Further details on this technique and examples with several
2009 Jul 29
Some people asked me lately about how professional Dovecot is.
I purely love that kind of crap. As if presentations meant anything, as
if there aren't all kinds of scholarly work about theoretical perfect
world algorithms and conceptual systems that will never be implemented
and are as practical and effective as wings on a pig. Please.
I'm reminded of the story about how, during the American Civil War, when
the North had finally, after years of
2023 Mar 08
winbindd with LDAPS
On 08/03/2023 12:58, jose.celestino--- via samba wrote:
> Hi,
> We have a samba installation (4.17.5) where a winbindd is part of an
> AD domain and used to authenticate radius (radiator) logins.
> The thing is, the AD administration is closing port 386 on the
> password server and only allowing requests on 636 (ldaps).
> I don't seem to be able to change
2010 Mar 03
A dovecot book ?
Hi all
I am using dovecot at home for privat use and i found a lot of
documentation here on the web. But you know, i am an old fashion guy and
i like books. Is there a book on the market that will help me with
understanding dovecot more and the configuration options ?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
Carsten Laun-De Lellis
Dipl.-Ing. Elektrotechnik
Certified Information
2001 Feb 27
comments on documentation
I've been experimenting with R during the last week and I thought I'd
pass on some comments on issues on the documentation that left me a
bit confused. To start with (literally), the ReadMe.rw1021 file says
that the easiest way to install R is to download the rwinst.exe
installer program. That gave me the impression that the program would
connect to an R download site, download the