similar to: auth protocol, buffers

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "auth protocol, buffers"

2005 Apr 12
test67 ldap_connection
Hello, I've been trying to figure out what's wrong with authentication against an ldap pass/user db with test67 as test62 was working fine. [ The problem is the same as previously described in this list : - FreeBSD-5.3 - dovecot-1.0-test67 - openldap-2.1.27 --> "ldap(dovetest, No password in reply" --> "NO Temporary authentication failure." or --
2005 Apr 08
attr_names in test67
Hello, I'm wondering if the following situation is valid (though I think it isn't since I still cannot authenticate with ldap pass/userdb on test67 running on FreeBSD-5.3). Is it normal that the passdb_ldap_conn->attr_names second element (for instance) "turns to" "homeDirectory" as the following step by step gdb run sample shows ? : -- Breakpoint 1,
2005 Mar 30
test65 killed by SIGSEV
Hi, I had successfully set up dovecot-1.0-test62 + ldap pass/user db, but now I'm encoutering a SIGSEV problem with a similar set up of a brand new dovecot-1.0-test65 installation. The auth process is killed by a SIGSEV as reported in the error log file : dovecot: Mar 30 17:06:59 Error: child 28291 (auth) killed with signal 11 To be precise, the problem occurs in the
2005 Apr 04
ldap auth with test66
Hello, The installation of 1.0-test66 (still on FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE-p1 with openldap-2.1.27) solved the SIGSEV problem I posted here on March 30 but I still cannot authenticate correctly with ldap. logs report "ldap(dovetest, No password in reply" and my client gets a "NO Temporary authentication failure." Obviously the attr_names array of the
2005 Jul 20
CR LF in stable
Hello, It seems that mbox format mailboxes holding \r\n (CR + LF) character sequences (instead of \n only) still cause assertion failures when moving messages from one folder to another. -- dovecot: Jul 19 17:14:52 Error: IMAP(dovetest): file istream-raw-mbox.c: line 38 3 (istream_raw_mbox_get_body_size): assertion failed: (rstream->body_offset != ( uoff_t)-1) -- I seems to work in -test78
2015 Feb 02
Master user without pass=yes error
Hello Timo, I just tried the master user feature with a very simple setup (Dovecot v2.2.15) : !include auth-master.conf.ext -> passwd-file passdb !include auth-ldap.conf.ext -> ldap passdb (userdb prefetched) without auth_bind=yes without pass=yes I get this userdb lookup error : dovecot: auth: passwd-file(masteruser,,master,<4Pgesh0OygCdY0Aq>): Master user logging in
2012 Oct 23
Minimizing Computational Time
Dear R-users, May I seek some suggestions from you. I have a long programme written in R with several 'for' loops inside. I just want to get them out by any elegant way (if there is!) to reduce the computational time of the main programme. For instance, is there any smart way for the following programme that will lessen time?
2013 Mar 11
vertical lines in R plot
Dear All, May I seek your suggestion on a simple issue. I want to draw vertical lines at some positions in the following R plot. To be more specific, I wish to draw vertical lines at d=c(5.0,5.5,6) and they should go till p=c(0.12,0.60,0.20) . I haven't found any way out, though made several attempts. Please run the following commands first if you are interested in!
2005 Mar 02
Warning: number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length
I feel like a complete dolt, as I know this question has been asked by others on a fairly regular basis, but I'm going in circles trying to get the following to work: id.prob<-function (tt) { library(mvtnorm) #============================ Makeham<-function(tt) { a2=0.030386513 a3=0.006688287 b3=0.039047537 t<-tt-20 h.t<-a2+a3*exp(b3*t) S.t<-exp(-a2*t+a3/b3*(1-exp(b3*t)))
2009 Jul 10
Hello, I am working on using if statements. What is the error message telling me here and how do I correct for it? I have tried various combinations of quotes. Thank you. Sincerely, Mary A. Marion #Find critical values crit<-function(n,alpha,type) { if (type==twoSided) { alpha2=alpha/2 tL<-qt(alpha2,n-1) tU<-qt(1-alpha2,n-1) } if (type==Lower) { tL<- -9999
2017 Jun 13
understanding I() in lmer formula
Is there a difference between I(x*y) and I(y*x) ? I have a call to lmer that results in this complaint: Error in is.alpha2.subordinate * : non-numeric argument to binary operator when I change this line: I(is.alpha2.subordinate* to this: I(*is.alpha2.subordinate)+ the complaint goes away. I'd like to understand why.
2009 Jul 01
Difficulty in calculating MLE through NLM
Hi R-friends, Attached is the SAS XPORT file that I have imported into R using following code library(foreign) mydata<-read.xport("C:\\ctf.xpt") print(mydata) I am trying to maximize logL in order to find Maximum Likelihood Estimate (MLE) of 5 parameters (alpha1, beta1, alpha2, beta2, p) using NLM function in R as follows. # Defining Log likelihood - In the function it is noted as
2008 Jan 04
R2WinBUGS sending variables as factors
Hello R and BUGS users, I am writing a heirarchical model in R to send to BUGS via R2WinBUGS and I am finding it difficult to get the model to run. I seem to be having two problems. 1) I can't seem to send variables classed as factors (Month), is there a way do this? 2) Checking the Log in WinBUGS I can see that the model is Syntactically correct, but Bugs is not able to recognise the the
2011 Sep 16
v2.1.alpha2 released This is actually looking rather stable. I'm still calling it "alpha" in case I think of doing some more API changes, but I think the next one will be called "beta1", hopefully soon followed by "rc1". - Statistics gathering
2011 Sep 16
v2.1.alpha2 released This is actually looking rather stable. I'm still calling it "alpha" in case I think of doing some more API changes, but I think the next one will be called "beta1", hopefully soon followed by "rc1". - Statistics gathering
2005 Feb 27
Help with constrained optimization
Dear all, I need an advice in the following problem. I have to maximize two functions of the form f1(x)=f(y1,x,alpha1,beta1) and f2(x)=(y2,x,alpha2,beta2), the maximization is with respect to alpha1, alpha2, beta1, beta2. I can maximize each function separately using nlm. The problem is that I have to add the constraint of the form g(alpha1)=g(alpha2). The total number of parameters is
2005 Sep 14
SSL/TLS stopped working in 1.0 alpha2
I have both 1.0 alpha1 and alpha2 installed on my test mail server. SSL/TLS does not work on alpha2. I'm using the same config file for both. No errrors in dovecot.log either. Is there a way to increase debugging info without recompiling?
2011 Aug 11
R crashes when communicating with JAGS
There is a thread on this topic already: I'm rather mystified by a similar problem and wondering whether I've overlooked something obvious. I'm running with latest versions of R and all packages, and latest version of JAGS running under Windows 7. Here's the problem. I have some source code. It's given below -
2008 Oct 05
v1.2.alpha2 released Mainly the same fixes as in v1.1.3 -> v1.1.4 plus some more v1.2-specific fixes. Not many people have been testing v1.2 releases. Wonder if there's something I could do to improve that. I guess v1.2 is kind of missing those killer features that would get a
2006 Jul 22
ifelse command
Dear: I try to revise the maximum likelihood function below using something constrains. But it seems something wrong with it. Becasue R would not allow me to edit the function like this. It is very appreciate if you can help. function (parameters,y,x1,x2) { p<-parameters[1] alpha1<-parameters[2] beta1<-parameters[3)] delta1<-parameters[4] alpha2<-parameters[5]