similar to: skeleton and configs

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "skeleton and configs"

2007 Sep 22
merb_sequel raketasks not working?
I''m trying to run on trunk. When I run "rake -T" I get an error: undefined local variable or method `full_config'' for Merb::Orms::Sequel:Module I''m not 100% sure that I haven''t messed something up, so I hesitate to cry "bug" without checking with everyone. Is anyone else seeing this? P.S. I''m running merb trunk installed as a gem,
2007 Oct 16
respond_to API
I''ll probably do my respond_to API rewrite, as discussed here: sometime this week, unless someone has come up with a better API. I''ll also work in at the same time. Any serious objections?
2007 Nov 16
The original: Send your submissions to me by email or on #merb. I''ll blog it, and pick a winner. The winner does not mean it makes it into Merb, just means I personally like it best. But it might make it into Merb. # Scenario: # You have a simple application that lists all the monkeys at the zoo. # Every monkey has a
2007 Sep 19
Ticket #190 (friendlier way to add / register a mime type)
Following up on #190 [1], I''ve just added a simple patch that allows the manipulation of the TYPES hash from within the Merb module. Use like: Merb.add_mime_type(:png,%w[image/png]) Merb.remove_mime_type(:png) It specifically disallows the removal of the :all MimeType, since content negotiation relies on it. I''m not super wonderful at API design, so comments and
2007 Oct 15
18 - Mockups
There''s been some discussion on the IRC channel about getting a site for Merb going. Since the culture around the project is pretty casual, I figured I''d just throw a few ideas together, see what you guys think. So, firstly here are three example pages, just to show off the general look and feel.
2006 Dec 03
How To Create Database Tables With Merb 0.0.7?
Howdy, I just gem unpacked merb and have configured the sample_app to use an sqlite3 database. I see that the Rakefile has a task named "schema", but it points to /dist/schema/schema1.rb", which doesn''t exist. I copied /dist/schema/schema1.rb to /dist/schema/schema.rb then ran "rake schema". What''s the recommended way to create the database tables?
2007 Nov 06
what did I do?
I''m following merb trunk. This morning I updated my gems, sync''d merb source and installed the merb gem from source. I don''t know if I did something wrong, or if a new gem messed things up, or if there was a merb change which broke something. Now I get this error: Request: REQUEST_URI: / (2007-11-05 20:27:04) Params: {"action"=>"index",
2007 Oct 31
Mongrel breaking Merb?
Has anyone had troubles from Mongrel > 1.0.1? Just curious, because the last time I tried to run Merb it gave me some Mongrel error about the wrong number of arguments, or something like that. I can post the exact message tonight when I get home. -- Cheers, Kevin Williams
2008 Feb 07
Catching non-Merb::ControllerExceptions Exceptions
Is there an agreed upon method for handling exceptions thrown by something outside of Merb? For example, DataMapper now throws a DataMapper::ObjectNotFoundError when a record isn''t found in the db. I''d like to catch these exceptions and raise a C:E:NotFound exception instead, but without having to wrap a lot of code in begin/rescue/end blocks. Thanks, Mike Irwin
2007 Jul 29
Merb test harness
Ezra, * test harness in new generated merb apps with helpers for testing merb without starting a server. * pin down plugin arch Seems to me that these two tasks go together unless you want to have rspec built in Merb. Regarding the test harness, my understanding is that: - a developer should be able to easily write specs against a merb application. - a developer should not need to start a merb
2007 Sep 04
returning(...) ?
The following construct is an ActiveSupport-ism: returning( do |foo| ... end I don''t especially like it, since it''s both more verbose and less efficient than the direct alternative: foo = ... foo It doesn''t occur many times in Merb, so does anyone agree with me that it should be removed? I tried doing this (patch attached) and I find
2007 Sep 21
merb 0.4.0 - redirect problems
I had redirects working just the other day... before I upgraded to the latest release. Can somebody please chime in as to why this simple redirect is throwing an error? Controller: ----------------------- def do redirect "" end Error Output: ------------------------- Internal server error 500 uninitialized constant Merb::ControllerMixin::MovedTemporarily in
2007 Sep 05
Official Plugins - What should they be
There''s been a lot of discussion on the #merb channel lately about official plugins. I''m starting this thread and hoping to get some discussion as to what these official plugins should be, at least in the lead-up to revision 1.0 So far as I have seen on the #merb these are: ORM''s merb_active_record merb_sequel merb_datamapper and merb_form_controls - there is a
2007 Oct 27
merb_has_flash 0.0.1 - Rails-style flash
I ripped the flash stuff from merb and stuck it in a plugin, for folks who want a Rails-style flash. It''s on Rubyforge: And will maybe have a little homepage: Try it out, please send bug reports to me via email for now.
2007 Oct 23
sample app using Sequel?
I''m a new merb user. Rather than ask a bunch of questions on this list, I''d like to ask if anyone can point me to a sample merb application preferably using trunk (or close to it) and preferably using Sequel for the ORM. If I can''t figure out how to bull my way through things from a sample, I''ll come back and ask my newbie questions. Thanks! cr
2007 Sep 20
Proposed API change for respond_to
Ez (or someone) asked on #merb tonight whether respond_to was the right API for what it does. After some discussion and pasties, I offer the following proposed API for content negotiation and response format selection: First, what does respond_to do right now? I see at as performing 3 distinct operations: 1. parse params[:format] and the accepts header to find out what format the
2007 Aug 12
[PATCH] merb-rakefile-more-dist-byebye.diff
In rev 410, "rake db:migrate" doesn''t run because the Rake tasks are still looking for dist/ This patch removes all the references to dist/ that I could find. Ez, consider this a full copyright transfer from me to you on this and future patches; I''ll sign something official if you need it. -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was
2007 Dec 07
mrblog rake task fails
Hi all, I''m trying to run the mrblog sample application but somehow the rake task fails: -- Los-Angeles:~/Projects/mrblog Ulf$ rake db:schema:load --trace (in /Users/Ulf/Projects/mrblog) rake aborted! Don''t know how to build task ''db:schema:load'' /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.7.3/lib/rake.rb:1472:in `[]''
2007 Mar 07
Is there a thread safe ActiveRecord replacement?
I''m using merb as an application server backend for a client application, the goal is to be able to handle thousands of parallell sessions (not parallell requests). It will use sendfile to send files. The controller uses an singleton that saves sessions in a hash that is memory resident cross requests, but isn''t persistent otherwise. I''m using ActiveRecord since there
2007 Dec 19
Questions on writing plugin for merb
Hey all, I am looking to write a plugin for merb and have a few queries about how to best go about it. I have a few questions (sorry if some are very merb newbie ones): - It seems all the plugins are gems; I can just add dependencies (my plugin will require soap4r) as per any usual gem spec? - If I want my plugin to add some new generate functionality? Is this possible? If so, are there