Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Reloading ??"
2007 Jan 12
Rails session parasite...
I see this item on the merb-0.0.8 release notes
Added rails session parasite mode.
I am assuming merbs can piggy back off the rails current session.
How does one achieve that ?
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2007 Jan 03
Using helpers...
I am getting an undefined method exception while trying to use a helper
in a xerb file.
I am running version 0.0.8
module Merb
module FredHelper
def blee( args )
In the xerb template I have
xml.bobo blee( args )
At runtime I am getting undefined method ''blee''
I tryied
2006 Dec 23
Generating a merb app skeleton...
I have just started playing with merb. I think this framework has great
so ATTA BOYS are in order !!
Perhaps I missed something in the readme file, but how do I generate a
app in merb.
I was looking for something like the cmd below to generate the app
hierarchy ??
> merb myapp
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2007 Jan 02
I am just starting playing with merb and was wondering if there is any
strategy available. I was planning on using the action caching plugin but
I am
quiet sure what is the merb plan with dealing with plugins...
Any idea or suggestions ?
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2007 Jan 03
Specifying load path...
How can I specify a load path in merb ? I have some classes in a lib
directory that needs
to be in the load path. Not sure how to accomplish that with merb....
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2007 Sep 04
Xml templates...
I was looking in using an xml_builder template to do something like:
xml.blees do
<% for blee in @blees %>
xml.blee = blee.name
<% end %>
It looks like the xml_builder template can''t expand the erb tag.
It this not the correct way to expand and xml template ?
Thanks !
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2007 Aug 04
How do you run an app on "edge merb"?
I didn''t quite see a direct answer to Matt''s question regarding
running merb from SVN:
In a merb application, is there something comparable to having rails
in the vendor/ folder of a rails app?
Duane Johnson
2007 Aug 29
What makes Rails'' routes non-thread-safe?
I was reading here and there about the differences between Merb and
Rails [1] and became curious about statements such as this:
> It is threadsafe with configurable Mutex Locks (Routing is also
> threadsafe)
Having mucked with the routes system, I had this awful feeling that I
don''t understand threading well enough to know if my contribution is
"thread safe".
2007 Sep 04
Couple of questions for Merb 0.4
I have just updated to the latest release of merb 0.4 and I am
wondering how I can get my controller changes
to reload without bouncing the server ? I am running in dev mode
but my changes to my merb controller don''t
seem to get picked up on new requests.
Also say I have a controller that needs to render an alternate
xml format ie something like:
2007 Sep 04
returning(...) ?
The following construct is an ActiveSupport-ism:
returning(Foo.new) do |foo|
I don''t especially like it, since it''s both more verbose and less efficient
than the direct alternative:
foo = Foo.new
It doesn''t occur many times in Merb, so does anyone agree with me that it
should be removed?
I tried doing this (patch attached) and I find
2006 Aug 23
Not sure if this was posted before....
Is there a way to tell the backgroundrb server to reload workers a la
rails in dev mode ?
It seems that I have to cycle the server everytime I change my
Also has anyone cooked up a script for monitoring the background drb
process on a nix OS ?
ie rc init for server startup and making sure the process is happy
2007 Sep 17
Why do we check for the controller file?
I remember having this discussion on IRC before, so Ezra if you could
remind me that would be appreciated:
Why do we check for the existence of the controller file in (what is
now) Request#controller_class?
The reason I ask is that I would like to implement some sort of
"Rails engine" like features for gem plugins--in other words, drop in
a gem that has controllers/views etc.
2007 Sep 02
A Proposal To Magically Remove ''params''
I have a magical proposal for the anti-magic web framework.
Controller methods do not use arguments and yet expect arguments. This
is handled through this params hash because we don''t know in advance
what parameters a client could pass to Merb. But in almost every
instance, it is too much to know all the query parameters - one
doesn''t care if the user threw in an extraneous
2007 Sep 20
Proposed API change for respond_to
Ez (or someone) asked on #merb tonight whether respond_to was the
right API for
what it does. After some discussion and pasties, I offer the
following proposed
API for content negotiation and response format selection:
First, what does respond_to do right now? I see at as performing 3
1. parse params[:format] and the accepts header to find out what
format the
2007 Aug 06
Proposal: Pure Regex Router
So this has been an idea ever since Rails came out. Why not use a
pure regular expression router in similar fashion to gsub? I imagine
it working something like this:
Merb::Router.prepare do |r|
r.add %r[^/(.*)/(.*)/(\d+)$], :controller => ''\1'', :action =>
''\2'', :id => ''\3''
r.add %r[^/user-(\d+)$], :user_id =>
2007 Dec 13
Trying to use ActiveRecord STI but fails
Hi all,
I''m wondering about my sanity here. There''s probably something simple I
overlooked. First off, I have close to zero experience with Merb.
1. I configured use_orm :activerecord in config/dependencies.rb;
2. I have a file named app/models/measurement.rb which looks like this:
class Measurement < Observation
3. I have another file named
2007 Jan 19
Merb Init Script
I''m trying to emulate the mongrel_cluster_ctl but it takes a -c
conf_file option... meaning I can run it from anywhere as long as I
tell it where the conf file is. Merb doesn''t have that capability does
it? (it has an additional/supplemental config like mup.conf etc)
Do I have to be under the merb_app root /path/to/merb/app/ to be able
to run merb?
Let me know.
2007 May 31
Sample Merb App
I put together a sample app to help people learn Merb:
I also blogged about it here:
Zack Chandler
2006 Aug 08
Problem installing the plugin...
I am running ruby 1.8.4 rails 1.1 on Mac OSx and I am getting the
following error installing the plugin. Any ideas ? ( BTW This is a brand new
rails app )
Thanks !!
ruby script/plugin install svn://rubyforge.org/var/svn/backgroundrb --force
subversion/libsvn_wc/lock.c:630: (apr_err=155007)
svn: ''/Users/fgaliana/work/samples/fred/vendor/plugins'' is not a working
2007 May 14
Help a newb with 0.3.1
Hi, first off thanks Ezra for Merb - it''s certainly interesting and
I''m keen to have a play. However, I''m having difficulties in getting
started. I''ve followed the docs for setting up mrblog and everything
seems to be installed correctly, and merb appears to start fine:
$ merb
you must install the markaby gem to use .mab templates
you must install the