similar to: Rspec teting API.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "Rspec teting API."

2011 Sep 09
Missing Content-Length header breaks ActiveResource 3.1 on create
Hi, I''ve recently moved a 3.0 app ta 3.1 and am finding that ActiveResource breaks after a successful post because we now check for the presence of the Content-Length header[1] after a successful create (basically whenever the API returns a 201). The API is also on 3.1, and this only happens on staging/pre-prod/prod. I''m still investigating, but one thing that is clear is that
2011 Sep 07
rspec testing inheritance
Hello, Is there any way to test model inheritance in spec? something like.. it { ChildModel.should < ParentModel } thanks.
2009 Apr 30
error with test:functionals
Hello there, I working on my tests but I getting this strange errror: I can see on the database that the object was created but I still got an failure on my test. this is my test code: test "should create artist" do assert_difference(''Artist.count'', difference = 1) do post :create, :artist => { } end assert_redirected_to
2007 May 08
assert_difference eval magic in [6693]
I just saw Marcel''s change to assert_difference that changes the method API to take a string param that is evaled in a lambda. I much preferred the old API, since it''s simple enough to pass a lambda. Passing a string means the lambda is in the wrong scope and doesn''t have access to objects in the test case scope. For an
2006 Dec 04
should_be_different -- possible implementation
There is an assert_difference helper for Test::Unit (you can read about it at assert_difference and to some it should look familiar -- you know who you are :), so I took a shot at one for rSpec on Rails. class Object def should_be_different(method = nil, difference = nil) return self.should_not_eql(yield) if method.nil?
2006 Aug 06
assert_difference gives undefined method error in unit tests
Hi there Am hitting undefined method errors for ''assert_difference'' in my unit tests under Rails 1.1.4 What could I be missing? Richard Sandilands
2007 Oct 17
Problem with assert_difference
Hello Friends, I have problem with assert_difference, I want its syntax and explantion in detail, Please help me, plz give me solution. Regards, Kiran Polawar --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to
2009 Aug 27
error sys_lseek copy file samba 2.2.7
I can?t copy some files from server to directory /adawork/softtek om AIX box I?m using AIX 5.3 with samba 2.2.7-4 Here?s mys logs from samba server _________________________________________ file seek_file: (FAT_ATRASO_TRANS_5_3_1_in.txt) sys_lseek failed. Error was Invalid argument [2009/08/27 13:30:59, 3] smbd/error.c:error_packet(94) error string = Invalid argument
2013 Mar 07
Should ActiveRecord::RecordNotSaved attach the record in question?
I''m doing some work where I want to rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotSaved from a save! call nested deep in the code. The thing is there could theoretically be failures here I want to pass through, and I want to inspect the record in order to decide. I figure a custom initializer on the exception class and a couple quick patches here and there in the code would make it minimally
2012 May 22
functional tests assert_difference with array
given a new partner instance and a new admin instance are created, what should be the difference number : +1 or +2 the doc is not so clear on it.... assert_difference [ ''Partner.count'', ''Admin.count'' ], +1 do... thanks for feedback -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to
2012 Jul 27
Rspec: How to mock class method
Hi, I have two model: Message, User message.rb ``` class Message < ActiveRecord::Base class << self def method_a(args) [1,2] end end end ``` user.rb ``` class User < ActiveRecord::Base def method_user if Message.method_a(''anythings'') #... some code end end end ``` I want to test method_user,but I don''t want to test
2013 Jul 17
Why last doesn't return an ActiveRecord::Relation
Hello, Sorry if this has been still answered, I haven''t found nothing on it. I would love to know why ActiveRecord::Base#last doesn''t return an ActiveRecord::Relation just like all or where since an ActiveRecord::Relation can act more or less like an array (as specified here<> )? Thanks, have
2012 May 23
received unexpected message :id= with (20)
Please help me to understand this error message: 1) PostsController#create when logged in should create a new post and redirect to a successful message page Failure/Error: post ''create'', { post: {title: ''New post'', Mock Post(id: integer, title: string, description: text, location: string, created_at: datetime, updated_at: datetime, status: string,
2013 Dec 19
Samba 4.1.2 invalid zero invocationID
Hello, I had configured a domain with samba 4.1.0rc2, I was able to add a new server as DC successfull on this version, but after upgrade to 4.1.2, we have this error: *Analyze and apply schema objects* *Partition[CN=Configuration,DC=geribello,DC=com,DC=br] objects[402/1654] linked_values[0/0]* *Refusing replication of object containing invalid zero invocationID on attribute 13 of CN=Deleted
2012 Nov 28
Help setting optimization problem to include more constraints
Dear R-helpers, I am struggling with an optimization problem at the moment and decided to write the list looking for some help. I will use a very small example to explain what I would like to. Thanks in advance for your help. We would like to distribute resources from 4 warehouses to 3 destinations. The costs associated are as follows: Destination >From 1 2 3 Total
2018 Jul 24
Re: [PATCH] v2v: rhv plugin - fix DC search string
On Tue, Jul 24, 2018 at 7:27 PM Richard W.M. Jones <> wrote: > On Tue, Jul 24, 2018 at 07:16:10PM +0300, Daniel Erez wrote: > > Search for DC by '' to make it explicit. > > I.e. "storage=" uses regex, so similar names can be > > found in the search query. For example, searching for > > a domain named FCSD, will find
2019 May 24
FW: Weird Samba/CIFS behavior: client hangs
I think a network trace would tell us for use whether the server is responding or not. You can follow the instruction here to make one: -- Aurélien Aptel / SUSE Labs Samba Team GPG: 1839 CB5F 9F5B FB9B AA97 8C99 03C8 A49B 521B D5D3 SUSE Linux GmbH, Maxfeldstraße 5, 90409 Nürnberg, Germany GF: Felix Imendörffer, Mary Higgins, Sri Rasiah
2010 Apr 05
`test': wrong number of arguments (1 for 2) (ArgumentError)
Hi, Im trying to change the syntax of my tests to the test "some method" do ... end syntax from the existing def test_some_method ... end syntax. Im pasting my test code below. Im getting the error in the subject line if I try to run the test as a ruby script from the console. require File.dirname(__FILE__) + ''/../test_helper'' require
2014 Feb 11
Cucumber test question
Hello all, I am trying to understand when I try to run a test in cucumber what I am missing that it is failing. I am using FactoryGirl to create my records and using cucumber to test my logic however I know that I am doing something wrong in my testing I just can't seem to figure out what. Here is what I have: Feature: Feature: All features related to staff info Scenario: notification
2008 May 13
assert_no_difference question
I have the following test code: assert_no_difference Avatar, :count do a = create_avatar(:description => nil) assert a.errors.on(:description) end further down, create_avatar looks like: def create_avatar(options = {}) Avatar.create(:description => "Foo Descr.").merge(options) end (Borrowed from the user test in acts_as_auth...) It seems to pass, as my avatar model