similar to: [rspec-rails] reload of objects in tests

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "[rspec-rails] reload of objects in tests"

2011 Jul 25
What does using a lambda in rspec tests accomplish?
Here is the code in question: describe UsersController do render_views … … describe "POST to ''create'' action" do describe "failure" do before(:each) do @attr = { :name => '''', :email => '''', :password => '''', :password_confirmation =>
2012 May 24
Ruby on Rails Tutorial Chapter 6 RSpec tests failing
Hello all: I''m a RoR newbie who is currently following the Ruby on Rails Tutorial: Learning by Example book ( chapters/modeling-users#sec:adding_a_secure_password). The following Chapter 6 RSpec tests are failing: Failures: 1) User [31mFailure/Error:[0m [31mit { should be_valid }[0m [31mexpected valid? to return true, got false[0m [36m # ./spec/models/
2008 Nov 04
RSpec and PostgreSQL not playing nicely together
Here is a very simple spec: -- require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + ''/../spec_helper'') describe Product, "The Product model" do describe "When a new blank product object gets created" do before(:each) do @product = end it "should not be valid" do @product.should_not be_valid
2007 Jul 26
response.should_not redirect_to
Hey, May be it is just too deep night over here and I''m missing something though I got this failure on {{{response.should_not redirect_to}}}: ''QueuesController should allow authenticated user to access ''show'''' FAILED Matcher does not support should_not. See Spec::Matchers for more information about matchers. Also I''ve found this in
2008 Jan 31
RSpec-1.1.3 has been released. If you''re using RSpec and autotest, you''ll have to upgrade to RSpec-1.1.3 and ZenTest-3.9.0 at the same time. == Version 1.1.3 Maintenance release. * Tightened up exceptions list in autotest/rails_spec. Closes #264. * Applied patch from Ryan Davis for ZenTest-3.9.0 compatibility * Applied patch from Kero to add step_upcoming to story listeners.
2007 May 19
have_text matcher does not support should_not.
Hello Guys, Doing conversion of some test for some controllers, still with integrated views. Anyway, I have this: it "should not see Join This Group button on profile page as member" do get "show", :id => response.should be_success response.should_not have_text(/Join This Group/) end But running with spec (0.9.4), drop me the folling error:
2011 Apr 19
RSpec/Webrat Checking output is properly escaped
I want to test that the JSON response from a create action is sanitized properly, but rspec or webrat appears to be parsing the output into proper HTML chars instead of escaped characters. I have verified that it escapes properly in the regular browser json response. The relevant RSpec test code is: include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper it
2011 Jul 28
RSpec, shoulda-matchers and Rails model attributes validations
I was trying out RSpec framework in a project and got stopped doing the unit test of a model. In particular, doing the test for the associations and the ActiveRecord validations. I started writing the validations but my tests didn''t look DRY at all. Before refactoring the tests checked out and look for other people solutions. I found out shoulda-matchers and Shoulda (which if I
2011 Feb 16
stubbing gets undone?
I''m looking at an example where a stub seems to work sometimes, and sometimes appears to become "unstubbed". I haven''t boiled it down to a minimal example, but it goes something like this: ---- the model: class Premise << ActiveRecord::Base def lookup_stuff_on_the_web $stderr.puts("entering lookup_stuff_on_the_web with #{self}") ... end end
2013 Nov 22
Cancan Rspec load_and_authorize_resource
Hello! While running bundle exec rake, I receive following error (see in attached file) However, my tests are steel passing with command rspec spec/controllers/ Some info: ads_controller.rb: class AdsController < ApplicationController load_and_authorize_resource except: :create end ads_controller_spec.rb: require ''spec_helper'' describe AdsController do render_views
2008 Jan 19
"should_not ==" vs "should !="
describe "should_not == vs. should !=" it do 5.should_not == 6 end # passes it do 5.should != 6 end # fails end # I''m running the rspec 1.1.2 gem with the corresponding Textmate bundle # The second failure surprises me. # Is != not supported? # I''d like to hear what you all think. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was
2009 Jan 16
rspec model testing - test on user defined validation- How do I test that the create failed.
I''m new to rspec and looking for way to test a validation I added to a model. The test checks to see that if field1 has a value then field2 must be nil and vice versa. ------------------------------- When I did the rspec_scaffold it generated one test which worked before :each do @valid_attributes = { :field1 = "value for field1" :field2 = "value for
2007 May 30
Specify attr_protected
This is kind of a two part question. Question One: I want to be sure that an Order model is protecting sensitive attributes from mass assignment. The example looks like this: describe Order do it "should protect total attribute from mass assignment" do @order = => 0.05) == 0.05 end end And the code to implement it: class Order
2007 Aug 10
How to spec a model method
Still new to Specs... How do I create a spec to test a model method? Specifically, here is my spec: #testing model describe User do it "should have many user roles" do User.reflect_on_association(:user_roles).should_not be_nil end it "should have many roles though user roles" do User.reflect_on_association(:roles).should_not be_nil end it "should know
2007 Dec 30
Restful-Authentication Rspec Failure Rails 2.0.2
I am trying the Restful-Authentication (latest version, downloaded today) and upon running the generator, doing the migration, prepping the test system and putting the resources in routes.rb I get a Rspec test failure: ''SessionsController logins and redirects'' FAILED expected not nil, got nil routes.rb has: map.resources :users map.resources :sessions nothing else was
2008 Jul 11
how to debug using rspec stories
Hello. I just started to use rspec stories. I followed the following tutorial: So I implemented my story and some of the steps are: (...) When "user creates a product" do post "products/new", :name => @name end Then "there should be a product named
2007 Jan 29
Bug in should_not_be - What else to use?
Hi! I just stumbled over a possible bug in `1.should_not_be == 1` does not fail. I took a look into the code and figured out, that this is caused by using :no_arg instead of :___no_arg. The expected argument of the method be() in Not is passed from should_not_be() with :___no_arg. is marked with "Gone for 0.9", so I assume that "should_not_be =="
2007 Sep 20
alias :calling :lambda
Sprinkling my examples with ''lambda'' has always seemed like a bit of a wart to me. I''ve gotten into the habit of adding ''alias :calling :lambda'' to my spec suites. My examples then look like: calling { Foo }.should raise_error calling { Bar }.should_not raise_error Is there a reason that RSpec core has chosen not to make exception expectations more
2009 Feb 28
be_valid (validates_format_of ..., :on => :create)
Greetings, How to write Example which will check if model''s variable''s format is valid using :on => :create, like this: class User < ActiveRecord::Base ... validates_format_of :email, :with => /.../, :on => :create ... Using following code is not right: it "should ..." do @user = users(:example_user) =
2008 Jun 12
Use of ''should'' in another thread
Hi, I''ve tried to find anything about using ''should'' within a Thread, but it is a little hard do look up there, so I hope you forgive-me if I am asking an "old question". I guess this spec should fail: describe Thread do it "must be fine" do { true.should_not be_true } # Why don''t fail?! end end It seems that some