Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Trying to test flash messaging with rspec"
2010 May 17
Should an blank string be html_safe?
Just trying to implement a simple helper over the past few days had me
really confused.
messages = ''''
messages << content_tag(:p, ''dave'')
#=> <p>dave<\p%;gt;
Eventually I realised the original empty string was not html_safe
message = ''''.html_safe
message << content_tag(:p, ''dave'')
2010 Aug 17
Rails 3 flash message problems
The following code in my application_helper.rb class either eats the
flash message or escapes it and does not display properly:
# Outputs the corresponding flash message if any are set
def flash_messages
messages = []
%w(notice warning error).each do |msg|
messages << content_tag(:div, content_tag(:p,
html_escape(flash[msg.to_sym])), :class => "message
2010 Nov 05
[patch] Let's use <%== %> instead of <%= raw() %>
I''ve submitted a small patch to make Rails behave properly with the
Erubis <%== %> construct. For some reason the current behaviour of
that tag in Rails 3 is to escape the contents _twice_ which is
probably a bug.
I offer three suggestions why this is a good idea:
- The syntax is cleaner. It can avoid a lot of .html_safe and raw in
your views. I especially like the conciseness of
2010 Aug 03
rails 2.3.8 and html_safe
Can somebody update me on the state of html_safe strings in rails 2.3.8?
I know rails 2.3.6 and 2.3.7 broke a lot of code because strings were
being escaped when they shouldn''t have been and I thought this was all
fixed in 2.3.8.
I''m upgrading an app from 2.3.5 to 2.3.8 and there are many spots where
previous code was output correctly and now it expects html_safe method
2011 Nov 01
Railscast 262 different partial in helper
Hi RoR Community,
in Ryan Bates Railscasts Episode #262 he put the index code
<% for message in @messages %>
<div class="message">
<div class="created_at"><%= message.created_at.strftime("%B %d, %Y")
<div class="content">
<%= message.content %>
2006 Jun 20
WEBrick just decided to take a hiatus on me
Good day all.
This is one of the most frustrating days I have had with Rails in quite some
time now (almost 8 months actually).
Yesterday I complete my development and testing and everything is peachy.
I head home for the evening and do my things there.
This morning, I come back in and do my typical morning routine of starting
up eclipse and the usual "ruby script/server" command in
2013 Nov 08
Export CSV
Hi friends,
i am using csv export on my application. in my view file code is
<%- headers = ["Transaction ID", "Activity ID", "Product Name","Customer
Name", "Ticket code"] -%>
<%= CSV.generate_line(headers).strip %>
<%if !@trans.nil? && @trans.length > 0 %>
<% @trans.each do |tran|%>
<% if
2011 Feb 09
rails 3.0.4 broke yield :javascript ?
I have today updated my rails app to 3.0.4 security release but now this
yield :javascripts
fails in the layout and I get my custom js escaped as text in the view.
anybody seeing this also?
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2011 Jul 15
Ruby variable that embeds html tags
This seems very simple, but I can''t quite get it. Probably because I''m
just starting out with RoR.
My view has a slew of labels and text fields; many are "required":
<%= f.text_field :screen_name %> <span class="required_field">Required
(The "required_field" class turns the text red and smaller.) I''d like
2010 Oct 01
If a model doesn''t pass validation the field in the view is put under
a <div class="field_with_errors">.
But who create that div? field_text helper do it?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group.
To post to this group, send email to
2011 Aug 31
ERB and binding in template
How to get current binding in a partial (to use helpers and local
variables in erb script)?
When I invoke result whithout binding,
= ERB.new("script").result.html_safe
all work (without vars are needed), but when I write
= ERB.new("script").result(binding).html_safe
What is the problem?
2011 Jun 26
ActionView::Template::Error (Cannot modify SafeBuffer in place):
Trying to upgrade an app that was running fine in 3.0.3 to 3.0.9 and
while everything works well, I get this error:
ActionView::Template::Error (Cannot modify SafeBuffer in place):
When passing a string to this function (in application_helper.rb)
through a simple: <%= format_me(article[shortdesc])%>
def format_me(text, html_options={}, options={})
text =
2006 Mar 25
Overriding <div class="fieldWithErrors">
Does anyone know how to override the <div class="fieldWithErrors">
behaviour when a form field is incorrect?
2010 Jul 27
3.0.0rc ActionController::RoutingError No route matches
Have been developing on 3.0.0beta4 and just updated to 3.0.0.rc.
When I try to link_to() a User object that previously had worked, I
get the following:
ActionView::Template::Error (No route matches
{:action=>"destroy", :controller=>"games", :id=>#<User ..... >
Yet I have in my routes.rb file has resources :users and my "rake
routes" shows:
2003 Dec 30
The dangers of static buffers in rsync code
I have been trying for quite a while now to understand why is the
flist.c:f_name() function implemented using static buffers. Anyone care to
The immediate problem is that any call to f_name overrides the previous
content (well, obvious). This, combined with the fact that several
function calls are made with the result of f_name(file) results in
problems handling hardlinks - and
2007 May 15
NOOB question RSPEC
Hi all !!
I have this code:
require ''account''
describe Account, "when first created" do
before do
@account = Account.new
it "should have a balance of $0" do
@account.balance.should eql(Money.new(0, :dollars))
after do
@account = nil
How can I pass the @account.balance.should eql(Money.new(0, :dollars))
spec. From my
2009 Aug 10
testing exception notification plugin with rspec
I''m trying to install exception notification plugin and test it with
The problem that I have is that when running the server in production
mode : at the end of the log i get this when I have a critical error
rendering section "request"
rendering section "session"
rendering section "environment"
rendering section "backtrace"
Sent mail to
2008 Aug 20
Re: Stubbing out ThinkingSphinx for Rspec
Thanks Wolas!
Sorry if this seems like a newbie question, what am I supposed replace
the stubbed_method_name with?
Also, I came across the only thread on the Interwebs which seems to
cover this topic - it''s over a year old, but I think they have a
solution which could work around the issues you pointed out. However, I
couldn''t work out how to get their subbing approach to
2009 Oct 13
RSpec, flash messages and redirection
Hello everybody
I''m having some problems with RSpec.
1) When using something like "I should see ''some text''"
that text is set on a flash message in the controller and displayed by
= flash[:notice] in the layout view, so the relevant part of my view
says, in haml:
= flash[:notice]
The rspec evaluation for that says:
2006 Apr 21
Capistrano, OS X
If you installed your copy of ruby via DarwinPorts, the hashbang lines
at the top of your dispatch.* scripts says "#!/opt/local/bin/ruby". This
is a problem, if you''re deployin via Capistrano to a host with a
different path to ruby (which would be practially all of them:-)
Here''s a fix. Add this "fix_hashbangs.rb" script to your script