similar to: Rails 3 and rspec 2 turning off transactional fixtures per test

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "Rails 3 and rspec 2 turning off transactional fixtures per test"

2007 Aug 08
Transactional fixtures not working as expected
Hi! I am quite new to BDD and I just wrote my first tests. Suddenly I received unexpected results because in a model test I load only users-fixtures but when the views-fixtures in which I load the posts-fixtures, are run before this model-test, the posts-fixtures are loaded too. I test for example if there is one record in the posts-table after creating one post. But when there are fixtures
2011 Aug 10
How to stop Rspec loading my Cucumber fixtures
I have a bunch of fixtures designed to populate the database for my Cucumber integration tests. But at this stage I want my database to be empty when using Rspec. So, I moved the fixtures from `/spec/fixtures` to `features/support/fixtures`, and updated `features/support/env.rb` to read: Fixtures.reset_cache fixtures_folder = File.join(RAILS_ROOT, ''features'',
2007 Apr 17
using rake db:fixtures:load with rspec fixtures
Hi, I''m new to rspec. I have some fixtures in /spec/fixtures. If they were in /test/fixtures they could be loaded with rake db:fixtures:load. Is there any way other than a symlink to load my rspec fixtures into the database with rake? Or, can I cause rspec to load the fixtures from /test/fixtures? Thanks, Paul
2007 Mar 12
rspec on rails instantiated fixtures OFF by default ?
Hi there, Why are the instantiated fixtures turned off by default in the rspec on rails plugin? This was not the case in older versions. After upgrading (and much head scratching) I had to turn on the instantiated_fixtures in spec_helper thusly ... self.use_instantiated_fixtures = true Regards, Keith
2006 Oct 17
Should fixtures be transactional?
I started using the new Model.should_have(1).records expectation in rspec_on_rails, and quickly realized that my fixtures were remaining loaded, even in contexts that didn''t use them. Bug or feature? Jay Levitt
2012 Mar 22
Rspec not loading fixtures
I am taking over a code base and am trying to run the tests. I am somewhat new to RSpec so this might be a trivial problem. Basically I can tell that the fixtures are not getting loaded. All 100 tests fail with a similar error. But I don''t know why. Below is the code, with my narrative with *** before it... Can you see anything or give me a clue where to look. So far I am coming up
2008 Feb 07
rspec fixtures stay in the test db - is this right?
I have some fixtures set up to put a few records in some of my tables. In some of my rspec describe blocks, i''m *not* calling the fixtures, and expecting the tables to be empty. But they''re not - the fixture data is in there. Am i using fixtures wrongly? I thought that the db was wiped at the start of every test and the fixtures were only added if asked for. Is that not the
2007 Aug 13
Problem of using fixture in Rspec
Dear Fellows: I was using fixtures in the model tests using Rspec. I found that the test data specified in the fixtures was stored in the test database once I ran the spec and won''t be removed anyway. Is my observation correct? There might be another problem regarding the fixtures. When I ran the specs one by one, it was working. However, it failed when I tried to run all the
2007 May 18
Fixtures considered harmful?
I''m trying to get really serious about doing true BDD for a new Rails project, and I note that at < rails/index.html> it says: "we really don?t recommend the use of rails fixtures" On the same page it also says (about Model specs): "these are the only specs that we feel should actually interact with the database"
2008 Feb 18
uh... fixtures?
RSpec-ers: I''m aware this is quite the FAQ. I have probably asked it myself, but I just can''t Google up anything but others asking it. I grabbed the source to Beast, to use as a Rails project uninfluenced by me, or RSpec. Then I installed the CURRENT version of RSpec and rspec_on_rails, and set up a model spec on Post. Here''s the spec_helper.rb lines:
2007 Mar 24
Using spec fixtures with integration tests
Hi all, How can I use spec fixtures with rails integration tests ? I''ve tried adding {{ fixtures "../../spec/fixtures/myfixture" }} to the integration test but the fixtures are not loaded when I run the rake task. Rails doesn''t load symlinked fixtures either so I copied the files from spec/fixtures for the time being. Not very DRY. Any ideas ? Keith
2007 May 27
annotate_models plugin to annotate RSpec specs and fixture
I have found useful to have the table information associated to models disp?ayed in the models and fixtures files of my rails applications. If you want to add this information to the spec_fixtures and specs add the following patch to your plugin. Index: vendor/plugins/annotate_models/lib/annotate_models.rb =================================================================== ---
2007 Aug 23
Can module spec use fixtures?
Good morning, dear fellows: I''d like to recall one question I posted yesterday. I am writing specs for ruby modules. Some of the modules do some data process in the test database. Because ''fixtures'' is undefined (Am I correct?) in module specs, spec of certain module (e.g. delete data form database) will affect other specs of other modules (e.g. try to access the
2006 Oct 25
fixtures data persists?
I''m not sure if this is a feature or a bug, but if I load a set of fixtures in one context, the data remains in the database and is available to the next context, even if the next context doesn''t explicitly load that set of fixtures context "saved User objects" do fixtures :users end context "new User objects" do end if I call User.find(1) from a spec
2007 Oct 29
rspec throws exception (nameError)
Hi, I''m running Rails 1.2.5 with rspec 1.0.8. When i runned autotest first time, it complained about this line. #include ActionView::Helpers::JavaScriptMacrosHelper in vendor/plugins/rspec_on_rails/lib/spec/rails/dls/behaviour/helper.rb ...I commented it out, then I got another error about this line, so I also commented this out. = true in
2007 Sep 07
fixtures in before(:all)
I was planning on using a fixture within a description that didn''t modify the fixture, so I put it in a before(:all) block: describe "Customer", "xml" do fixtures :customers before(:all) do one = customers(:one) end # ... As a result, I got this message: 1) NoMethodError in ''Customer xml before(:all)'' You have a nil object when you
2007 Jun 29
fixtures :all
Does rspec not understand "fixtures :all" ? If so, has it been requested? If not, can I request it? If you need a patch I can surely submit one. ;) Zach
2008 Jan 28
attachment_fu with fixtures
Dear list, I can''t figure out how to use fixtures with attachment_fu. I know how to use files with RSpec in my controllers, BackgroundPhoto.create(:uploaded_data => fixture_file_upload("files/", "application/x-zip")), but this does not work with fixtures(obviously). More importantly I have no idea where to start... Can someone shed some light on
2008 May 08
Fixtures not clearing tables?
I have a case where I''m loading fixtures and a row added to a table in a spec is around at the start of all subsequent specs. When I set config.use_transactional_fixtures = false the fixtures load/clear as expected. Any ideas? -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2007 Sep 04
Model Specs: Fixtures vs Mocks + Stubs?
What is the general opinion about fixtures versus mocking and stubbing in model specs? I heard from agile on IRC that they save the database testing for integration testing, but I also see that the caboose sample applicaiton uses fixtures. I also noticed that on the rspec site, it says "Ironically (for the traditional TDD''er) these are the only specs that we feel should actually