similar to: rspec controller test strange error: undefined method `call' for nil:NilClass

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "rspec controller test strange error: undefined method `call' for nil:NilClass"

2005 Nov 12
undefined method `protocol' for nil:NilClass
Hi! This may have been answered somewhere before, but my searches turned up nothing. I am developing a Rails app that generally works, but just generated a new controller ("list" controller), did not add anything, and when I go to http://localhost:3000/list/ I receive an error. It appears that the page was properly generated, but somewhere preparing the result raised this
2011 Jul 06
undefined method `assigns' and undefined method `post'
Hi, I have an error of undefined method. can anyone help me to solve it. I follow the tutorial to practicing testing controller of rails, and now i got stuck with the error.. plz help error: undefined method `post'' for #<Spec::Example::ExampleGroup::Subclass_1:0xb7754114> undefined method `assigns'' for #<Spec::Example::ExampleGroup::Subclass_1:0xb785d1b4> Test file
2010 Oct 21
Authlogic + Rails3 - undefined method `Login' for nil:NilClass
Im new to Rails, and decided to start of with Rails3. After a lot of searching ive managed to get a little bit of Authlogic working. I''m able to register a user, login & logout. Now, I would like to add more features, get more of authlogic working. I''m using Railscast EP 160 as my reference. Portions of the code found on the tutorial throw errors: Eg: <!--
2011 May 21
request.format = :mobile causes error "undefined method `ref' for nil:NilClass"
I have a strange problem with setting request.format = :mobile I can reproduce this problem on a completely fresh Rails 3.0.7 app with no special gems. This seemed to work well in Rails 2 but for some reason is hiccuping here, not sure what''s different in Rails 3 that makes this hiccup. If you look at the stack track, it doesn''t even pass through my app stack once -- weird --
2010 Sep 17
using OpenPGP gem and getting "out of range error"
I''ve been handed someone else''s code to debug, but am getting no further than he did... perhaps someone can help. We''re using the OpenPGP gem ( to PGP- encrypt an XML file for submission to a third-party for processing. The prob is that when encrypting, we get errors like the following: RangeError: 1502 out of char range from
2007 Apr 17
undefined method `each'' for nil:NilClass with Ferret search
Hi All: For certain key terms I always get this error; I had to rebuild the indexes then it works for a while then again it is gone. here is the message ActionView::TemplateError (undefined method `each'' for nil:NilClass) on line #4 /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-1.12.5/lib/action_view/base.rb:316:in `compile_and_render_template''
2013 Jul 22
Could not intern from yaml: undefined method `intern' for nil:NilClass
Hi everyone, I''m stuck with this error trying to set up inspection reports : Could not send report: Error 400 on SERVER: Could not intern from yaml: undefined method `intern'' for nil:NilClass Earlier, I had this one : Could not run: Could not find catalog for hostname That I fixed with : catalog_cache_terminus = yaml Agent and server are running puppet 3.2.3. Full
2008 Jan 22
Could not set file on ensure: undefined method `[]'' for nil:NilClass
Hi, I had a working puppet setup using version 0.22 until the ruby security patch bit me. I tried upgrading server and clients to 0.24.1 however my old manifests don''t seem to work anymore. When I run puppetd on the client I see lots of messages like: err: //Node[waterbuck]/yumupdater/Remotefile[/etc/cron.hourly/yumupdater]/File[/etc/cron.hourly/yumupdater]/ensure: change from absent
2006 May 06
`connect'': undefined method `verify_mode'' for nil:NilClass
Am using Ruby 1.8.4. I am getting this error: /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/net/http.rb:565:in `connect'': undefined method `verify_mode'' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError) from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/net/http.rb:555:in `do_start'' from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/net/http.rb:544:in `start'' from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/net/http.rb:1031:in `request'' from
2009 Dec 05
err: undefined method `acl_type' for nil:NilClass
Hi, I am using puppet version 0.25.1. Currently when i am starting the server, i am getting the below error. err: undefined method `acl_type'' for nil:NilClass Previously i was getting err: Forbidden request: I added the auth.conf to allow all, and this issue fixed. Please help me. Regards, Shameem -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
2010 Dec 24
keep getting "undefined method `map' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError) " in new server
hi guys, I have a new development server (ubuntu 10). I have done the following (the versions match my existing development machine which works fine): 1. installed ruby 1.9.1p378 2. installed ruby gems 1.3.7 3. installed rails 2.3.8 (used "gem install rails -v 2.3.8") 4. manually installed my other gems including sphinx and thinking sphinx with "gem install ..." 5. ran
2013 Mar 12
Puppet 3.1 - Error: Could not run: undefined method `prune_parameters' for nil:NilClass - fresh install on RHEL 6.4
Trying to get my puppet up and running but running into a slight problem - trying to view a resource I get an error for undefined method [root@puppet puppet-dashboard]# puppet resource user root Error: Could not run: undefined method `prune_parameters'' for nil:NilClass [root@puppet puppet-dashboard]# uname -a Linux 2.6.32-358.0.1.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Feb 26
2012 Nov 19
has_one :through NoMethodError: undefined method `klass' for nil:NilClass when doing class_name on reflection
Not sure if this is expected or not. Only happened with a has_one :through I had setup. (Workaround is just to remove it and go through the association manually vs has_one ..., through: .) Not a big deal if no one has time to look at it, as it''s not a big enough deal to look into a fix on our side. In Rails (3.2.9) console if I do: MyModel.reflections.each {|name,reflection|
2005 Apr 26
NoMethodError (undefined method `fetch_fields' for nil:NilClass)
Hi I''m new to Rails (and Ruby) and I can''t get it to work properly. Every time I want to do something with my database-connection (e.g. use scaffold) I get this, or something similiar (from development.log): >> Beneath this code there''s some more text << ------- Processing CategoryController#index (for at Tue Apr 26 21:43:45 CEST 2005)
2005 May 27
undefined method `>' for nil:NilClass
I''m following the Depot tutorial in the Rails book, and have just hit a wall. As instructed by the tutorial, I added the following code to the Product model: protected def validate errors.add(:price, "should be positive") unless price > 0.0 end When I attempt to add a new product, I''m getting an error: undefined method `>'' for nil:NilClass
2012 Nov 12
undefined method `original_filename' for nil:NilClass
Hi, although I saw this problem in other blogs, I couldn''t make it works. My view: *<%= semantic_form_for :routes_status_race, :url => status_race_admin_routes_path do |f| %>* * <% contact_array = {|contact| [,]}%>* * <% route_importer_array = {|importer| [,]}%>* * <%=
2005 Jun 22
undefined method `each' for nil:NilClass
I have a search page asking for some criteria. The search method in my controller does its thing and sets the @assignments collection. Then finally I do the following redirection to the report page so that I can show the results nicely. Before doing the following, I print the contents of the collection and it is not nil. redirect_to :action => ''report'' I have an empty method
2010 Jun 11
Could not run Puppet configuration client: undefined method `keys' for nil:NilClass
I''m getting this error message quite often on the puppet clients. I don''t know what it means. Restarting puppet often helps and the messages will go away, but suddenly it will come back again. Any thoughts? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To post to this group, send email to
2010 Apr 30
undefined method `call' for nil:NilClass
why would I be getting this error after submitting my form? NoMethodError in EchantillonsController#create undefined method `call'' for nil:NilClass This is my create method in the controller: def create @echantillon =[:echantillon]) @echantillon.set_eros_values respond_to do |format| if if
2011 May 06
undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass
I am getting this error on all my hosts, I can''t tell that it''s causing a problem, everything seems to be working fine. Fri May 06 12:52:16 -0700 2011 /Stage[main]// Resources[ssh_authorized_key] (err): Failed to generate additional resources using ''generate'': undefined method `[]'' for nil:NilClass We are using user and group purging for all uids/gids