similar to: rspec-rails 2.0.0.beta.12 showing undefined method error for route_to

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "rspec-rails 2.0.0.beta.12 showing undefined method error for route_to"

2010 Jun 21
[BUG] Segmentation fault
First of all, I use RVM and I installed ruby-1.9.2-head, which I used to create a new rails3 gemset. Then I changed to that gemset with rvm use 1.9.2-head@rails3 and I ran bundle install over the following Gemfile: source '''' gem ''rails'', ''3.0.0.beta4'' gem ''sqlite3-ruby'', :require =>
2010 Dec 26
Sqlite gem not found with rails3
Hello, I am migrating a rails app to rails3, however I am hanging with an error about gem not found. Error message: Could not find sqlite3-ruby-1.3.2 in any of the sources (Bundler::GemNotFound) Exception class: PhusionPassenger::UnknownError When I do $ gem list sqlite3-ruby-1.3.2 *** LOCAL GEMS *** (and the same result with sudo gem list ) However, when I do gem list
2011 Mar 16
Uninitialized constant Files::Magick -still around
Hi there, I''m solving the problem about the plugin Magick. In my app in Gemfile I''ve follwoing: require ''rubygems'' require ''mongo'' require ''RMagick'' include Magick and in a model Files: class Files def ... img =''public/data/nature6.jpg'').first end end
2012 Jun 26
Error with rake command
I am using Rails 2.3.8 application and when I enter rake command it gives following error : ms@ms-HP:~/OpenStreetView$ rake WARNING: ''require ''rake/rdoctask'''' is deprecated. Please use ''require ''rdoc/task'' (in RDoc 2.4.2+)'' instead. at /home/ms/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p194@global/gems/rake- rake
2010 Mar 07
Rails development processes running very slow
This is a problem I know other people have been having. I''m on Rails 2.3.5 on a dual core 2.1Ghz Macbook Pro 2.1 with 3Gb of ram and 800Mb+ inactive memory. Things should be fast. Sometimes things run slowly, but nothing nearly as slowly as rails. irb starts in milliseconds. Even Java maven tasks are pretty fast. Rails on the other hand takes a pitiful 1:30 minutes to start - the
2011 Jan 12
gem and rails3: LoadError
Hi everybody, I''m trying to use the prawn gem into a new rails3 application on debian. What I did: As root: - install rubygems, from - gem install rails - gem install prawn - gem install pdf-reader - gem list | grep prawn => prawn (0.8.4) prawn-core (0.8.4) prawn-layout (0.8.4)
2011 Jan 14
Rails 3 / RSpec 2 use_transactional_fixtures and after_commit
We''re migrating a Rails 2.3.x application to Rails 3 and RSpec 2.x. In Rails 2.3.x we were using to provide after_commit functionality (now provided by Rails 3). The plugin version of after_commit came with some helpers to make testing with `use_transactional_fixtures = true` work. From:
2010 Jun 20
RSpec 2 view example: render_template
On under "View specs" there''s an example describe "events/index.html.erb" do it "renders _event partial for each event" do assign(:events, [stub_model(Event), stub_model(Event)]) render view.should render_template(:partial => "_event", :count => 2) end end Is this indeed correct? From the
2010 Sep 11
Can't install plugins on rails 3.0
Just upgraded one of my apps to Rails 3.0 and I cannot install plugins. I either get "Plugin not found", or an empty folder. When I run rails plugin --verbose install I get this response: Plugins will be installed using http git init git pull --depth 1 But all I get is an empty
2011 Jan 28
mysql quotation wonky
Why would, in an upgrade from 3.0.1 to 3.0.3, a rake db:migrate run this: SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" vs this ? SELECT `schema_migrations`.`version` FROM `schema_migrations` __ rake db:migrate output __ rake aborted! Mysql::Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version
2010 Feb 04
Rails Edge: gem bundle error
Hi. Having installed Ruby 1.9 from source, I decided to have a look at Rails3 aka Rails edge from git. Therefore, I followed wycats instructions ( running-on-edge), but keep getting an error related to Bundler: $ sudo gem bundle --backtrace ERROR: While executing gem ... (NoMethodError) undefined method `path'' for
2011 Mar 31
can i switch to rails 2.3.5 and run a rails 2.3.5 code??
Hi all, i have installed rails 3 using RVM . the prob is now i have two parallel projects where one is in 2.3.5 and another is in rails3. i use Mac o x 10.6.3 mysql :Server version: 5.1.56 MySQL so can i switch in between rails3 and rails 2.3.8?? this is my gem list... actionmailer (3.0.5, 3.0.5.rc1, 3.0.4, 3.0.3, 2.3.8, 2.3.5) actionpack (3.0.5, 3.0.5.rc1, 3.0.4, 3.0.3, 2.3.8, 2.3.5)
2010 May 27
before_filter always running in test, not in development or production mode.
I''m using Shoulda and restful_authentication on Rails3 and whenever I run my tests a before filter for login_required is always triggered, despite my filter being set up as: before_filter :login_required, :only => [:update, :edit, :suspend, :unsuspend, :destroy, :purge] My test is this: context ''A guest to the site'' do context ''on GET to
2012 Sep 25
Any rails experts able to offer some advice?
Hello all. #1 I am working on a rails3 gem called Yarder ( The goal of this gem is to replace the rails logging system with one that is JSON based rather than string based. #2 To this end I also recently asked this list about making the LogSubscribers subscriptions to ActiveRecord::Notifications configurable and am looking at submitting a patch
2011 Jul 18
rails server being aborted due to mysql lib file not available
Hi, My system has the following : MacOs Leopard Rails 3 Ruby 1.9 Mysql 5.1.58 mysql2 ruby gems My problem is that when i give "rails server", the task aborts with the foll error rails server/Users/nisha/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p180@rails3/gems/ railties-3.0.5/lib/rails/script_rails_loader.rb:11: warning: Insecure world writable dir /usr/local/bin in PATH, mode 040777
2010 Sep 27
Rails3 app deploy : how to ?
Hello, I know many people are asking this kind of question. I searched in this forum and some others in the web but i did found something clear enough for my "ror''s power" (i''m not completly new but real close ;-) ) Well, I''m developing my application on os x, i''m using svn (team choice) for versionning but i will need to deploy on linux server (with
2011 Feb 25
Rspec2 for rails 2.3.8?
Hi experts, I picked up a copy of the rspec book and wrote some tests in spec/lib and spec/models for my Rails 2.3.8 code. I was using rspec 2.5.1, rspec-core 2.5.0, rspec-expectations 2.5.0 et. al. But I realised that the rspec-rails version I am using is meant for Rails3. Which version of rspec-rails should I use for Rails 2.3.8? Best, Radhesh -- Posted via
2010 Oct 22
(Unable to start rails application) ruby scipt/server error
1) I installed the ruby-1.9.2-p0 and rubygems-1.3.7 in the (/usr/local/src directory ) 2) Then i installed rails from terminal by typing follwoing sudo gem install rails --include-dependencies 3) Then i made a rails applcation from terminal as rails new demo then cd demo ruby
2004 Oct 15
Building package compatible w/ R v1.9.1 and R v2.0.0?
Hi, just in the process of updating my packages for R v2.0.0 and I have not had time to followed the R v2.0.0 discussions so maybe my questions have already been answered. A concern I have is that when creating packages they should be backward compatible with R v1.9.x for a while until all users and computers has migrated to R v2.0.x. It is pretty straightforward to setup my packages so that
2011 Feb 20
Problem with mysql2 gem and Debian
Hi Guys, I''m having an issue with deploying my application and the mysql2 gem. I am developing on Windows 7 with Ruby 1.9.2 and Rails 3.0.3. On my local machine in development environment the application runs just fine. But when I want to deploy it on our production server I get an error message from passenger. "Please install the mysql2 adapter: `gem install activerecord-mysql2-