similar to: RSpec 2 equivalent for: assigns[:message].should == @message

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "RSpec 2 equivalent for: assigns[:message].should == @message"

2007 Jun 02
I''m really bad at controllers, help please.
Hey, Sorry for so many questions - I''m really bad at this right now. I''m trying to cover the following code w/ rspec def index if params[:user_id] @user = User.find(params[:user_id]) @messages = @user.messages end end So basically what I''m doing is listing all the messages for a user, provided there is an id parameter. describe
2007 Nov 13
More Rails Pattern Examples?
Hi, I have been reading the documentation and examples on the rspec site. There are two "patterns" from Rails that I am not clear how to implement that are kind of related, and so I am not sure how to start. Does anyone have any examples of how to write rspecs for these? 1/ Nested resources. 2/ Resources that are specific to the current_user. In other words, I only want to
2011 Jan 02
undefined method `run_all' for :Array
I''m using the latest ruby 1.9.3-head and recently whenever I run rspec (2.2+) I get the following error: I have seen others have run into this issue, but to resolve it just rolled back to a previous version of rspec or it there a better way? ruby-1.9.3-head/gems/rspec-core-2.3.1/lib/rspec/core/hooks.rb:116:in `run_hook_filtered'': undefined method `run_all'' for []:Array
2010 May 12
Trouble developing Rails plugins/gems with generators
Hi, I''ve been trying to develop a Rails gem/plugin with generators for Rails 3. I first had a separate gem project with a gem statement in my Gemfile with a :path option to point at it. But then I had to run $ rake install on each change in my gem to have Rails pick up on it. I have now instead put my generators inside RAILS_ROOT/lib so they are easier to test/develop. lib/generators -
2010 May 10
Using Rails 3 edge to circumvent current_period bug?
I get an error using Rails 3 beta3 on Ruby 1.9.2-preview1 undefined method `current_period'' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError) This commit should fix it But I forgot how to ensure I am running on edge with Rails 3. Is it a special bundler command I need to use? Thanks! -- You received this message because
2008 Jan 28
Could this controller test be made simpler?
In a create controller method I am testing the else clause that occurs when the model is unable to be saved. Sounds simple enough, but because model is created before the save and the form has to be re-filled I now have to stub a model and all the attributes. Since the error messages are displayed I also have to stub some methods within the model that allow the error messages to be displayed
2007 Apr 19
Best practice thoughts: Model helpers, mocks
Hello! I''m pretty new to unit testing, and have only been using RSpec for a few weeks. I found that for my controller specs, my setup methods were getting very long building mocks/stubs for all the model objects I needed to work with. I''ve started creating helpers like the following for each of my models. The "min_" methods are short for "minimum", and
2007 May 31
Could anyone please help with rspec/nested resource behavior checking?
My problem has been listed here: Don''t think it would be required to completely re-type it here :) Thanks! -- -Daniel Fischer - Geek Blog - Portfolio - Writing Community
2007 Jul 12
Agh, this is annoying. Why is this happening?
My problem: Mock ''Task_1005'' received unexpected message :user_id= with (1) No matter what I do to try to stub that out it will still fail out and give me that message. Here is my spec describe TasksController, "handling POST /tasks" do before(:each) do @task = mock_model(Task, :to_param => "1", :save => true)
2007 Oct 05
Easy AR association stubbing
I''ve added a method to the mock class that makes it pretty easy to stub associations in rails. I''ve been using it for awhile and it seems to cut down on a lot of setup code for the controller and model specs that use associations. #before @person = mock_model(Person) posts = mock(''post_proxy'') posts.stub!(:build).and_return(mock_model(Post, :save => true))
2009 Feb 25
How to properly mock a complex object ""?
I am wondering what is the best way to mock such expression: "" What I do now is: =========================== comment = mock_model(Comment) initiator = mock_model(User) group = mock_model(Group, :name => "Admin") initiator.stub!(:group).and_return(group) comment.stub!(:initiator).and_return(initiator) =========================== So it becomes
2007 Nov 20
How to test views with Nested Resources and Partials
Hi everyone, I am relatively new to rspec and I am running into a wall in testing my views. I have a RESTful resource Contracts with a nested resource of Line_items. I am trying to figure out how to test the "edit" form of the Line_items. What complicates this is the nested routing and how to account for it, and that there is a partial form (_form.haml) that both the edit.haml and
2009 Aug 29
Users, Roles and Permissions
Hello, I''m currently working on a text-based roleplay browser game, and i''m trying to figure out what the best approach would be in order to create a system that allows me to assign roles to a user, and permissions based upon the role a user has. I''ve been thinking about creating a model User, which has_many :roles, and with the Role model which has_many :permissions.
2007 Apr 30
Mocking with Calculated Results
I am setting up an AR mock object and wanted to sanity check it. My intent is to mix this into all my examples and then override/add methods where necessary. Note that I''ve anticipated three cases for find: find with one numeric argument => object find with :all => Array find with anything else => nil This roughly approximates how ActiveRecord::find works in this case
2007 Jul 24
Mocking Access Control
I''m trying to jump on the TDD/BDD bandwagon, but am having trouble understanding how i should mock my user. The user has a habtm relationship to a roles model (acl_system2 plugin), but I''m not sure how to tell rspec about a model. My code: describe UsersController do integrate_views before(:each) do @user = mock_model(User)
2010 May 13
link_to using smart API
Trying to use the "smart" API for link_to def create_link(object, label = nil) label ||= auth_labels[:new] link = link_to(label, [:new, object]) if can?(:create, object) link.sub /new\./, ''new/'' end But this generates a link like /projects/new.1 , instead of /projects/ new I would assume it would make sense to pass it the class instead, like this, sense in
2008 Jan 30
Stubbing controller methods vs model methods
I had an error that I couldn''t figure out, then when writing up a question for the forum I figured it out. The thing is I don''t understand why the change that was made works and why what existed before didn''t. Here is the initial post when I had the error: ---------------------------------- In the controllers/application.rb file I have a method that finds the account
2007 Nov 20
confirming that a model instance was correctly created from POST params
I''m wondering whether I''m wasting my time trying to verify that an addition I''ve made to legacy code is in fact setting a new attribute on a model. Substruct''s ( OrderHelper contains this method: 1 def create_order_from_post 2 @use_separate_shipping_address = params[:use_separate_shipping_address]
2007 Oct 25
Mocking/Stubbing help with subdomain as account key
My app uses account_location to set up subdomains as account keys. In my controllers, all my model operations are scoped through the @current_person object. The question is: How do I test this with RSpec''s mocking and stubbing? Basically, I need to test that @current_person.things is getting the find message and returning @thing. I''ve tried stubbing and mocking
2007 Sep 18
rSpec / Nested Routes / Mocks
I''m having a terrible time trying to test a nested route with rSpec. I can''t seem to tell rSpec to expect the call @item.user. The following error message plagues me not matter how I try to fuss with the mock: Spec::Mocks::MockExpectationError in ''ItemsController handling POST / items should redirect to the new course on successful save'' Mock