Displaying 20 results from an estimated 110 matches similar to: "lme convergence error"
2011 Dec 13
How to compute 95%CI for OR from logistic regression?
Hi all:
My data has 3 variables:
age(3levels : <30y=1 30-50y=2, >50y=3)
gender(Male=0, Female=1)
CD4 cell count(raw lab measurement)
y(1:death 0:alive)
I perform logistic regression to find out the factors that influence y.
result<-glm(y ~ factor(age) + factor(gender) + CD4,family = binomial)
>From the result,I can get OR(Odds Ratio) of gender via exp(Estimate of Female,
2011 Feb 08
intervals {nlme} lower CI greater than upper CI !!!????
Hi folks...
check this out..
> GLU<-lme(gluc~rt*cd4+sex+age+rf+nadir+pharmac+factor(hcv)+factor(hbs)+
+ haartd+hivdur+factor(arv),
+ random= ~rt|id, na.action=na.omit)
> intervals(GLU)$fixed
lower est. upper
(Intercept) 67.3467070345 7.362307e+01 7.989944e+01
rt *0.0148050160* 6.249304e-02 1.101811e-01
2011 Jul 26
a question about glht function
Hi all:
There's a question about glht function.
My data:data_ori,which inclue CD4, GROUP,time.
f_GROUP is a factor of 3 levels(0,1,2,3)
result <- lme(sqrt(CD4) ~ f_GROUP*time ,random = ~time|ID,data=data_ori)
glht(result, linfct = mcp(f_GROUP="Tukey") )
Error in `[.data.frame`(mf, nhypo[checknm]) : undefined columns selected
I can't
2011 Jun 28
About the covariant
Hi all,I have some questions about the covariants of regression.
My target: To explore the trend of CD4 level through a period of time.
Response variable: CD4 count
Explanatory variable:time
Also, the demology information is available,such as gender,occupation,income
Q1,Are these variables of demology information called covariant?
Q2,How can I correct the impact of
2002 Sep 09
Plots by subject
Hello! I need some help with creating plots for each study subject. I have
tried the 'for' command as described in 'An Introduction to R', but I wasn't
Here's what I want to do:
-Create and save the following overlayed scatterplots for each subject (1 to
-The data frame is in the form of one line per visit per subject (so more than
one line per
2011 Feb 06
random interaction effect in lmer
Hi dears while modeling an interaction random effect in lmer i receive the
instantaneous error message
> ldlM4<-lmer(ldl~rt*cd4+age+rf+pharmac+factor(hcv)+
+ hivdur+(rt:cd4|id),na.action=na.omit,REML=F)
*Warning message:
In mer_finalize(ans) : false convergence (8)
I think the matter lies in syntax, 'cause i sistematically receive the same
message even when changing response...
2009 Apr 16
How can I catch errors thrown from c via the Rcpp error() function?
I am using the flowClust package from BioConductor, which is largely
implemented in c. For some of my data, the package occasionally (and
quite stochastically) encounters a particular condition which halts its
operation. At this point, it calls the error() function defined by Rcpp,
and halts.
What I would like to be able to do is to catch the error thrown, and
retry the operation a few
2009 Nov 03
about the cox result
Hi all:
I finished cox analysis like this:
fit_cox<-coxph(Surv(dat$Time, dat$death) ~ dat$CD4 + strata(dat$gender),data=dat);
> fit_cox
coxph(formula = Surv(data_ori$Time, data_ori$death) ~ data_ori$drug +
strata(data_ori$gender), data = data_ori)
coef exp(coef) se(coef) z p
data_ori$drugddI 0.216 1.24 0.146 1.47 0.14
Likelihood ratio test=2.17 on
2005 Feb 05
Hi All,
A newbie question :-( How do I go about installing the add-ons found in CD4?
Many thanks,
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2011 Jul 18
question about linear mixed model
Hi all:
I have a question about linear mixed model.
my linear mixed model with randomized slope and intercept with interaction
of time and group(g1,g2,g3):
model<- glmmPQL(log10(CD4) ~ time + factor(group)+ time:factor(group),
random = ~time|id)
What I get is only the main and interaction of time and group.My question
1. How can I get the g1,g2,g3's slope respectively?In other
2011 Mar 22
how to convert a data.frame to a list of dist objects for individual differences MDS?
I have a 45 x 16 data frame consisting of dissimilarities among 10
colors, giving in each
column the 45 = 10*9/2 pairwise judgments for one of 16 subjects. The
identify each pair of colors, e.g, "AC" = ("A","C"), and the pairs are
ordered by columns
in the lower triangle of each distance matrix.
> helm.raw <-
2007 Mar 02
LIMMA contrast.matrix
Dear R-Help,
I am using the LIMMA User's Guide 5 January 2007 PDF version. For the
example show in Section 7.4 DIRECT TWO-COLOR DESIGNS (pgs. 33-34), I
could not grasp the rationale in developing the contrast.matrix with
these R statements (">" indicates the R command prompt):
> contrast.matrix <-
2011 Mar 18
I Dears,
if that wouldn't take u too much effort I'd like to ask for a swift opinion:
I have a alinear (mixed effect) model that I wish to run as a piecewise one.
When I predict the values Iget quite some odds and disturbing results:
The predicted stright line after the break point is not straight at all,
instead behaves like if it was a hig order polynomial or something
2006 Jan 31
Test Failed for CD3 and CD4
hi guys,
I dont know if my burner here got a problem. Im downloaded the iso's for cd 3 and 4 thrice and burned it on the cd thrice also. but when i test the cd's they failed. But calculating the checksum was ok. any suggestions ?
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-------------- next part --------------
2012 May 30
anova.coxph for multiple events model
I'm trying to do a multiple events model using coxph. I need to choose which
covariates stay in the final model and i'm using anova but it seems that it
doesn't work with robust variances as a error message appears when I try to
do it:
+ CD4+CV+Neo+IO+cluster(idPARTICIPANTE)+strata(Estrato),data=PWP)
2002 Nov 20
Plots by subject
Thank you for your reply about the for () loop. The as.character advice
worked. Sorry for the delay in getting back to?I had to set the project aside
for a few weeks.
This didn?t work exactly as is
for (patient in as.character(1:n)){
pt <- MRN == patient
(rest of the function)
But this did
for (patient in as.character(levels(MRN))){
pt <- MRN == patient
(rest of the function)
2012 Oct 05
jointModel error messages
I contacted the package developer and that lead to me removing events at time
0 (or subjects with only 1 longitudinal measurement). I then still had the
error message "Can't fit a Cox model with 0 failures" which I have managed
to avoid by adding 1.8*10^(-15) to all my survival times, any number greater
than this also works but nothing smaller! Any explanation of this would
2011 Feb 08
glht{multcomp} : use with lme {nlme}
Hi dears,
I do
> CHOL<-lme(chol~rt*cd4+sex+age+rf+nadir+pharmac+factor(hcv)+factor(hbs)+
random= ~rt|id, na.action=na.omit)
...runs sweet,..then
....try a multicomparisons approach for the categorical rf
> summary(glht(CHOL, linfct=mcp(rf="Tukey")))
Error in model.frame.default(object, data, xlev = xlev) :
l'oggetto non รจ una matrice
2005 Feb 18
xdelta results between beta and rc1 isos.
xdelta results:
666198016 CentOS-4.0-Beta-Binary-CD1.iso
635330560 CentOS-4.0-Beta-Binary-CD2.iso
661059584 CentOS-4.0-Beta-Binary-CD3.iso
662018048 CentOS-4.0-Beta-Binary-CD4.iso
444139520 CentOS-4.0-Beta-Binary-CD5.iso
658491392 CentOS-4.0.rc1-i386-bin1of5.iso
611952640 CentOS-4.0.rc1-i386-bin2of5.iso
666099712 CentOS-4.0.rc1-i386-bin3of5.iso
663128064 CentOS-4.0.rc1-i386-bin4of5.iso
2011 Jul 02
The test of randomized slopes(intercepts)
Hi all:
I perform the linear mixed model for 300 persons, y is CD4 count,x is time.
I randomized slope and intercept,so I can get 300 slopes and 300 intercepts.Now I wanna test wheter the variance of 300 slopes and 300 intercepts differs from zero. If the variance of 300 slopes(or intercepts) differs from zero at 0.05 significant level,I should randomize the slope(or intercept), and if not,I