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2007 Jun 18
discriminant analysis with lda(MASS)
I use Widows, R version 2.4.1
I have 4 questions on lda (MASS) (code is pasted below):
1st. How can I obtain the statistics and p-value associated with
discriminant analysis? Am I supposed to calculate that manually by squaring
the svd value and looking the p value up in a table? I am writing the
following code:
training.mx<-read.table('C:\\Documents and Settings\\silvia\\My
2003 Apr 02
lda of MASS library
it seems that the lda function in MASS library doesn''t give out the constant for the linear discriminant function under the situation that we don''t use standardized variable, anyone knows how to obtain the constant in order to construct the linear discriminant function?
I understand that if the priors are set to be 1/2, the threshold of the discriminant score used to
2007 Apr 17
PROC DISCRIM vs. lda( ) in MASS
I am using WinXP, R version 2.3.1, and SAS for PC version 8.1.
I have mostly used SAS over the last 4 years and would like to
compare the output of PROC DISCRIM to that of lda( ) with respect
to a very specific aspect. My data have k=3 populations and there
are 3 variates in the feature space. When using using the code
2012 Aug 01
Different results between lda(mass) and spss discriminant analysis
Hi all,
I obtained a strage result with LDA (MASS) function in R with NIR data.
I tried both CV (leave one out cross validation) and splitting my data in
odd (training) and even (prediction) sets.
In all the cases the minimum error was near to 0.
Due to the strange result, I tried with SPSS IBM software and it give me
around 11% of minimum error with and without leave one out cross validation.
2007 Jul 25
qda(MASS) function error
Dear R user,
I'm using qda (quadratic discriminant analysis) function (package
MASS) to classify 58 explanatory variables (numeric type with different
ranges) using a grouping variable (factor 2 levels "0" "1"). I'm using
the qda method for class 'data.frame' (in this way I don't need to
specify a formula).
Using the function:
2005 Jul 25
lda: scaling to 'disctiminant function'
In the documentation for lda in MASS it describes the value 'scaling' as
'a matrix which transforms observations into discriminint functions...'.
I have a matrix of data. 9 independent variables and describing
3-classes. About 100 observations in total. A 10x100 matrix of data.
I am trying to generate two discriminant functions and i
2005 Jun 15
I am using Partek for LDA analysis. For a binary
response variable, it generates 2 discriminant
functions, one for each of the 2 levels of the
response variable. And I can simply calculate 2
discriminant scores (say d1 and d2) for each sampples
using the 2 discriminant functions, then I can use the
following formula to compute the posterior probability
for the sample:
2005 Jun 16
how to use plot.lda included in MASS package?
Hi there,
I am a master student in Denmark, and apply R to analyze the drug data.
I use the function 'lda' to obtain a linear discriminant object, and
then wish to use 'plot.lda' to do the plot on this object like below.
drug.lda <- lda(Inhibition ~ NET_CHARGE + PKA_1 + MW + MLOGP,
data = drug.class, method = "moment")
2009 Nov 30
multiple column argument in formula (MASS:lda)
Dear R Help team,
I'm having some problems running a discriminant analysis (MASS:lda)
over my data, i have a grouping variable coming from a previous
cluster analysis and several discriminators (78 actually). I'm trying
to run lda using column index as independent variable in the formula
like it's done in the help page for ?formula:
2009 Jan 04
Customized LDA (MASS) object plot
Hi R experts.
I performed an Linear Discriminant Analysis (lda) and now I want to plot the
first two axes (LDA1 and LDA2). Well MASS package have the plot.lda and
pairs.lda to do that. But, they don’t let me personalize them, once they
don’t accept the type=’n’ plot. So I start looking at the lda object
properties, trying to found out my groups (n=4) axis coordinates, curiously
I couldn’t. There
2007 Aug 22
plotting lda results
Hi all,
I am trying to plot the results of a discriminant analysis done with
lda(MASS) but my groups appear in two different plots (in the same graphics
device) and I want to combine them in one plot. My code looks like:
BirdTrain.lda <- lda(Bdisperser~., data=BirdTrain.mx)
I have two types of Bdisperser, so I only get one linear discriminant
2011 Sep 23
LDA cutoff value
Hello, I have run a linear discriminant analysis for the simple 2 group case using the MASS package lda() function. With priors fixed at 0.5 and unequal n for each group, the output basically provides the group means and the LD1 value. There is no automatic output of the cutoff (decision boundary) value used to classify values of the response variable into the different groups. I have tried
2009 May 24
Animal Morphology: Deriving Classification Equation with Linear Discriminat Analysis (lda)
Fellow R Users:
I'm not extremely familiar with lda or R programming, but a recent editorial
review of a manuscript submission has prompted a crash cousre. I am on this
forum hoping I could solicit some much needed advice for deriving a
classification equation.
I have used three basic measurements in lda to predict two groups: male and
female. I have a working model, low Wilk's lambda,
2004 Jul 22
Disriminant analysis with lda (MASS)
Does the "lda" function (package MASS) perform or can it perform classic
two-group Fisher discriminant analysis?
R-version: 1.9.1, MASS package (latest available)
Thank you,
Borut Rajer
2010 Apr 29
randomness in stepclass (klaR) or lda (MASS) ?
a colleague ran a stepwise discriminant analysis
twice in a row and got different results, suggesting
some "sochasticity" in the algorithms involved.
I looked at her data and found that there was a lot
of collinearity, so that I reckoned that maybe "stepclass"
(klaR) cannot find a clear winner when trying to include a
new variable and makes a random choice. Is that true?
2009 Apr 03
Discriminant Analysis - Obtaining Classification Functions
I need some help with the linear discriminant analysis in R.
I have some plant samples (divided into several groups) on which I
measured a few quantitative characteristics. Now, I need to infer some
classification rules usable for identifying new samples.
I have used the function lda from the MASS library in a usual fashion:
lda.1 <- lda(groups~char1+char2+char3, data=xxx)
2003 Apr 01
I used the "lda" function in the MASS library of S-Plus (R) to do a linear discriminant analysis, and got the linear coefficients, say b1 and b2 for the 2 predictors x1 and x2. I have trouble to calculate the discrimiant scores for each observation, I used 3 ways to try to repeat the scores returned by the "predict" function in S-Plus:
1. b1*x1+b2*x2
2. b1*(x1-mean of
2005 Sep 29
Fisher's discriminant functions
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to solve a problem about how to get the
Fisher's discriminant functions of a "lda" (linear
discriminant analysis) object, I mean, the object
obtained from doing "lda(formula, data)" function of
the package MASS in R-project. This object gives me
the canonical linear functions (n-1 coefficients
matrix of n groups at least), and only with this
2009 Nov 27
Questions about use of multinomial for discrimination.
Dear All,
I am looking at discriminating among several individuals based on a few
variable sets (I think some variables do not make sense unless they are
entered together, so I "force" them into the models together, hence
datasets). I have done so with linear discriminant analysis (LDA) using
"MASS::lda", with acceptable results. However, one of my collaborators
2007 Aug 20
LDA decission boundaries
I would like to plot the results of a LDA analysis plotting the
discriminant scores with the decission boundaries on it with rggobi. I
have GGobi already installed on my computer. I have three classes, so
the plot would be LD1xLD2 plus the decission boundaries. Here there is
the code I use make the plot:
data <- zgcppr273K.pca$x[,1:7]
Tumor <-