Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "notation question"
2010 Feb 05
metafor package: effect sizes are not fully independent
In a classical meta analysis model y_i = X_i * beta_i + e_i, data
{y_i} are assumed to be independent effect sizes. However, I'm
encountering the following two scenarios:
(1) Each source has multiple effect sizes, thus {y_i} are not fully
independent with each other.
(2) Each source has multiple effect sizes, each of the effect size
from a source can be categorized as one of a factor levels
2011 Dec 30
Joint modelling of survival data
Assume that we collect below data : -
subjects = 20 males + 20 females, every single individual is independence,
and difference
events = 1, 2, 3... n
covariates = 4 blood types A, B, AB, O
?m = hazards rates for male
?n = hazards rates for female
Wm = Wn x ?, frailty for males, where ? is the edge ratio of male compare to
Wn =
2005 Mar 28
mixed model question
I am trying to fit a linear mixed model of the form
y_ij = X_ij \beta + delta_i + e_ij
where e_ij ~N(0,s^2_ij) with s_ij known
and delta_i~N(0,tau^2)
I looked at the ecme routine in package:pan, but this routine
does not allow for different Vi (variance covariance matrix of
the e_i vector) matrices for each cluster.
Is there an easy way to fit this model in R or should I bite the
bullet and
2006 Nov 17
effects in ANCOVA
Dear R users,
I am trying to fit the following ANCOVA model in R2.4.0
Particularly I am interested in obtaining estimates for mu, and the effects
I have this data (from the book Applied Linear Statistical Models by Neter
et al (1996), page 1020)
2018 Feb 16
SE for all levels (including reference) of a factor atfer a GLM
This is really a statistical issue. What do you think the Intercept term
represents? See ?contrasts.
Bert Gunter
"The trouble with having an open mind is that people keep coming along and
sticking things into it."
-- Opus (aka Berkeley Breathed in his "Bloom County" comic strip )
On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 5:27 PM, Marc Girondot via R-help <
r-help at
2018 Feb 16
SE for all levels (including reference) of a factor atfer a GLM
Dear R-er,
I try to get the standard error of fitted parameters for factors with a
glm, even the reference one:
a <- runif(100)
b <- sample(x=c("0", "1", "2"), size=100, replace = TRUE)
df <- data.frame(A=a, B=b, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
g <- glm(a ~ b, data=df)
# I don't get SE for the reference factor, here 0:
2003 Oct 23
Variance-covariance matrix for beta hat and b hat from lme
Dear all,
Given a LME model (following the notation of Pinheiro and Bates 2000) y_i
= X_i*beta + Z_i*b_i + e_i, is it possible to extract the
variance-covariance matrix for the estimated beta_i hat and b_i hat from the
lme fitted object?
The reason for needing this is because I want to have interval prediction on
the predicted values (at level = 0:1). The "predict.lme" seems to
2003 Jul 17
Looking to maximize a conditional likelihood
I want to maximize a conditional likelihood function that is basically
logistic conditional on the number of successes within strata. What
would be a good starting place for this? A complication is that the
denominator includes a term that is the sum over all permutations.
Although there is no time dimension to the problem, it's possible a
degenerate use of the Cox proportional hazards
2009 Aug 03
How to get w and b in SVR? (package e1071)
Dear R users,
I'm running a SVR in package e1071 but I did not able to calculate the
parameters w and b of the regression. I don't know how to do that and if it
is possible to do it with this package.
Someone have some idea. Any help would be much appreciated.
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2013 Feb 25
Empirical Bayes Estimator for Poisson-Gamma Parameters
Dear Sir/Madam,
I apologize for any cross-posting. I got a simple question, which I thought
the R list may help me to find an answer. Suppose we have Y_1, Y_2, ., Y_n ~
Poisson (Lambda_i) and Lambda_i ~Gamma(alpha_i, beta_i). Empirical Bayes
Estimator for hyper-parameters of the gamma distr, i.e. (alpha_t, beta_t)
are needed.
What about a Hierarchal B ayes
2013 Oct 19
ivreg with fixed effect in R?
I want to estimate the following fixed effect model:
y_i,t = alpha_i + beta_1 x1_t + beta_2 x2_i,tx2_i,t = gamma_i + gamma_1
x1_t + gamma_2 Z1_i + gamma_3 Z2_i
I can use ivreg from AER to do the iv regression.
fm <- ivreg(y_i,t ~ x1_t + x2_i,t | x1_t + Z1_i + Z2_i,
data = DataSet)
But, I'm not sure how can I add the fixed effects.
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2005 Nov 16
nlme question
I am using the package nlme to fit a simple random effects (variance
components model)
with 3 parameters: overall mean (fixed effect), between subject
variance (random) and
within subject variance (random).
I have 16 subjects with 1-4 obs per subject.
I need a 3x3 variance-covariance matrix that includes all 3 parameters
in order to
compute the variance of a specific linear
2013 Jun 23
2SLS / TSLS / SEM non-linear
Dear all, I try to conduct a SEM / two stage least squares regression with
the following equations:
First: X ~ IV1 + IV2 * Y
Second: Y ~ a + b X
therein, IV1 and IV2 are the two instruments I would like to use. the
structure I would like to maintain as the model is derived from economic
theory. My problem here is that I have trouble solving the equations to get
the reduced form so I can run
2009 Jan 15
logistic regression - exp(estimates)?
I have a question on the interpretation of a logistic model.
is it helpful to exponentiate the coefficients (estimates)? I think I
once read something about that, but I cannot remember where.
if so, how would be the interpretation of the exp(estimate) ?
would there be a change of the interpretation of the ANOVA table (or is
the ANOVA table not really helpful at all?).
thanks for your
2010 Feb 06
Canberra distance
Hi the list,
According to what I know, the Canberra distance between X et Y is : sum[
(|x_i - y_i|) / (|x_i|+|y_i|) ] (with | | denoting the function
'absolute value')
In the source code of the canberra distance in the file distance.c, we
find :
sum = fabs(x[i1] + x[i2]);
diff = fabs(x[i1] - x[i2]);
dev = diff/sum;
which correspond to the formula : sum[ (|x_i - y_i|) /
2004 Apr 18
lm with data=(means,sds,ns)
Hi Folks,
I am dealing with data which have been presented as
at each x_i, mean m_i of the y-values at x_i,
sd s_i of the y-values at x_i
number n_i of the y-values at x_i
and I want to linearly regress y on x.
There does not seem to be an option to 'lm' which can
deal with such data directly, though the regression
problem could be algebraically
2018 Jan 17
mgcv::gam is it possible to have a 'simple' product of 1-d smooths?
I am trying to test out several mgcv::gam models in a scalar-on-function regression analysis.
The following is the 'hierarchy' of models I would like to test:
(1) Y_i = a + integral[ X_i(t)*Beta(t) dt ]
(2) Y_i = a + integral[ F{X_i(t)}*Beta(t) dt ]
(3) Y_i = a + integral[ F{X_i(t),t} dt ]
equivalents for discrete data might be:
1) Y_i = a + sum_t[ L_t * X_it * Beta_t ]
(2) Y_i
2007 Feb 01
Help with efficient double sum of max (X_i, Y_i) (X & Y vectors)
For R gurus this may be a no brainer, but I could not find pointers to
efficient computation of this beast in past help files.
Background - I wish to implement a Cramer-von Mises type test statistic
which involves double sums of max(X_i,Y_j) where X and Y are vectors of
differing length.
I am currently using ifelse pointwise in a vector, but have a nagging
suspicion that there is a
2001 Mar 05
Canberra dist and double zeros
Canberra distance is defined in function `dist' (standard library `mva') as
sum(|x_i - y_i| / |x_i + y_i|)
Obviously this is undefined for cases where both x_i and y_i are zeros. Since
double zeros are common in many data sets, this is a nuisance. In our field
(from which the distance is coming), it is customary to remove double zeros:
contribution to distance is zero when both x_i
2001 Mar 05
Canberra dist and double zeros
Canberra distance is defined in function `dist' (standard library `mva') as
sum(|x_i - y_i| / |x_i + y_i|)
Obviously this is undefined for cases where both x_i and y_i are zeros. Since
double zeros are common in many data sets, this is a nuisance. In our field
(from which the distance is coming), it is customary to remove double zeros:
contribution to distance is zero when both x_i