similar to: heatmap with RNA-Seq data

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "heatmap with RNA-Seq data"

2012 Nov 07
Issues with Heat Map Images
Hello, I have a large data set from RNA sequencing and I am trying to make a heat map of my data. I have am having issues formatting my heat map figure. My data set is large with the log2 fold change for over 6oo genes across 4 treatments. My csv file is formatted as such: Gene Drought Ozone Temp1 Temp2 Glyma0041s00260
2013 Dec 12
Heatmap, and heatmap.2 gave different figures for the same dataset
I have a huge dataset(15k X 18) and tried to use the heatmap in R to examine the patterns. However, I found that heatmap and heatmap.2 gave me completely different outputs. Here are the codes: ------------ > dim(as.matrix(data.dcpm)) [1] 15462??? 18 > > heatmap(as.matrix(data.dcpm), col=topo.colors(100)) > heatmap.2(as.matrix(data.dcpm), col=topo.colors(100), key=TRUE,
2007 Apr 25
heatmap and phylogram / dendogram ploting problem, ape package
I am having trouble displaying a dendrogram of evolutionary relationships (a phylogram imported from the ape package) as the vertical component of a heatmap, but keeping the hierarchical clustering of the horizontal component. The relationships of the vertical component in the generated heatmap are not that of the dendrogram, although the ordering is. In more detail, I am attempting to generate
2010 Feb 10
color palette heatmap
Hi, I'm kinda new of the R world. I need to use the heatmap or heatmap.2 function to plot correlation values. 2 questions: - how can I specify a color palette? (would like to have a transition from blue(-1) to white(0) to red(1)) - how can I use heatmap.2 imposing a specific order (like hclust.order)? I mean, I don't want heatmap.2 to re-cluster/re-order my data but just to plot them
2011 Feb 09
heatmap-how to change the order of the rows (genes)
Hi, I have a question about the heatmap dendrogram in R. I loaded my data matrix in command heatmap(), and it gave me a heatmap accordingly, and the rows (genes) also were clustered accordingly. But now I don't want the genes clustered in that way, I have a new order of these genes, and want the rows of the heatmap are drawed as the order I give. Could anybody help me on that? Thank you!
2006 Mar 06
Problems with heatmap.2 in the gregmisc package
Hi Sorry to revisit an old problem, I seemed to solve this in 2004, only for it to resurface :-S I am trying to plot a heatmap, and I don't want the columns of my matrix re-ordered. The function doesn't seem to behave as the help would have you believe: a <- matrix(rnorm(100),nr=20) a.d <- dist(a) a.hc <- hclust(a.d) <- as.dendrogram(a.hc) # columns are re-ordered
2017 Jul 23
par(mfrow) for heatmap plots
Hi, I was trying to use par(mfrow) to put 4 heatmaps on a single page. However, I get one plot per page and not one page with 4 plots. What should I modify? Test code is given below: test = matrix(rnorm(60), 20, 3) pdf(file='test.pdf',width=10,height=8) par(mfrow=c(2,2)) heatmap(test) heatmap(test) heatmap(test) heatmap(test) thanks! [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Jun 02
heatmap question
Hi, I have what would seem to be a very simple problem but have been unable to find any way to go about solving it: I am using heatmap.2 to create a heatmap and by default the x axis label is at the bottom of the heatmap, I simply want to move the label to the top of the heatmap. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Mark
2009 Apr 07
heatmap.2 no reordering of the columns and rows
Hi,   I need to generate a heatmap on a square matrix and wouldn't want to reorder the columns and the rows on the heatmap display.    I have used the options Rowv=NULL and Colv=NULL but doesn't seem to work. Following is a snippet of the heatmap function i am using. args <- commandArgs(); inputfile <- args[2] imgfile   <- args[3] bitmap(imgfile, height=15, width=15, res=100,
2011 Aug 08
Creating a simple 1-row heatmap
Howdy, I am trying to make a simple monochrome heatmap from 1 row of data. Essentially, I just want a long bar where black represents the max value in the data, white is the minimum, and all values in between are interpolated appropriately. I have tried using heatmap and heatmap.2, but both have issues. heatmap seems to be restricted to only drawing a square plot, and this data requires a
2006 Apr 07
Dealing with missing values in HeatMap generation
Hi, I want to generate a heatmap for my data (in a matrix). However, the data has some missing values (represented as blank). I get the following errors (with the blanks and with blanks replaced by NA and including the option = TURE): > filename = "input_heatmap.txt" > g <- as.matrix(filedata) > fg <- rainbow(nrow(g), start=0, end=.3) > gg <-
2004 Aug 25
Problems with Heatmap
Hi I am having some problems getting my heatmap to be the right size! Let me explain. I am experienced at getting an hclust or a dendrogram object to be the right size. For example, I have a dataset which has 4000 rows, which I clustered using hclust and I wanted to plot it as a horizontal dendrogram. So I used jpeg(), set the image height to be 4000 and plotted the dendrogram and got the
2009 Nov 17
question about function heatmap
Hi, I am using the function heatmap(stats) to draw a microarray heatmap, columns are samples and rows are gene features. I did a 2D clustering during the heatmap drawing. The features and samples indeed cluster into several blocks both vertically and horizontally. I can get the index of re-ordered rows and columns after the heatmap drawing by typing the the return variable of the heatmap
2004 Dec 15
hclust and heatmap - slightly different dendrograms?
Good afternoon, I ran heatmap and hclust on the same matrix x (strictly, I ran heatmap(x), and hclust(dist(t(x))), and realized that the two dendrograms were slightly different, in that the left-right arrangement of one pair of subclusters (columns) was reversed in the two functions (but all individual columns were grouped correctly). Looking through the code for heatmap as a most definite
2004 Feb 16
labRow/labCol options in heatmap()
The function heatmap() allows to specify row/column labels via the options labRow/labCol. From the code of heatmap(), I understand that when no labels are specified, the row/column labels (or indices) of the input matrix are taken as labels and re-ordered together with the rows and columns of the matrix before plotting, whereas labels supplied via labRow/labCol are plotted in the original order.
2005 Sep 12
heatmap question
I'm having trouble with the heatmap function in R. When I try and heatmap something, my graphics window does not open. Does anyone know if this is a glitch in the version of R that I'm using? I've listed my version of R below, as well as a simple heatmap command. I'm running the program on a Mac, OS 10 v 10.3.9. Any suggestions?? Thanks! Peter > version _
2012 Sep 09
how to save a heatmap.2 in png /jpeg /tiff
Hey, I am still working on my heat map (for those who are read my previous post about row.names)… Now, I would like to save my heat map.2 in .png or .tiff in order being able to work on the picture in photoshop, but it doesn't work. I'am using (as I have found on some forum) > png("heatmap.2.png) # and it just doesn't work. when I try doing it with::
2008 May 14
Heatmap.2 - eliminate cluster and dendrogram
Using the heatmap.2 function, I am trying to generate a heatmap of a 2 column x 500 row matrix of numeric values. I would like the 1st column of the matrix sorted from the highest to the lowest values - so that the colors reflected in the first column of the heatmap (top to bottom) go from red to green. After sorting the matrix (z), I tried the following command, but the data remains
2006 Jan 23
lines() in heatmap()
Hello! I looked for help through google and the help-files and spend several hours with trial and error, but didn't find a correct way. It's all about lines in a heatmap to separate different data block from each other to underline the significance of the found clusters! The heatmap is build like that: heatmap(X, Rowv=NA, Colv=NA, symm=TRUE, cexRow=0.3, cexCol=0.3) I switched the
2008 May 16
heatmap on pre-established hclust output?
Hi, Can someone please guide me towards how to produce "heatmap" output from the output of "hclust" run prior to the actual "heatmap" call? I have some rather lengthy clustering going on and tweeking the visual output with "heatmap" recalculating the clustering every time is not feasible. Thanks, Joh