similar to: Z-test

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "Z-test"

2005 Mar 09
Question about biasing in sd()???
Hi, Can anyone help me with the following. I have been using R for Monte Carlo simulations and got some results I couldn't explain. Therefor I performed following short test: -------------- mean.sds <- NULL sample.sizes <- 3:30 for(N in sample.sizes){ dum <- NULL for(I in 1:5000){ x <- rnorm(N,0,1) dum <- c(dum,sd(x)) } mean.sds<- c(mean.sds,mean(dum)) }
2017 Jun 06
integrating 2 lists and a data frame in R
Dear Bert, thank you for your response. here it is the piece of R code : given 3 data frames below --- N <- data.frame(N=c("n1","n2","n3","n4")) M <- data.frame(M=c("m1","m2","m3","m4","m5")) C <- data.frame(n=c("n1","n2","n3"),
2017 Jun 06
integrating 2 lists and a data frame in R
Hi Bogdan, Kinda messy, but: N <- data.frame(N=c("n1","n2","n3","n4")) M <- data.frame(M=c("m1","m2","m3","m4","m5")) C <- data.frame(n=c("n1","n2","n3"), m=c("m1","m1","m3"), I=c(100,300,400))
2017 Jun 06
integrating 2 lists and a data frame in R
> On Jun 6, 2017, at 4:01 AM, Jim Lemon <drjimlemon at> wrote: > > Hi Bogdan, > Kinda messy, but: > > N <- data.frame(N=c("n1","n2","n3","n4")) > M <- data.frame(M=c("m1","m2","m3","m4","m5")) > C <-
2009 Aug 19
a naive question
Hi, and my apologies for the following very naive question : I would like to read a column of numbers in R and plot a histogram. eg : x<-read.table("txSTART"); y<-as.numeric(x); and I do obtain the error : Error: (list) object cannot be coerced to type 'double'. Please could you let me know the way to fix it. thanks, bogdan <> [[alternative
2017 Jul 12
submitting R scripts with command_line_arguments to PBS HPC clusters
Dear all, please could you advise me on the following : I've written a R script that reads 3 arguments from the command line, i.e. : " args <- commandArgs(TRUE) TUMOR <- args[1] GERMLINE <- args[2] CHR <- args[3] ". when I submit the R script to a PBS HPC scheduler, I do the following (below), but ... I am getting an error message. (I am not posting the error message,
2017 Jun 06
integrating 2 lists and a data frame in R
Here's another approach: N <- data.frame(N=c("n1","n2","n3","n4")) M <- data.frame(M=c("m1","m2","m3","m4","m5")) C <- data.frame(n=c("n1","n2","n3"), m=c("m1","m1","m3"), I=c(100,300,400)) # Rebuild the factors using M and N C$m <-
2017 Jun 06
integrating 2 lists and a data frame in R
Thank you David. Using xtabs operation simplifies the code very much, many thanks ;) On Tue, Jun 6, 2017 at 7:44 AM, David Winsemius <dwinsemius at> wrote: > > > On Jun 6, 2017, at 4:01 AM, Jim Lemon <drjimlemon at> wrote: > > > > Hi Bogdan, > > Kinda messy, but: > > > > N <-
2017 Jun 06
integrating 2 lists and a data frame in R
Simple matrix indexing suffices without any fancier functionality. ## First convert M and N to character vectors -- which they should have been in the first place! M <- sort(as.character(M[,1])) N <- sort(as.character(N[,1])) ## This could be a one-liner, but I'll split it up for clarity. res <-matrix(NA, length(M),length(N),dimnames = list(M,N)) res[as.matrix(C[,2:1])] <-
2017 Jun 06
integrating 2 lists and a data frame in R
Dear all, please could you advise on the R code I could use in order to do the following operation : a. -- I have 2 lists of "genome coordinates" : a list is composed by numbers that represent genome coordinates; let's say list N : n1 n2 n3 n4 and a list M: m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 2 -- and a data frame C, where for some pairs of coordinates (n,m) from the lists above, we have a
2017 Aug 22
splitting a dataframe in R based on multiple gene names in a specific column
I would appreciate please a suggestion on how to do the following : i'm working with a dataframe in R that contains in a specific column multiple gene names, eg : > df.sample.gene[15:20,2:8] Chr Start End Ref Alt Func.refGene Gene.refGene284 chr2 16080996 16080996 C T ncRNA_exonic GACAT3448 chr2 113979920 113979920 C T ncRNA_exonic LINC01191,LOC100499194465
2010 Apr 15
sequence clustering and assembly
Dear all, please could you suggest any R functions or packages (or external programs), that a. take as input a large number (> 10 000) of short 20-30 nt sequences, and do sequence assembly, to reconstruct larger (extended) 30-50 sequences ? b. take as input a larger number of sequences (100 000 - 1 mil) and cluster these sequences in distinct classes based on the sequence similarity ?
2017 Jul 12
submitting R scripts with command_line_arguments to PBS HPC clusters
This sounds like an operating system specific question, in that "submit the R script to a PBS HPC scheduler" would be the kind of action that would run R with very different environment variables and possibly different access credentials than your usual interactive terminal. A thorough reading of the "Installation and Administration Guide" and some study of your HPC
2017 Jul 03
reshaping the data
Dear all, I would appreciate please a piece of help regarding the use of acast/dcast functions in reshape2 package. Specifically, I'm working with a data frame, that has information about SAMPLE, GENE, and TYPE of MUTATION (as shown below): Sample Gene Type 22M AEBP1 SNV 17M AEBP1 SNV 22M ATR INDEL 22M ATR SNV 11M BTK SNV 11M BTK
2017 Jul 12
submitting R scripts with command_line_arguments to PBS HPC clusters
Hi, The problem is most likely, you need to call a R CMD BATCH with your arguments and the R-script inside of a shell script that you submit to your qsub. Unfortunately we don't use qsub anymore so can't test it, but it should be as follows: R-script eg. test.R: > ##First read in the arguments listed at the command line > args=(commandArgs(TRUE)) > > ##args is now a list of
2017 Jun 06
integrating 2 lists and a data frame in R
Reproducible example, please. -- In particular, what exactly does C look ilike? (You should know this by now). -- Bert Bert Gunter "The trouble with having an open mind is that people keep coming along and sticking things into it." -- Opus (aka Berkeley Breathed in his "Bloom County" comic strip ) On Mon, Jun 5, 2017 at 6:45 PM, Bogdan Tanasa <tanasa at>
2008 Jun 27
question on affylmGUI / oneChannelGUI
Hi everyone. I installed affylmGUI and oneChannelGUI package on R 2.7.1 with the latest version of BioC. After I start R, I do get an error that says "Error in loadNamespace(name) : there is no package called 'affylmGUI'" and a pop-up window with a message "fatal error : unable to restore saved data in .Rdata". I would really appreciate your suggestions on how to fix
2018 May 08
a question about R script : "Can only modify plain character vectors."
Dear all, would appreciate a suggestion about the following situation : I am running a script in R, and shall i execute it in the terminal, step by step, it works fine. however, if i do source ("script.R"), it does not complete and I am getting the error : "Can only modify plain character vectors." what may go wrong ? thank you for your help, -- bogdan [[alternative HTML
2017 Aug 23
splitting a dataframe in R based on multiple gene names in a specific column
Hi Bogdan, Messy, and very specific to your problem: df.sample.gene<-read.table( text="Chr Start End Ref Alt Func.refGene Gene.refGene 284 chr2 16080996 16080996 C T ncRNA_exonic GACAT3 448 chr2 113979920 113979920 C T ncRNA_exonic LINC01191,LOC100499194 465 chr2 131279347 131279347 C G ncRNA_exonic LOC440910 525 chr2 223777758 223777758 T A
2017 Aug 25
splitting a dataframe in R based on multiple gene names in a specific column
If row numbers can be dispensed with, then tidyr makes this easy with the unnest function: ##### library(dplyr) #> #> Attaching package: 'dplyr' #> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': #> #> filter, lag #> The following objects are masked from 'package:base': #> #> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union library(purrr)