Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Correct behavior of Hmisc::capitalize()?"
2011 Jul 19
strange problem with strptime and date variable
Hello all,
I am manipulating a large database with 70,000 records. "strptime" generates
a date variable but R treats some of the values as NA. I attach a simple
example below.
I have spent hours on this problem. Any hint would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks,
Edwin Sun
# =======start of sample code =============
> x <- c("2005-04-02 19:03:00", "2005-04-03
2011 Oct 06
anova.rq {quantreg) - Why do different level of nesting changes the P values?!
Hello dear R help members.
I am trying to understand the anova.rq, and I am finding something which I
can not explain (is it a bug?!):
The example is for when we have 3 nested models. I run the anova once on
the two models, and again on the three models. I expect that the p.value
for the comparison of model 1 and model 2 would remain the same, whether or
not I add a third model to be compared
2011 Aug 22
Ignoring loadNamespace errors when loading a file
On a Unix machine I ran caret::rfe using the multicore package, and I
saved the resulting object using save(lm2, file = "lm2.RData").
[Reproducible example below.]
When I try to load("lm2.RData") on my Windows laptop, I get
Error in loadNamespace(name) : there is no package called 'multicore'
I completely understand the error and I would like to ignore it and
2011 Sep 14
Non compatible arguments in gvlma
Dear R community
I have tried to run the diagnostics on my lm object with the gvlma package but it gave me an error with the following message: Non compatible arguments
I post here my syntax and session info:
library(gvlma)gvmodel <- gvlma(RegreC3)
R version 2.13.1 (2011-07-08)Platform: i386-pc-mingw32/i386 (32-bit)
2011 Aug 30
R crash
Dear users,
By running the script below, R crashes systematically at the last
command, namely dev.off(), on Windows 7, but not on Windows XP.
I therefore don't provide a reproducible example and do not really
extract the relevant parts of the script because it has most likely
nothing to do with the script itself. I can do it though if you think it
might be relevant.
R crashes on Windows
2011 Jun 24
mgcv:gamm: predict to reflect random s() effects?
Dear useRs,
I am using the gamm function in the mgcv package to model a smooth relationship between a covariate and my dependent variable, while allowing for quantification of the subjectwise variability in the smooths. What I would like to do is to make subjectwise predictions for plotting purposes which account for the random smooth components of the fit.
An example. (sessionInfo() is at
2011 Oct 04
F-values in nested designs
Hello all
I'm trying to learn how to fit a nested model in R. I found a toy
example on internet where a dataset that have?3 areas and 4 sites
within these areas. When I use Minitab to fit a nested model to this
data, this is the ANOVA table that I got:
Nested ANOVA: y versus areas, sites
Analysis of Variance for y
Source DF SS MS F P
areas 2 4.5000 2.2500
2011 Sep 22
R CMD check file issues
This problem is likely to be specific to Windows, and particularly Win7.
After a successful build of a package (R CMD build addendum), I immediately
run an R CMD check for the same package.
Not always, but _very_ often, I get the following error:
C:\Users\nisabbe\Documents\@Doctoraat\R>R CMD check addendum
Loading required package: tcltk
Loading Tcl/Tk interface ... done
2011 Oct 24
C function is wrong under Windows 7
Dear mailing list,
I have a C function that gives me a wrong result when I run it under Windows
This is the code under Linux (RHEL5):
> library(phenoTest)
> data(epheno)
> sign <- sample(featureNames(epheno))[1:20]
> score <- getFc(epheno)[,1]
> head(score)
1007_s_at 1053_at 117_at 121_at 1255_g_at 1294_at
-1.183019 1.113544 1.186186 -1.034779 -1.044456
2011 Jun 20
R crashes with 'nlme' and corStruct
I would like to fit correlation structures with nlme, but R crashes.
My data is similar to the "growth of orange trees" example from Pinheiro and
Bates (2000),
but data are not equally spaced in time, as the last observation is taken
after 6 days ( and not 2 as the others).
This is the code I'm using:
2011 Jul 25
ggplot question: changing the label for the Y axis on a histogram
Some help with how to re-label the vertical axis in a histogram would be appreciated.
qplot(off.sc,weight=rel.freq,binwidth=.29,main="test Figure"+ylab("New from inside"))+ylab("New from outside")+
xlab("off.sc\nAggregated frequency plots for 17 equal intervals.")
The code
2010 Mar 18
capitalize and utf8 international symbols
Hi there,
Being a relatively happy Rails user I suddenly noticed that
string#capitalize and friends do not play well with international
characters well. Sample console session:
$ ./script/console
Loading development environment (Rails 2.2.3)
=> "UTF8"
>> "яблоко".capitalize
=> "яблоко"
Where "Яблоко" was expected (Russian word
2011 Aug 08
This question seemed to me to be more appropriate for r-devel
than for r-help. My apologies if this is not the case.
Recently I installed ``cairo'' on my lap-top so that I could make
use of the (newish) polypath() function, with on-screen graphics.
(The polypath() function does not work with X11(type="Xlib").)
The installation went smoothly, X11(type="cairo") works
2012 Apr 10
multicore/mcparallel error
Hello everyone,
I'm trying to parallelize an R script I have written. To do this, I am
first trying to use the multicore package, because I've had some previous
success with that.
The function I'm trying to parallelize is illumqc. I'd like to create a
separate process for each of 8 files, contained in the vector "files".
Below is my code:
for(i in
2011 Mar 14
Math characters in column heading using latex() in Hmisc
Hi Everybody
I want to print a latex table containing math characters in the column
These are the formulae I want to use as column headings. It prints OK from
$\sum_{i}\sum_{j}C_{P,i,j,y}\times\mathit{FC}_{i}$, $XU_{alt,y}$, $n$,
My plan was to create a character vector with these and later rbind the
values to them. When I create the vector like:
2011 Sep 16
cannot load rjags package on Mac
Dear list,
I ran into problem trying to load rjags on my Macbook Air running OS
X 10.7.1.
I installed JAGS 3.1.0 through binary and it seems OK.
$ jags
Welcome to JAGS 3.1.0 on Fri Sep 16 13:27:03 2011
JAGS is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
Loading module: basemod: ok
Loading module: bugs: ok
Then I installed rjags through CRAN,
2011 Aug 23
Matrix:::qr.qy and signature(qr = "sparseQR", y = "dgCMatrix")
> sessionInfo()
R version 2.13.1 (2011-07-08)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin9.8.0/x86_64 (64-bit)
[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8
attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
other attached packages:
[1] Matrix_0.999375-50 lattice_0.19-30
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] grid_2.13.1
2006 Mar 05
capitalize each word in a string
How do you capitalize each word in a string? Essentially, Ruby''s
version of PHP''s ucwords()? Thanks.
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
2011 Aug 25
question on silhouette colours
I'm fairly new to the silhouette functionality in the cluster package, so apologize if I'm asking something naive.
If I run the 'agnes(ruspini)' example from the silhouette section of the cluster package vignette, and assign colours to clusters, two clusters have what appear to be incorrect colours in the silhouette plot.
ar<- agnes(ruspini)
2006 May 03
Capitalize and foreign characters?
Are there any workarounds when using capitalize on words with foreign
characters (besides, of course, having a string of replaces for each
case)? I''m getting results like this:
C?TENOIR -> C?Tenoir
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.